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  1. This topic might be old but i wanted to say that this game can be edited with GG to give you plenty (millions) oft clams and/or money etc... Even in the newest version. All you have to do is search for encrypted money a building is generating. 5 dollars = GG => dword => 500X8 => search. If you like you can search by the real value too = GG => qword => 5 => search. GG should find plenty addresses and you habe to do trial and error to find the correct addres. Why? The value is encrypted and to edit any one until you find the correct address you have to long press one address and go to the location oft the address. There you have to edit 2 values while you Pause the game and after editing unpause it again. The found address have to be like this (filtered view to qword only...): 00FF00F0 5q 00FF00F8 -21234567 00FF0100 -21234562 a quick explanation to this: the first address is the value you would for example search with the number you see in the game (the building money), in this example the value 5. the second address is the XOR key the value 5 is generated with to the third address. So the third address is the encrypted key (with the XOR key) and two 00 (zeros) appended like i said in the example above when you search the value 5. GG can use the XOR key automatically when you enter the amount of bytes where the XOR key is located to the encrypted key. In this game it is always 8 bytes. So to edit the encrypted key (or search it) you have to enter 500X8. (5 = value, 00 = padding, X = use xor key, 8 = 8 bytes away) So what to do now. 1, Pause the game. 2, change the first value (5). 3, change the encrypted value (500x8). 4, unpause the game. 5, go back to game and look if the value of the money in the building have changed. If not, go to the next address in your search result, long hold touch, touch than goto address. make sure that the three addresses look like the example i wrote above, repeat the process from point 1. It took me about 5 to 10 tries until i found the right one. If you have found it, remember, this is the address for the money this building is generating. To get clams from this building too, just edit the next address block after the money. For example: (Money) 00FF00F0 5q 00FF00F8 -21234567 00FF0100 -21234562 00FF0108 0 00FF0110 231456789 00FF0118 231456784 The clams would than be the address with the value 0 (zero). Edit that and the encrypted counterpart and thats it. The next time the building creates money (or you fast forward it) you will get free clams too! Yay. A little tip: search before a rather large number you see in the game and save or take note of that address. When you than search for the money you can take a look at the noted address and guess the right address range where the money address might be.... I know its not that easy but it really is possible. I Tried it on a fresh new game progress and also on a high on where almost anything was built... and bought... At high level the whole process was harder because bigger ram usage and of slower searches in GG.
  2. View File SuperHack for Crisis Action This is a combined hack script for Crisis Action game. Requirements : 1. Crisis Action SEA apk version 2.0 2. GG ver. 8.31.2+ Features : 1. Time Jump - For anti detection trick. 2. 1Hit - This hack will apply to all weapons with NO exception. (Except melee and grenade, of course) - Available in 2 modes : Large Hitbox (usually called High Damage), and Normal Hitbox (works on all maps) - For normal hitbox, it ALSO WORKS ON CREATION MODE. And penetration effect is greatly reduced. Even though, usage of pistols and SMGs with this mode is still not recommended. - Large Hitbox only works on certain maps (and sometimes on certain locations only). This mode only works on these maps : Bloodstrike, Ferry, Wasteland, PVE & TC maps, Rebel Base, Train Workshop, and Creation Mode maps. (Also works on Trench map, except for snipers. - PVE-Hell have more chance to work with Normal Hitbox before the Ice Wall is destroyed, and then swap with Large Hitbox after the wall is destroyed. (Be careful because after the wall is destroyed, if the human zombies can't be shot down using any modes, try to switch manually to 2,147,000,000) - You can swap between the two modes. - NEW! Custom mode now available! Apply 1Hit hack to your favourite weapons and save more time. 3. Wallhack - Allows the player to see and shoot through walls in front of him/her. 4. Fast Reload + Deadeye - Increases reload speed. - Weapon recoil and accuracy is near perfect. - Choose between 3 modes (Avenger, Alliance/Rebels, Guardian) based on your server! * All servers other than mentioned above isn't available for this hack. But I'm going to find the code as fast as I can. 5. Bug Hack - Includes : Fly/Underground Bug Hack and Wall Bug. - Wall Bug hack allows the player to walk within walls. Please NOTE that bombs and ammo boxes can't be taken when this hack is active. - Wall Bug hack acts as Fly hack in Creation maps. - Fly/Underground bug hack can be swapped each other. 6. Fast Run - Increases movement speed 7. Aimbot - Some players refer this as High Focus. In other games, this hack is actually called Aimbot. - Enhances aim assisting. (Or should I say, DRONE AIM?) - Doesn't work when aim assisting is off. 8. Revert Hacks - All hacks except 1Hit and Under/Fly hack can be reverted. - Under/Fly hack will eventually be reverted each time the player respawns or leaves the room. 9. Debugging options - When turned on, script will show how many items being edited during search each time the script ends. 10. Choose to quickly activate a hack after another or finish the script after search. - Even though GG ver. 8.31.0 added restart button, it doesn't matter. 11. Customized Interface for ease in usage. - All menus are organised and complete. 12. You can still play the game during search! For more information, please contact me : Twitter : @Aufar2003 LINE ID : aufarramadhan Thanks for downloading!!! -------- TUTORIALS : - PVE-HARD and Custom 1Hit - Trench Bug (anti detection trick) and Other Hacks Code pastebin : https://goo.gl/9iZjNZ Submitter Aufar_R Submitted 07/31/17 Category LUA scripts
  3. XEKEX

    Pure Lua library

    Version 2


    import this lib to your script : • setup ! XEK = nil load_lib = gg.makeRequest('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chihaamin/XEKEX/main/xLIB.lua') if load_lib.code == 200 then -- check the status of the request XEK = load(load_lib.content,'bt')() end • Comment if you find a bug / error or if you have Idea for implementation. • All the file is documented and commented for beginners. ♥ Add "XEKEX was here" in your script if it was helful ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORT : JSON = XEK.import('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rxi/json.lua/master/json.lua') -- this will import a lib into your script JSON.decode(response.content) Text2Dword : -- Text2Dword function Convert a text to dword value local DWORD = XEK.Text2Dword("berry") -- Print the result print(DWORD) --> Output: '6619234;7471218;121::9' Dword2Text : -- Dword2Text function Convert a Dword value to text local sampleValue = "6619234;7471218;121" local text = XEK.Dword2Text(sampleValue) -- Print the result print(text) --> Output: 'berry' hex : The 'hex' function takes two arguments: a value to convert to hexadecimal and a boolean 'hx' indicating whether to add '0x' or 'h' prefix to the output. --[[ If hx is true, the function returns the hexadecimal value with '0x' prefix. If hx is false, the function returns the hexadecimal value with 'h' suffix. If hx is not provided or not a boolean, the function returns the hexadecimal value without any prefix or suffix. The function uses string formatting to convert the value to hexadecimal. ]] --> Examples: --Convert decimal value to hexadecimal with '0x' prefix print(XEK.hex(255, true)) --> Output: 0xFF --Convert decimal value to hexadecimal with 'h' suffix print(XEK.hex(255, false)) --> Output: FFh --Convert decimal value to hexadecimal without any prefix or suffix print(XEK.hex(255)) --> Output: FF dump : --[[ dump function takes a table as input and returns a string representation of the table. If the input is not a table, it returns a string representation of the input. Parameters: tab (table): the table to be dumped Returns: (string): the string representation of the table ]] --> Example usage: local myTable = {name = "John", age = 30, hobbies = {"reading", "running"}} print(XEK.Dump(myTable)) -- Output: { ["name"] = "John", ["age"] = 30, ["hobbies"] = { [1] = "reading", [2] = "running", } } split : --split function splits a string into a table of substrings using a specified delimiter --The function takes two parameters: s, which is the string to be split, and delimiter, which is the character or string used to separate the substrings --> Example usage: local myString = "apple,banana,cherry,orange" local myTable = XEK.split(myString, ",") -- The above code will split the string "apple,banana,cherry,orange" into substrings using the comma as the delimiter and store the result in a table called myTable --The resulting table will contain the following values: myTable[1] = "apple" myTable[2] = "banana" myTable[3] = "cherry" myTable[4] = "orange" ARMIT fix : --# Example 1: Converting an Integer to Assembly Instructions local instructions = XEK.ARMIT(123456, "int", true) --The above function call will generate assembly instructions to move the value 123456 into a register in AArch64. --> Output: instructions = { [1] = '~A8 MOVK W0, #0xE240, LSL #16', [2] = '~A8 MOVK W0, #0x0001, LSL #32', [3] = '~A8 RET', } --# Example 2: Converting a Boolean to Assembly Instructions local instructions = XEK.ARMIT(true, "bool") --The above function call will generate assembly instructions to move the value 1 (true) into a register in AArch32. --> Output: instructions = { [1] = '~A MOV R0, #0x1', [2] = '~A BX LR', } --# Example 3: Converting a Float to Assembly Instructions local instructions = XEK.ARMIT(3.14159, "f", true) --The above function call will generate assembly instructions to move the value 3.14159 into a floating point register in AArch64. --> Output: instructions = { [1] = '~A8 MOVK W0, #0x0FD0, LSL #16', [2] = '~A8 MOVK W0, #0x4049, LSL #32', [3] = '~A8 FMOV S0, W0', [4] = '~A8 RET', } --# Example 4: Converting a Double to Assembly Instructions local instructions = XEK.ARMIT(123456789.987654321, "d") --The above function call will generate assembly instructions to move the value 123456789.987654321 into a double precision floating point register in AArch32. --> Output: instructions = { [1] = '~A MOVW R0, #0x5BA8', [2] = '~A MOVT R0, #0x57F3', [3] = '~A MOVW R1, #0x6F34', [4] = '~A MOVT R1, #0x419D', [5] = '~A VMOV D0, R1, R0', [6] = '~A BX LR', } readBytes | readWord | readDword | readFloat | readDouble : local words = XEK.readWord(addr, size, ';') <-| return a string local dwords = XEK.readDword(addr, size, '-') <-| return a string local floats = XEK.readFloat(addr, size, '|') <-| return a string local doubles = XEK.readDouble(addr, size, ':') <-| return a string -- OR local words = XEK.readWord(addr, size) <-| return a table local dwords = XEK.readDword(addr, size) <-| return a table local floats = XEK.readFloat(addr, size) <-| return a table local doubles = XEK.readDouble(addr, size) <-| return a table --<< these function purpose is to read values from memory for comparison >>-- getResults : --# Example usage of getResults function and its returned table local t = XEK.getResults(10) or t = XEK.getResults() <-|-- Get 10 results or all result | you can specified parameter same as GG print(t.data[1].address) <-|-- Print the address of the first result --# Example usage of focus function t:focus() <-|-- Save original values of results table print(t.original[1]) <-|-- Print the original value of the first result --# Example usage of update function t:update(999) <-|-- Set all values in result table to 999 --# Example usage of reset function t:reset() <-|-- Reset all values in result table to their original values --# Example usage of offset function t:offset(0x8) <-|-- Add 8 to the address of each result --# Example usage of append function local t2 = XEK.getResults(5) <-|-- Get 5 more results t:append(t2) <-|-- Append t2 results to t print(#t.data) <-|-- Print the total number of results in t --# Example usage of get function t:get() <-|-- Refresh the results table --# Example usage of clear function t:clear() <-|-- Destroy the results table and clear garbage MakeMenu : -- Create a new menu object local myMenu = XEK.MakeMenu().Menu:new({"Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"}) | this will add Menues -- Add a new action to the menu myMenu.actions:new(1, function() -- argument 1 is the index of menu ( option 1 function ) | index must be a number print("Option 1 was selected!") end) myMenu.actions:new(2, function() print("Option 2 was selected!") end) -- etc -- . -- . -- . -- Display the menu and wait for the user to make a selection myMenu:display() --whenever the user select a menu item it will trigger the functions inside myMenu.actions ( created with myMenu.actions:new(index, function) )
  4. Version 2.5-x (FINAL)


    This is a combined hack script for Crisis Action game. Requirements : 1. Crisis Action SEA apk version 2.0 2. GG ver. 8.31.2+ Features : 1. Time Jump - For anti detection trick. 2. 1Hit - This hack will apply to all weapons with NO exception. (Except melee and grenade, of course) - Available in 2 modes : Large Hitbox (usually called High Damage), and Normal Hitbox (works on all maps) - For normal hitbox, it ALSO WORKS ON CREATION MODE. And penetration effect is greatly reduced. Even though, usage of pistols and SMGs with this mode is still not recommended. - Large Hitbox only works on certain maps (and sometimes on certain locations only). This mode only works on these maps : Bloodstrike, Ferry, Wasteland, PVE & TC maps, Rebel Base, Train Workshop, and Creation Mode maps. (Also works on Trench map, except for snipers. - PVE-Hell have more chance to work with Normal Hitbox before the Ice Wall is destroyed, and then swap with Large Hitbox after the wall is destroyed. (Be careful because after the wall is destroyed, if the human zombies can't be shot down using any modes, try to switch manually to 2,147,000,000) - You can swap between the two modes. - NEW! Custom mode now available! Apply 1Hit hack to your favourite weapons and save more time. 3. Wallhack - Allows the player to see and shoot through walls in front of him/her. 4. Fast Reload + Deadeye - Increases reload speed. - Weapon recoil and accuracy is near perfect. - Choose between 3 modes (Avenger, Alliance/Rebels, Guardian) based on your server! * All servers other than mentioned above isn't available for this hack. But I'm going to find the code as fast as I can. 5. Bug Hack - Includes : Fly/Underground Bug Hack and Wall Bug. - Wall Bug hack allows the player to walk within walls. Please NOTE that bombs and ammo boxes can't be taken when this hack is active. - Wall Bug hack acts as Fly hack in Creation maps. - Fly/Underground bug hack can be swapped each other. 6. Fast Run - Increases movement speed 7. Aimbot - Some players refer this as High Focus. In other games, this hack is actually called Aimbot. - Enhances aim assisting. (Or should I say, DRONE AIM?) - Doesn't work when aim assisting is off. 8. Revert Hacks - All hacks except 1Hit and Under/Fly hack can be reverted. - Under/Fly hack will eventually be reverted each time the player respawns or leaves the room. 9. Debugging options - When turned on, script will show how many items being edited during search each time the script ends. 10. Choose to quickly activate a hack after another or finish the script after search. - Even though GG ver. 8.31.0 added restart button, it doesn't matter. 11. Customized Interface for ease in usage. - All menus are organised and complete. 12. You can still play the game during search! For more information, please contact me : Twitter : @Aufar2003 LINE ID : aufarramadhan Thanks for downloading!!! -------- TUTORIALS : - PVE-HARD and Custom 1Hit - Trench Bug (anti detection trick) and Other Hacks Code pastebin : https://goo.gl/9iZjNZ
  5. I have three optimizations about GG. 1. Add an API for converting byte array to string, such as gg.bytesToString({0,104,0,105}, "utf-16"); , returns the string "Hi", similar to Java: return new String ({0,104,0,105}, "utf-16"); 2. When the address is negative number, it can automatically become positive number. When you enter -10 in the memory editing panel, the address will jump to 0xfffffffffffffff0. I hope to jump to 0xfffffff0. 3. Add API for file operating system to allow scripts to create folders. Why do I need "bytesToString"? I wrote a script for the game "WorldBox". Through the script, I can modify the equipment, talents and other attributes of the characters in the game. I pop up a menu to let users choose the characters to modify, so I read the character name from the memory. I use pure Lua implementation code, but the efficiency is very low. It will take a few seconds to read more text. I know this is very simple in Java, so I hope to add this function in the next version of GG. Why do I want to automatically convert the address value of a negative number to a positive number? I often encounter this situation: the value of the address 0x10001000 is 0x90001000. I want to get the value on the address 0x90001000. Code: local value = gg.getValues({{address = 0x10001000, flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD}})[1].value; Now: value = -1879044096, the hexadecimal form is 0xffffffff90001000. But I need 0x90001000 instead of 0xffffffff90001000. If I directly make address = 0xffffffff90001000, I will not get the value. My solution is to value << 32 >> 32, but I hope GG can avoid this problem in its design. My reason is, when the memory address is a negative number, the memory editor will turn it into a huge positive number. This is an astronomical number. Maybe the computer won't have such a large memory in 100 years. In terms of design, this is not in line with people's intuition. Why do I need APIs related to file system operations? Due to GG's security policy, "gg.execute" is disabled, which makes it impossible for me to create folders. When I replace the game archive, I need to create a new folder. This function is very important. I still have many designs that cannot be realized because of the lack of this function. Since this function may conflict with the security policy, I think it is necessary for me to talk about my views on the security policy. It's easy for scripts to do bad things. The person executing the script needs to evaluate the security himself. For malicious applications, it has no root permission, and only some ordinary permissions, such as accessing files, can still cause great damage. A script can access and modify memory, but cannot create folders. This script cannot do what an Android application can do. Of course, security measures also make sense. So I hope to allow the script to apply for the permission of a folder like the prompt when accessing the network. After the script has the permission of a folder, it can create a folder under this file path, traverse subdirectories and so on. Finally, because my mother tongue is not English, I will miss a lot of information on the website when I don't actively translate, and I may make mistakes, also pardon me. @Enyby
  6. App: Kingdom & Dragon Version: 1.0.2 Hack/Mod: IAP via Freedom, using the bypass method. Root Needed?: Yes Credits: Dax Okay guys this an easy cheat. 1. Yes, I know Gamevil detects Freedom, but if you know my bypass method, then you know this will work. 2. This method won't work for long, as Gameil updates randomly and usually finds way to block Freedom altogether. 3. At the end of the Tut, I will tell you about a glitch I found. Instructions & Requirements: 1A. Download & Install Kingdom & Dragons {Playstore Official} {Zippyshare} 1B. Download & Install Freedom - Freedom Vrs. 0.8.4 1C. Download & Install Playstore Version 3.10.14 - PS Vrs 3.10.14 2. Run Game, Choose Your Town Name & Password, blah, blah, blah.. 3A. Now to temporarily bypass Gamevil's Anti Cheat & Use Freedom to Purchase Gems. {To Buy Gold & Stamina You Need Gems, so Only IAP You Need Is Gems.} 3B. Go To The Gem Store, by Clicking "Menu" or The "+" Button Next To The Gems. 4. Purchase The Max Amount "1,450" 5. As The Playstore Loads, Hit Your Home Button & Quick Exit The Game. 6. Load Freedom & Tap Start, Back Out Of Freedom & Relaunch Game Normally. 7. You Should Now Be Taken to The Playstore & Should See "FreeCard- XXXXX" 8. Click Purchase. You Will Now Get The Okay That You Purchase Was Successful & Be Taken Back to The Game Which Will Now Either FC Or Tell You That It Detects A Cheating Tool & Force you To Close It. 9A. If The App FC's During Purchase Before You Go Back To It, It Should Still Work Even If The Game Restarts From The Beginning, As Long As The Playstore Says "Purchase Successful" It Should Work. 9B. The Game will close out either way due to Freedom running, you will now need to open "Freedom" hit "Stop." Open your Applications Menu & Hit Force Stop on Freedom, then relaunch game and it should load without the "Unlawful Activivty" and you should have your 1450 Gems. 10. If You've Never Done This Before It May Seem Like A Lot Of work, but If You've done It Before, This Will Go by Very Fast. {Freedom does not work with the newest Playstore Version 4.0.xx, You need 3.10.xx} ***Known Glitches*** Okay Guys & Gals, I'm Taking A Slight Risk By Posting This, But I'd Rather Share It Before They Fix It. **Gems Glitch** First & Foremost, I CAN NOT GUARANTEE THIS WILL WORK FOR YOU. IT WAS A GLITCH, BUT IT SEEMS TO KEEP WORKING FOR ME. *NOTE* I Only Used Freedom Once & My Gems Keep Multiplying. Also I successfully did this trick on my brothers phone and it works too. http://youtu.be/7rj1wK56Jwo I Thought It Was A Temp Glitch, So I Tried It Again & Again & Again. I had Only Used Freedom Once & Had Completely Closed It Out, But It Glitched Gems Everytime I Exited & Launched The Game. The More People That Know About This, The More People Will Use It & The Faster Gamevil Will Find It & Patch It. So If It Works For You "USE IT" = ^ _ ^=
  7. View File Pure Lua library import this lib to your script : • setup ! XEK = nil load_lib = gg.makeRequest('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chihaamin/XEKEX/main/xLIB.lua') if load_json_lib.code == 200 then -- check the status of the request XEK = load(load_json_lib.content,'bt')() end • Comment if you find a bug / error or if you have Idea for implementation. • All the file is documented and commented for beginners. ♥ Add "XEKEX was here" in your script if it was helful ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORT : JSON = XEK.import('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rxi/json.lua/master/json.lua') -- this will import a lib into your script JSON.decode(response.content) Text2Dword : -- Text2Dword function Convert a text to dword value local DWORD = XEK.Text2Dword("berry") -- Print the result print(DWORD) --> Output: '6619234;7471218;121::9' Dword2Text : -- Dword2Text function Convert a Dword value to text local sampleValue = "6619234;7471218;121" local text = XEK.Dword2Text(sampleValue) -- Print the result print(text) --> Output: 'berry' hex : The 'hex' function takes two arguments: a value to convert to hexadecimal and a boolean 'hx' indicating whether to add '0x' or 'h' prefix to the output. --[[ If hx is true, the function returns the hexadecimal value with '0x' prefix. If hx is false, the function returns the hexadecimal value with 'h' suffix. If hx is not provided or not a boolean, the function returns the hexadecimal value without any prefix or suffix. The function uses string formatting to convert the value to hexadecimal. ]] --> Examples: --Convert decimal value to hexadecimal with '0x' prefix print(XEK.hex(255, true)) --> Output: 0xFF --Convert decimal value to hexadecimal with 'h' suffix print(XEK.hex(255, false)) --> Output: FFh --Convert decimal value to hexadecimal without any prefix or suffix print(XEK.hex(255)) --> Output: FF dump : --[[ dump function takes a table as input and returns a string representation of the table. If the input is not a table, it returns a string representation of the input. Parameters: tab (table): the table to be dumped Returns: (string): the string representation of the table ]] --> Example usage: local myTable = {name = "John", age = 30, hobbies = {"reading", "running"}} print(XEK.Dump(myTable)) -- Output: { ["name"] = "John", ["age"] = 30, ["hobbies"] = { [1] = "reading", [2] = "running", } } split : --split function splits a string into a table of substrings using a specified delimiter --The function takes two parameters: s, which is the string to be split, and delimiter, which is the character or string used to separate the substrings --> Example usage: local myString = "apple,banana,cherry,orange" local myTable = XEK.split(myString, ",") -- The above code will split the string "apple,banana,cherry,orange" into substrings using the comma as the delimiter and store the result in a table called myTable --The resulting table will contain the following values: myTable[1] = "apple" myTable[2] = "banana" myTable[3] = "cherry" myTable[4] = "orange" ARMIT fix : --# Example 1: Converting an Integer to Assembly Instructions local instructions = XEK.ARMIT(123456, "int", true) --The above function call will generate assembly instructions to move the value 123456 into a register in AArch64. --> Output: instructions = { [1] = '~A8 MOVK W0, #0xE240, LSL #16', [2] = '~A8 MOVK W0, #0x0001, LSL #32', [3] = '~A8 RET', } --# Example 2: Converting a Boolean to Assembly Instructions local instructions = XEK.ARMIT(true, "bool") --The above function call will generate assembly instructions to move the value 1 (true) into a register in AArch32. --> Output: instructions = { [1] = '~A MOV R0, #0x1', [2] = '~A BX LR', } --# Example 3: Converting a Float to Assembly Instructions local instructions = XEK.ARMIT(3.14159, "f", true) --The above function call will generate assembly instructions to move the value 3.14159 into a floating point register in AArch64. --> Output: instructions = { [1] = '~A8 MOVK W0, #0x0FD0, LSL #16', [2] = '~A8 MOVK W0, #0x4049, LSL #32', [3] = '~A8 FMOV S0, W0', [4] = '~A8 RET', } --# Example 4: Converting a Double to Assembly Instructions local instructions = XEK.ARMIT(123456789.987654321, "d") --The above function call will generate assembly instructions to move the value 123456789.987654321 into a double precision floating point register in AArch32. --> Output: instructions = { [1] = '~A MOVW R0, #0x5BA8', [2] = '~A MOVT R0, #0x57F3', [3] = '~A MOVW R1, #0x6F34', [4] = '~A MOVT R1, #0x419D', [5] = '~A VMOV D0, R1, R0', [6] = '~A BX LR', } readBytes | readWord | readDword | readFloat | readDouble : local words = XEK.readWord(addr, size, ';') <-| return a string local dwords = XEK.readDword(addr, size, '-') <-| return a string local floats = XEK.readFloat(addr, size, '|') <-| return a string local doubles = XEK.readDouble(addr, size, ':') <-| return a string -- OR local words = XEK.readWord(addr, size) <-| return a table local dwords = XEK.readDword(addr, size) <-| return a table local floats = XEK.readFloat(addr, size) <-| return a table local doubles = XEK.readDouble(addr, size) <-| return a table --<< these function purpose is to read values from memory for comparison >>-- getResults : --# Example usage of getResults function and its returned table local t = XEK.getResults(10) or t = XEK.getResults() <-|-- Get 10 results or all result | you can specified parameter same as GG print(t.data[1].address) <-|-- Print the address of the first result --# Example usage of focus function t:focus() <-|-- Save original values of results table print(t.original[1]) <-|-- Print the original value of the first result --# Example usage of update function t:update(999) <-|-- Set all values in result table to 999 --# Example usage of reset function t:reset() <-|-- Reset all values in result table to their original values --# Example usage of offset function t:offset(0x8) <-|-- Add 8 to the address of each result --# Example usage of append function local t2 = XEK.getResults(5) <-|-- Get 5 more results t:append(t2) <-|-- Append t2 results to t print(#t.data) <-|-- Print the total number of results in t --# Example usage of get function t:get() <-|-- Refresh the results table --# Example usage of clear function t:clear() <-|-- Destroy the results table and clear garbage MakeMenu : -- Create a new menu object local myMenu = XEK.MakeMenu().Menu:new({"Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"}) | this will add Menues -- Add a new action to the menu myMenu.actions:new(1, function() -- argument 1 is the index of menu ( option 1 function ) | index must be a number print("Option 1 was selected!") end) myMenu.actions:new(2, function() print("Option 2 was selected!") end) -- etc -- . -- . -- . -- Display the menu and wait for the user to make a selection myMenu:display() --whenever the user select a menu item it will trigger the functions inside myMenu.actions ( created with myMenu.actions:new(index, function) ) Submitter XEKEX Submitted 01/13/2023 Category Tools  
  8. Extended edit all values In GameGuardian there are unique features that are not, in any other similar utilities. One is editing incrementally. Consider it more. "Hacks" I'll be the application TapCounter. Its essence is simple - it counts the number of Taps on the screen. The perfect object for hacking. We assume that the value is not changed to crack. A typical example - the price in the store. Here I am 47 tapov self-fulfilling. Now I want to do to make it 200. Spoiler I enter in the search found dword 47. 370 values. Too much. But to change the value, I can not, so I can not weed. Spoiler Just then comes to the rescue and change all values. Now I have uploaded the first 100 values. Only try to change them. You can not put 100, and the other numbers if the tap on the number found. Spoiler So, open edit all values. Spoiler Here we are interested in the "increment". The default is zero. What does it mean? This is the number that will be added to each value multiplied by the number in the list of results starting from scratch. Let me explain what that means with an example. We have three numbers. The value is 47. The increment is 0. If you change will be recorded 47, 47, 47. Put increment: 1 - 47, 48, 49. 2 - 47, 49, 51. 10 - 47, 57, 67. n - 0 * 47 + n, 47 + 1 * n, 47 + 2 * n. What do we need? Check the variable address. How do we do? We assign increment 1 and see the new value in the game. We do. Spoiler The "game" remains 47. What does it mean? The fact that the desired value, we have not changed. In some games, you need to exit / enter on the screen (the store), the change will be displayed. Here, too, the value does not update itself, so I click the first "+" and then "-" that it was updated. To play is not taken off, change all the values back to the 47. Now we need to download the following 100. While the user-friendly interface for this is not, use the filters on the address. Move to the last. Copy the address, making it a long tap. Spoiler Select the filters and activate the filter address our more than copied. Spoiler Now we see that filtered 200 results, showing 100, and a total of 370. Repeat change the value incrementally. The game once again, nothing has changed. Spoiler Again missing addresses 100 through filters. Spoiler In general, repeated as long as the value does not change. Spoiler It changed to 84. We go back to the GG, find the line with the value of 84. Spoiler This will be the key we are. Click on it. Put a check mark on the preserve. Spoiler Then again we go to edit everything and the value of 47 is returned to all that the game has not taken off. Clear the search and go to the tab the stored values. There will be our stored value. We put him 200 and enjoy life. Spoiler Mission accomplished. You could not dance with the filters and put the number of output is higher than the number of found (370) and change all through the increment. But then the more chance you'll change something is not right, and the game will crash. Of course, she can fly, and so, there could be as lucky. But this method is better than nothing.
  9. File Name: City Island 2 - Building Story (Unlimited Money/Gold) File Submitter: d2dyno File Submitted: 06 Jan 2014 File Category: Android Mods (APKs) How-To Guide For This Mod: Required Android version: 2.3+ More Info: Google Play Overview: If you liked City Island and the early Sim City tycoon games, you will definitely love this new citybuilder game! Get the game, join the fun - it's free! In City Island 2 you will build houses for your citizens, decorations and community buildings to make them happy, and create jobs so you can earn money and gold from your happy citizens. People in your own city will provide quests and feedback on how well you are doing! Furthermore, you can decorate your city by placing walking paths, rivers, railroads with trains, parks and hundreds more fun and beautifully designed items. If you like playing free-to-play citygames, building a virtual city on City Island 2 is your best choice! City Island 2 - Building Story is the sequel of the popular City Island game -also by Sparkling Society- which has been downloaded approximately 10 million times. In this game, you will create your own story by developing your village to a city. Discover a life in a virtual world full of quests where you have the power to build a business empire with a choice of 150+ unique items on your paradise island. Grow your tiny city into a large metropolis. It is all about balance and being creative in this city tycoon game. You have all the power in this epic story: have hours of free fun on this fabulous exotic island! ** FEATURES ** - Fun FREE to play tycoon game - HIGH QUALITY graphics - Intuitive gameplay with challenging tasks, rewards and achievements - Enjoy fun quests to help you create your own virtual paradise in this free-to-play citygame! - Build and decorate a beautiful island with more than 150 unique items, be creative! - Currencies: gold and cash - Attract citizens with parks, trees, a railway with trains, boats, decorations and community buildings - Collect profit from your commercial buildings - Upgrade your city buildings - Help your citizens build a city on this exotic island story - Collect XP and level up to unlock a new building for construction - Collect dozens of REWARDS while playing - Expand your city to create more room for constructing more buildings, and progress your village to a metropolis with tall buildings - Speed up construction / upgrade time - Lots of adventure and quests to unlock - Expand your city over land and sea - Many hours of free fun - Sim style architecture - Cooperate and Play with your facebook friends Join the community and follow us on Twitter, and Facebook, to get FREE gifts every week!! ** PLEASE NOTE! ** City Island 2 is completely free to play, however some game items can also be purchased for real money. If you don't want to use this feature, please disable in-app purchases in your device's settings. This game has banner advertisements Click here to download this file
  10. <--- wishes he had / and / or could afford a tab period; I went from a hp Ipaq to my stratosphere and had a "dumb phone" before that and I used the ipaq for my games audiobooks net and such.... it had 192mb of ram or thereabouts with winmo 6.5 hacked onto it although i cant quite remember i believe it was something like a 200mhz or 233mhz proc but i would have to look it up its been since xmas when i stopped using the ipaq once i replaced it and the "dumb phone" with the Stratosphere ill add to this post after i look it up but theres one thing i miss about my ipaq and that was it had a full cf as well as a full sd so it was running 32gb of storage with capability of me to run 64gb 32+32gb and it had an IR port so i could control tv with it :-/ *update* i was WAYYY off on the proc but heres the speccys [h=3]HP iPAQ Pocket PC hx2495b - handheld - Windows Mobile 5.0 Premium Edition - 3.5" specifications[/h] General Product Type Handheld Operating System Microsoft Windows Mobile 5.0 Premium Edition Display Type 3.5 in Color TFT active matrix ( Transflective ) Display Resolution 240 x 320 Color Depth 16-bit (64K colors) Memory RAM 64.0 MB - SDRAM ROM 192.0 MB - Flash User Available Memory Flash: 128.0 MB Supported Flash Memory Cards CompactFlash (type II) , MultiMediaCard , SD Memory Card Compatibility SDIO Processor Processor Intel XScale PXA270 Processor Clock Speed 520.0 MHz Communications Wireless Connectivity Bluetooth , 802.11b Location GPS Navigation None Multimedia Audio Microphone , Speaker Supported Digital Audio Formats MP3 Software Preloaded Software Notes , Microsoft Excel Mobile , Calendar , Microsoft Word Mobile , Bluetooth Manager , Tasks , Microsoft PowerPoint Mobile , Self Test , Align Screen , Spell Checker , iPAQ Wireless , Clock , IPAQ Audio , Microsoft Pocket Outlook , Terminal Services Client , WorldMate , Jawbreaker , Power Status , Contacts , File Explorer , Calculator , Memory , Volume Control , Infrared Beaming , IPAQ iTask Manager , Messaging , Windows Media Player 10 Mobile , Solitaire , Microsoft Internet Explorer Mobile , HP Image Zone for Pocket PC , Voice Recorder Input Device Type 5-way navigation button , Touch-screen Expansion and Connectivity Expansion Slot(s) 1.0 x CompactFlash Card - Type II , 1.0 x SD Memory Card Interfaces 1.0 x Headphones - Output - Mini-phone stereo 3.5 mm , 1.0 x Hi-Speed USB Battery Technology / Form Factor Lithium ion Capacity 1440.0 mAh Miscellaneous Included Accessories Power adapter , Stylus , Protective cover Compliant Standards UL , NOM , CSA NRTL/C , cUL , FCC Class B certified Localization English / United States Power Voltage Required AC 120/230 V Dimensions & Weight Width 3.0 in Depth 0.6 in Height 4.7 in Weight 5.8 oz Manufacturer Warranty Service & Support Details Limited warranty - Parts and labor - 1 year Environmental Parameters Min Operating Temperature 32.0 °F Max Operating Temperature 104.0 °F
  11. File Name: 3 Kingdoms TD:Defenders' Creed (Unlimited Gold/Upgrade) File Submitter: d2dyno File Submitted: 10 Jan 2014 File Category: Android Mods (APKs) How-To Guide For This Mod: Required Android version: 2.2+ More Info: Google Play Overview: Based on the legendary wars between 3 kingdoms and the classical defending campaigns in ancient China, this game is one of the best 3 Kingdoms Tower Defense titles melting with famous heroes and diversified upgrading systems. Do not simply treat it as Plants vs Zombies with 3 kingdoms characters and storylines. The hero and soldier system, defending nurture system and purse system show how creative the game is. In addition to that, the huge amount of stages await for you to explore and challenge. Being defenders of your city and a commander for your homeland people, you have to hold the Defenders’ Creed for repelling powerful and cruel intruders and defending your homeland. Skillful famous heroes from 3 kingdoms era, diversified defending tactics and value-added purses are the core game elements. Different combinations of those elements can create different playing experiences. In addition, unpredictable weather system and extra bonus system further motivate you to join the passionate defending wars. * Features of the famous Heroes: Unique characteristics * - Each hero has unique instant skills, which can execute some special defending effects. - Each hero has 3 different passive skills, which will be executed automatically in the battle to increase defending skills. * Defending Features: diversified game-play * - Diversified soldier types: Long-range Archer, fatal-attack Infantry, solid Heavy Armor, brave Knight, magical Wizard, powerful Catapult, assistant Drummer play their roles in the game. If being used properly, they are the key factors of victory. - Diversified soldier skills: Each soldier has 3 upgradable skills. Each skill can be further upgraded to 3 levels. Properly doing upgrades can help to win in the battle. - Diversified Operations: Defenders can be moved to some grids around for re-deploying. They can also be merged with other defenders around with the same type to upgrade skills and recover the unit’s HP. * Purse Feature: Value-added aid * - Various purses can be gained in the game to assist players to pass stages. - Some purse can increase defenders’ attacking agility. Some purse can block enemies. More purses await for your discovery. * Stage Feature: Full of challenges * - As stage goes, enemy will change formations and enhance the attack intensity. More powerful and higher-level enemies will be spawned. In addition, it is very important for you to use different heroes necessarily, upgrade your soldier defenders properly, form a smart defending formation and use purses wisely. Otherwise it would be very hard to defend your homeland. - Bosses appear in the key stages. They could be a warrior with brave heart or wizard with magic spells. Warrior can encourage all enemies. Wizard can cast fire spells. You should create some strategies to beat them. - The HARD mode will have more difficulty than the NORMAL mode with stronger enemies. Use your wisdom to beat them and gain more gold, purses and unlock more famous heroes! More stages will be published soon, please keep an eye on the updates of the 3 kingdoms TD : Defenders’ Creed. Name of cheat: - Unlimited Gold - 2525 upgrade points (will reduce but more than sufficient to upgrade everything) - Ad remove This game has no advertisements
  12. View File metadata_fields_modifier Template for automatic finding of the values to modify from the class strings and fields offsets This gameguardian script to help automatize fields modifications, from the info you have found into the global-metadata file. have been tested only in this configuration: - original phone android 11, no-root - virtualxposed + gameguardian Now it help me as a base when I try a new game -> only need to indicate the classes and fields names I want to look for Notes: - to use it you need to edit the script and adapt it for your specific game -> it is a template - must know what is global-metadata file + a bit of lua script language (not too much) - it is searching the fields into the anonymous A region (often in my android phone fields values are there) - if the game upgrade, possible that classes names and fields offsets are modified so you must upgrade your script too How to use and modify the template 1. open the global-metada file [see below to know how to get it], and find the classes and fields you are interested in -> it is the hard stuff in this example are selected two fields I want to alterate the values: - classname is LockDrillerMinigameParameters - field SafeAngle, that is a float, with offset 0x40 - field ShakeModifierIncreasingRate, a float too, offset 0x44 2. edit the metadata_fields_modifier script (on the phone I use Acode), but to be faster can be done on the PC (open with notepad and copy-paste the data directly from global-metadata) from line 20 in the script, modify the classes_and_fields to fit your data, the example gives: local classes_and_fields = { LockDrillerMinigameParameters= {fields={ {'SafeAngle' , gg.TYPE_FLOAT, 0x40 , 32}, {'ShakeModifier' , gg.TYPE_FLOAT , 0x44 , 0.001} }}, } for each field you have: {'field name', data type, offset, eventual replaced value} data type possibilities, according what global-metadata indicates -- gg.TYPE_FLOAT for float -- gg.TYPE_BYTE for bool -- gg.TYPE_DWORD for int Note: -> "replaced value" is optional, can put only {'SafeAngle',gg.TYPE_FLOAT,0x40} a) indeed at the beginning you do not know what field is impacting the game, so with this script you can put many classes (ex: 10) and all the int/float fields that seems interesting (ex: 5 for each classes) b) then running the script in the game, it will find and load each field in gameguardian without modification c) next you can try to modify the value of each of these fields to look for the best to use, and what values to put d) edit the script again and this time you can specify the "replaced value" at the end like in my example {'SafeAngle',gg.TYPE_FLOAT,0x40 , 0x32} 3. open the game + run the metadata_fields_modifier script in the game -> it will ask you what class to search for Then if successful, the results class and fields data, will be loaded in the gameguardian interface (save tab) so you can check what has be done and modified => Hope this script will help you make some great modifications on the games you like. Extra info about getting global-metadata - I use the great libil2cpp.so and metadata.dat dumping script (LibDumper by @Lover1500) -> get both needed files (script can be found on this site) https://gameguardian.net/forum/files/file/2740-libil2cppso-and-metadatadat-dumping-script/?tab=comments#comment-9358 - then I use "il2cppdumper gui" on my phone (dont remember where I found the app apk) to convert both files -> finally got the global-metdata file (named dump.cs) - seeing it is a very big file not easily readable on the phone -> I send it to the PC to search for some interesting classes to alterate Submitter veh Submitted 11/16/2022 Category Templates  
  13. 1- Download Repetitouch Pro. It allows to record screen taps (with the red button) and then repeat the sequence as many times as you wish with the green button. You can set the loop count or just let it do it again and again, infinitely. 2- Buy the 5$ pack (55 Gold for 14 days), you'll get the reward in the milestones window. Activate it and take your 55 gold! 3- Assuming your phone is rooted, run the latest version of GameGuardian, select NFS NL process and search for "86400" with the DWord type. You'll find slightly more than 100 values. 4- Change the values to -9999 and watch the 55 gold reward in milestones getting available again. Don't do anything. 5- Change the value again from -9999 to 999999999. This should keep the 55 gold reward but with an extra twist. This time you'll see 55x13! (If it's your first day owning the 5$ pack). Claim it and your gold should increase by 715. 6- Here's where Repetitouch gets handy. Normally, claiming the 715 gold bonus again will require you to do the following: Change the values to -999999999 (just add a minus), and delete the "-" again by editing the values. Now the 55x13 gold bonus will be available again. If you don't want to do the editing 500 times a day, you only do it once with Repetitouch and it'll do the work later by mimicking exactly what you've done in step 6. If you find this too hard, some lads on Youtube have already done it, all I did was following them and making the process more practical with a few more touches. 7- The only issue you may encounter with Repetitouch doing the loops is your phone's memory being clogged up (full) the higher the loop count is, which will cause the game to freeze and shut down, and not saving your gold increase. In my case, my Galaxy Note 3 has 3GB of RAM, and I can do up to 40 loops before the game freezes, not allowing me to upload and save my progress to the cloud. I'm always safe with a loop of 30-35 which gets me around 20k gold in less than 7 minutes. 8- Here's my typical Gold hack day: Open GameGuardian before the game, open Repetitouch, open the game, search 86400 in GG, change to -9999, change to 999999999, claim gold, press the red button in repetitouch, this will start recording so be quick, quickly tap on gg icon, quickly change to -999999999, quickly change to 999999999, press the X in GG top right corner, claim gold again, press stop in repetitouch. This loop lasts between 7 and 10 seconds, depending on how quick I am. Now that the loop is saved, I tap on the blue star, go to settings, change the loop count to 30, save and start the sequence by holding the green play button. 9- You can find the modded file in page 1 (smokedatahack.zip). Download and extract it, copy the "ab_tests" folder to "Device Storage / Android / Data / com.EA.game.nfs14_row / Files / res / published / data /". Open the game, you should now be able to buy everything from the garage (Blueprints and parts) with gold. Note that this is USELESS if you don't have excess gold to spend. If you wish to revert back, just delete the ab_tests folder. Have you checked XDA? No one can really help you here as this is a discussion thread for a specific game hack and not the root process itself.
  14. Version 1.2


    Template for automatic finding of the values to modify from the class strings and fields offsets This gameguardian script to help automatize fields modifications, from the info you have found into the global-metadata file. have been tested only in this configuration: - original phone android 11, no-root - virtualxposed + gameguardian Now it help me as a base when I try a new game -> only need to indicate the classes and fields names I want to look for Notes: - to use it you need to edit the script and adapt it for your specific game -> it is a template - must know what is global-metadata file + a bit of lua script language (not too much) - it is searching the fields into the anonymous A region (often in my android phone fields values are there) - if the game upgrade, possible that classes names and fields offsets are modified so you must upgrade your script too How to use and modify the template 1. open the global-metada file [see below to know how to get it], and find the classes and fields you are interested in -> it is the hard stuff in this example are selected two fields I want to alterate the values: - classname is LockDrillerMinigameParameters - field SafeAngle, that is a float, with offset 0x40 - field ShakeModifierIncreasingRate, a float too, offset 0x44 2. edit the metadata_fields_modifier script (on the phone I use Acode), but to be faster can be done on the PC (open with notepad and copy-paste the data directly from global-metadata) from line 55 in the script, modify the classes_and_fields to fit your data, the example gives: (before it was line 20 but now line 55) local classes_and_fields = { LockDrillerMinigameParameters= {fields={ {'SafeAngle' , gg.TYPE_FLOAT, 0x40 , 32}, {'ShakeModifier' , gg.TYPE_FLOAT , 0x44 , 0.001} }}, } for each field you have: {'field name', data type, offset, eventual replaced value} data type possibilities, according what global-metadata indicates -- gg.TYPE_FLOAT for float -- gg.TYPE_BYTE for bool -- gg.TYPE_DWORD for int Note: -> "replaced value" is optional, can put only {'SafeAngle',gg.TYPE_FLOAT,0x40} a) indeed at the beginning you do not know what field is impacting the game, so with this script you can put many classes (ex: 10) and all the int/float fields that seems interesting (ex: 5 for each classes) b) then running the script in the game, it will find and load each field in gameguardian without modification c) next you can try to modify the value of each of these fields to look for the best to use, and what values to put d) edit the script again and this time you can specify the "replaced value" at the end like in my example {'SafeAngle',gg.TYPE_FLOAT,0x40 , 0x32} 3. open the game + run the metadata_fields_modifier script in the game -> it will ask you what class to search for Then if successful, the results class and fields data, will be loaded in the gameguardian interface (save tab) so you can check what has be done and modified => Hope this script will help you make some great modifications on the games you like. Extra info about getting global-metadata - I use the great libil2cpp.so and metadata.dat dumping script (LibDumper by @Lover1500) -> get both needed files (script can be found on this site) https://gameguardian.net/forum/files/file/2740-libil2cppso-and-metadatadat-dumping-script/?tab=comments#comment-9358 - then I use "il2cppdumper gui" on my phone (dont remember where I found the app apk) to convert both files -> finally got the global-metdata file (named dump.cs) - seeing it is a very big file not easily readable on the phone -> I send it to the PC to search for some interesting classes to alterate
  15. No. Your script read prefs. But can not find need data for erase it. Or detect log. It is not matter. As I say - even if you can read prefs, this not lead to detect logging. So write script as I say - which can not be stealed via logging. _______________________________________________ added 3 minutes later Here full log if you want: gg.getFile() io.lines("/data/data/catch_.me1.if_.you_.can_/shared_prefs/catch_.me1.if_.you_.can__preferences.xml") gg.getFile() io.open("WVmX/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.log.txt", "r") io.open("WVmX/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.dump.txt", "r") io.open("WVmX/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.load_0.lua", "r") io.open("WVmX/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.load.tar", "r") io.open("WVmX/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.load.tmp", "r") io.open("WVmX/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.load", "r") io.open("WVmX/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.dump.txt", "r") io.open("WVmX/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.load_0.lua", "r") io.open("WVmX/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.load.tar", "r") io.open("WVmX/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.load.tmp", "r") io.open("WVmX/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.load", "r") io.open("WVmX/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.log.txt", "r") gg.getFile() io.open("/mnt/sdcard/Notes/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.log.txt", "r") io.open("/mnt/sdcard/Notes/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.dump.txt", "r") io.open("/mnt/sdcard/Notes/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.load_0.lua", "r") io.open("/mnt/sdcard/Notes/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.load.tar", "r") io.open("/mnt/sdcard/Notes/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.load.tmp", "r") io.open("/mnt/sdcard/Notes/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.load", "r") io.open("/mnt/sdcard/Notes/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.dump.txt", "r") io.open("/mnt/sdcard/Notes/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.load_0.lua", "r") io.open("/mnt/sdcard/Notes/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.load.tar", "r") io.open("/mnt/sdcard/Notes/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.load.tmp", "r") io.open("/mnt/sdcard/Notes/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.load", "r") io.open("/mnt/sdcard/Notes/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.log.txt", "r") gg.getFile() io.open("/mnt/sdcard/Notes/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.log.txt", "r") io.open("/mnt/sdcard/Notes/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.dump.txt", "r") io.open("/mnt/sdcard/Notes/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.load_0.lua", "r") io.open("/mnt/sdcard/Notes/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.load.tar", "r") io.open("/mnt/sdcard/Notes/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.load.tmp", "r") io.open("/mnt/sdcard/Notes/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.load", "r") io.open("/mnt/sdcard/Notes/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.dump.txt", "r") io.open("/mnt/sdcard/Notes/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.load_0.lua", "r") io.open("/mnt/sdcard/Notes/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.load.tar", "r") io.open("/mnt/sdcard/Notes/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.load.tmp", "r") io.open("/mnt/sdcard/Notes/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.load", "r") io.open("/mnt/sdcard/Notes/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua/BadCaseScriptLauncher.lua.log.txt", "r") io.open("/data/data/catch_.me1.if_.you_.can_/files/BCLDR.pb", "r") gg.makeRequest("https://badcase.org/get_scriptsqwerty.php") gg.choice({ -- table(53400a18) [ 1] = '? Donor Scripts', [ 2] = '? Space Justice', [ 3] = '? Modern Combat 5', [ 4] = '? Left To Survive', [ 5] = '? Mini Militia', [ 6] = '? Torque Burnout', [ 7] = '? Early Access PES 2019', [ 8] = '? Early Access NiCo FUT 19 DASS', [ 9] = '? Early Access Arteoning FUT 19 DS', [10] = '? Early Access TomlinDev DS for FUT 19', [11] = '? Early Access TapSoft FUT 19 Sim', [12] = '? Early Access JiFisher FUT 19', [13] = '?? Public Scripts With Donor Functions', [14] = '? Pacybits FUT 19', [15] = '? Torque Drift', [16] = '? Day R Survival', [17] = '? Public Scripts', [18] = '? Angry Birds Star Wars II', [19] = '? Assassins Creed Rebellion', [20] = '? Battlelands Royale', [21] = '? Beach Buggy 2 Racing', [22] = '? Candy Crush Friends', [23] = '? CSR 2 Racing', [24] = '? Dead Target', [25] = '? Hill Climb Racing', [26] = '? Infinitode', [27] = '? Into The Badlands Blade Battle', [28] = '? Mini DAYZ Zombie Survival', [29] = '? Mortal Kombat X', [30] = '? Ninja Turtles Legends', [31] = ' Exit', }, nil, "Choose a game") --[[ return: 31 ]]
  16. [ Introduction ] Hi @everyone, in recent times, Android has just released version 14, which includes some SDK restrictions. The requirements are that apps should at least be under SDK version 24+, or else installation fails. Another problem is that Game Guardian hasn't been updated for years (March 22, 2021, since the last update), a total of 2 years. I understand that life can be unbothered sometimes, and I hope there's some confirmation regarding this instead of intending it as an "unforseeable future" kind of thing. I've seen a rising number of these issues on Help, General Discussion, and in other possible sections of the forum. I recommend anyone who has a newer device or just recently updated to Android 14 to follow this topic. Here, I propose several possible solutions regarding this issue: [ Main Course ] You can bypass SDK enforcement using shell commands, which you need to install Game Guardian manually through command line. You can achieve this through ADB: Android Debug Bridge or Termux: Terminal for Command Line application. This tutorial will split into 2: { ADB: Android Debug Bridge } This step doesn't require "Root" permission, but before proceeding into the main tutorial. We should prepare several things: Computer / Laptop running Windows OS A cable data Download ADB depedencies: here Android device with "USB debugging". If your device "cant be recognized" or simply not exist on "Device Manager", you need to install: Universal ADB Driver Then read: XDA: Install ADB & Enable USB Debugging. Now put this command on your command prompt / powershell / gitbash / or whatever terminal you use: # Check if our device works properly adb devices # Install Game Guardian manually through ADB adb install --bypass-low-target-sdk-block <path_to_game-guardian.apk> # If ADB is unresponsive / bugged, do: adb kill-server adb start-server { Termux: Terminal } The only requirement is you need "Root" permission, this is the most easiest way. Since you're going to Install Game Guardian, I assume you already have one (Yes, Game Guardian requires "Root" permission, duh). Download: Termux and Just go ahead execute this command: pkg update pkg upgrade pkg install tsu pkg install android-tools sudo adb install --bypass-low-target-sdk-block <path_to_game-guardian.apk> { Virtual Machine } This is suitable way for non-rooted users. Android 14 is relatively new, some of your ROM/OS might not support "Rooting" yet. Virtual Machine allows you to emulate another Android inside your Android 14 (or etc). Usually it comes with older Android version. I suggest to use Virtual Machine with Android 7 or 9 as you're not going to face any redundant issues, like Android 10-14 did. I would recommend using "VPhoneGaGa": VPhoneGaGa VMos Pro X8Sandbox F1VM { Modded APK } You can try to edit Game Guardian SDK: ("android:targetSdkVersion" to version 24+) and ("android:minSdkVersion" to 24+) on Manifest.xml using: APK Editor. You can also download already modded Game Guardian here (credit to @HEROGAMEOfficial ) : : Game Guardian : [ Aftermath ] With that, you can simply reference this topic in case there's someone that facing the same problem. I hope this topic can help you and other people. Thank you for reading.
  17. Thanks for the reply. I was unsuccessfully trying in my phone and tablet but I finally got it to work by doing a fresh install of a ROM (my phone supports multirom). I have been testing the hack a little and these are my observations : HBM: It fails if you win too quickly or if by chance the game uses a similar hero to yours because it will have the hacked values that you chose for yours (eg health, skills, damage). Dungeons: it fails again if you win too quickly. also once I tried hacking only health so my heroes took more than 2 minutes to win (in a reasonable time I think) but in the outcome I got failure again with all my heroes dead even when I saw no one died because I was using the health hack. the developers can know if the heroes are immortal? another time I sent a single unit with hacked health, it took her almost 3 minutes to win but didn't get failure. if there are too many heroes with unlimited health the game can sense cheating? as I say with only one hero with unlimited health I didn't get failure. in HBM it is no problem all my heroes have hacked health/damage/proc as long as it doesn't end too quickly (I purposedly spread buildings everywhere in the map outside my death box so the monsters will take their time destroying them thus the battle won't end so soon). Raid: I sent them by mistake! and as soon as I put them in the field I got connection failure and the game exited. when I came back all heroes were dead. Boss: as soon as I put my hacked heroes I got connection failure, I came back quickly (because I didn't wanna miss doing the boss hack or not) and found 2 heroes dead. entered guild and fought the boss with remaining 3 heroes . I was surprised the hack continued in those 3 and were dominating the boss with the hacked skills I had given to them. just in case, I stopped the fight after a few seconds and in the failure window I saw I had given 25 million damage but when leaving that window, the ranking showed the real numbers of damage, not the previous 25mil but only 2mil which I believe is my heroes true damage for their level. so even when visually the damage hack was working, the game showed the real (much lower but truer) damage value I had inflicted the boss . on a positive side, I was for the first time able to chain stun the boss with my heroes hacked skills (I gave champion skills to one of my heroes). in the end, I was at the bottom of the rank because with only 3 heroes I couldn't do much real damage (even though visually I was doing millions). so the hack is only partially useful for Boss? Arena: I am not so silly to show off and get reported so I didn't try. Hero Trials: since heroes are random 50% of the times I was unlucky to get similar to my hacked heroes so I had to stop it. Since it's not so efficient and more of an unnecessary risk, I won't do HT again. *I am not totally sure on this but damage hack seems to work only sometimes and not in all scenarios? QUESTIONS: - Is it possible to buff health just a little instead of having unlimited health? having unlimited for Dungeons is sometimes totally unnecessary and prone to failure. Is it possible for example to give Palladin's health to a low health hero? or another way to just give an extra 10/20% of health to reasonably survive fights (and maybe even raids without raising suspicion)? - In the hero map there's the codes for the jelly heroes. how do we use them? can we multiply them? Any comments on this would be appreciated. Thanks
  18. First off, the success rate of getting a legend hero in this tutorial is NOT 100%. This tutorial is to show you how to get a legend hero at the BEGINNING of the game. You need GEMS or hero SHARDS to get a legend hero for an existing account. I will show you how to create a new account for castle clash and still maintain your existing account. I will tell you how to get 600 gems for the 4 new heroes you will be getting. Now that all of this is out of the way, follow the steps below to create a new a Google account. Step 1. On your phone, you will go to SETTINGS. Step 2. Scroll down til you see ACCOUNTS. Step 3. Click ADD ACCOUNT. Step 4. Click GOOGLE. Step 5. Click New (you are going to be creating a new Google account) Step 6.Go through the process of creating the new Google account. (you do NOT have to setup a credit card) Congratulations! You have just created a new Google account. Now you can go to Castle Clash. In this part of the tutorial, I will tell you how to get 600 gems to get 4 NEW heroes. As many of you may know, you get ONE elite hero to start with. After you have completed the TWO parts of this tutorial, you will have 5 heroes to start with. One of them may be a legend or maybe all 4 new heroes will be legendary. (depends on your luck if you score a legend hero) Follow these steps below to create a new Castle Clash account. Step 1. Open Castle Clash Step 2. Click the little gear next to the sword. Step 3. Click Switch. Step 4. Click the new Google account you just created. Step 5. Sign in with the new Google account. (you may or may not have to do this part. If you do, then sign in) Step 6. Skip the in-game tutorial. Step 7. Click the little BLUE present. Step 8. Claim what you can (daily bonus and Google+) at this point you should have 205 GEMS. Step 9. Click "Tell Your Friends!" (you don't have to do anything here just back out to the game) Step 10. Click "Recommend on Google+" (again just back out after you click) Step 11. Click "Free GEMS!" Step 12. Complete an offer! (I recommend just downloading an app it tells you to and run it.) (you may have to finish the in-game tutorial in order to get the free gems) Step 13. Level up the Town Hall to level 3 (at this point you should have a little over 600 GEMS) Step 14. Build the Heroes Altar. Step 15. Click on Heroes Altar and click Hire With GEMS. (it doesn't matter if you click x1 or x3) Congratulations! You have finished the second part of the tutorial. I made a new account while doing this Tutorial and unfortunately I didn't get a Legend Hero. I know the process is a bit long to create a new Castle Clash account but, you ware waiting for your buildings to upgrade on your main account anyways. You can do this as many times as you want. If you didn't get a legend hero with the new Google account you created. You can always delete it and create a new one. AGAIN! THE SUCCESS RATE OF GETTING A LEGEND HERO ISN'T 100%. DO NOT CRY TO ME BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T GET A LEGEND HERO! I am sorry for bad grammar. I tried to make this Tutorial as organized as possible. If you have any questions, please let me know. I WILL NOT ANSWER PM's. If this thread needs to be moved, please do move it. This is my first tutorial/guide I have ever made, so I'm not sure where it belongs. Thank you and enjoy!
  19. if gg.isVisible(true) then gg.setVisible(false) end toggle = { menu = false, preloadValues = true, finishPreload = false, skipTimer = true, showChannelAd = true, errorToast = true, --no errors catched toast / useless atm } function main() vPool = gg.getListItems() if toggle.menu == true then SDM() else if toggle.preloadValues == true then toggle.preloadValues = false if toggle.finishPreload == false then if toggle.skipTimer == true then preload() else gg.alert([[ you have 10 seconds to figure out what your current Money and Highscore is. ]]) gg.sleep(10000) preload() end else mainMenu() end else mainMenu() end end end function SDM() menu = gg.choice({ "Debug Menu", "Preload Values", "Skip Timer", "mainMenu()" }, nil, "Secret Debug Menu") if menu == 1 then if toggle.menu == true then toggle.menu = false gg.alert("Debug Menu = false") main() else toggle.menu = true gg.alert("Debug Menu = true") main() end end if menu == 2 then if toggle.preloadValues == true then toggle.preloadValues = false gg.alert("Preload Values = false") main() else toggle.preloadValues = true gg.alert("Preload Values = true") main() end end if menu == 3 then if toggle.skipTimer == true then toggle.skipTimer = false gg.alert("Skip Timer = false") main() else toggle.skipTimer = true gg.alert("Skip Timer = true") main() end end if menu == 4 then mainMenu() end end function mainMenu() menu = gg.prompt({ "Modify Money", "Modify Current Kills", "Modify Highscore", "Modify Multiplier" }, { vPool[1].value, vPool[3].value, vPool[6].value, vPool[7].value },{ "number", "number", "number", "number" }) for v, k in pairs(vPool) do v[1].value = menu[1] v[3].value = menu[2] v[6].value = menu[3] v[7].value = menu[4] v[7].freeze = true v[7].freezeType = gg.FREEZE_NORMAL end gg.setValues(v) end function preload() --1243657 menu = gg.prompt({ "Enter Current money", }, nil, {"number"}) gg.searchNumber(menu[1], gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.refineAddress("CD4", -1, gg.TYPE_DWORD, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0) base = gg.getResults(1) base[1].name = "[1] Money" vPool[1] = base[1] gg.addListItems(base) _G.totalGain = {} totalGain[1] = { address = base[1].address + tonumber(0x4), flags = gg.TYPE_FLOAT, name = "[2] Total Money Gained", } vPool[2] = totalGain gg.addListItems(totalGain) --gg.alert("Preload Done, Preloaded Following Hacks:\n- Money\n- Total Money Gained") gg.clearResults() base = nil gg.searchNumber("1500", gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.refineAddress("D68", -1, gg.TYPE_DWORD, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0) base = gg.getResults(1) base[1].name = "[4] Target Limit" vPool[3] = base[1] gg.addListItems(base) _G.currentKills = {} currentKills[1] = { address = base[1].address - tonumber(0x4), flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD, name = "[3] currentKills", } vPool[4] = currentKills gg.addListItems(currentKills) --gg.alert("Preload Done, Preloaded Following Hacks:\n- Target Limit\n- currentKills") gg.clearResults() base = nil menu = gg.prompt({ "Enter Current Highscore", }, nil, {"number"}) gg.searchNumber(menu[1], gg.TYPE_FLOAT) gg.refineAddress("E5C", -1, gg.TYPE_FLOAT, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0) base = gg.getResults(1) base[1].name = "[6] Highscore" vPool[5] = base[1] gg.addListItems(base) _G.currentScore = {} currentScore[1] = { address = base[1].address - tonumber(0x4), flags = gg.TYPE_FLOAT, name = "[5] Current Score", } vPool[6] = currentScore gg.addListItems(currentScore) _G.multiplier = {} multiplier[1] = { address = base[1].address + tonumber(0x4), flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD, name = "[7] Multiplier", } vPool[7] = multiplier gg.addListItems(multiplier) --gg.alert("Preload Done, Preloaded Following Hacks:\n- Highscore\n- Current Score\n- Multiplier") gg.clearResults() base = nil --print(vPool) --breakpoint() finishPreload = true end function breakpoint() gg.alert("Breakpoint") os.exit() end main() while true do while gg.isVisible(true) do gg.setVisible(true) main() end end @ function mainMenu()
  20. Look at function number 2 (selectconditions) and the last function (searchandrefine). When I run this and select some stuff, it says there is an attempt to index a nil value (encrypted) in function searchandrefine. But I clearly define encrypted as encrypted = gg.multiChoice in function selectconditions. Can someone please fix my code? Thanks! function wait_for_action() gg.setVisible(false) while true do gg.sleep(500) if gg.isVisible()then break end end end function selectconditions(encrypted) if encrypted == 1 then encrypted = gg.multiChoice({'Encrypted'},nil,'Is the value encrypted?') end signs = {gg.SIGN_EQUAL,gg.SIGN_NOT_EQUAL,gg.SIGN_GREATER_,gg.SIGN_LESS,gg.SIGN_GREATER_OR_EQUAL,gg.SIGN_LESS_OR_EQUAL} signchoice = gg.multiChoice({'=',' ≠','>','<',' ≥','≤'},nil,'What condition?') i = 0 while not signchoice[i] do i = i + 1 end sign = signs[i] end function selecttype() menu = gg.multiChoice({'Auto','Dword','Float','Double','Word','Byte','Qword','Xor'},nil,'What type to search?') if menu == nil then else if menu[1] then a = 1 type = gg.TYPE_AUTO end if menu[2] then a = 1 type = gg.TYPE_DWORD end if menu[3] then a = 1 type = gg.TYPE_FLOAT end if menu[4] then a = 1 type = gg.TYPE_DOUBLE end if menu[5] then a = 1 type = gg.TYPE_WORD end if menu[6] then a = 1 type = gg.TYPE_BYTE end if menu[7] then a = 1 type = gg.TYPE_QWORD end if menu[8] then a = 1 type = gg.TYPE_XOR end end while a == 0 do a = 0 menu = gg.multiChoice({'Auto','Dword','Float','Double','Word','Byte','Qword','Xor',},nil,'What type to search?') if menu == nil then else if menu[1] then a = 1 type = gg.TYPE_AUTO end if menu[2] then a = 1 type = gg.TYPE_DWORD end if menu[3] then a = 1 type = gg.TYPE_FLOAT end if menu[4] then a = 1 type = gg.TYPE_DOUBLE end if menu[5] then a = 1 type = gg.TYPE_WORD end if menu[6] then a = 1 type = gg.TYPE_BYTE end if menu[7] then a = 1 type = gg.TYPE_QWORD end if menu[8] then a = 1 type = gg.TYPE_XOR end end end end function selectranges() menu = gg.multiChoice({'Jh: Java heap','Ch: C++ heap','Ca: C++ alloc','Cd: C++ .data','Cb: C++ .bss','PS:PPSSPP','A: Anonymous','J: Java','S: Stack','A: Ashmen','V: Video','O: Other','B: Bad','Xa: Code app','Xs: Code system','Reset','All'},nil,"Select memory ranges. If you don’t know what this is, select “All”.") ranges = "" if menu[1] then ranges = ranges .. "gg.REGION_JAVA_HEAP | " end if menu[2] then ranges = ranges .. "gg.REGION_C_HEAP | " end if menu[3] then ranges = ranges .. "gg.REGION_C_ALLOC | " end if menu[4] then ranges = ranges .. "gg.REGION_C_DATA | " end if menu[5] then a = 1 type = gg.TYPE_WORD end if menu[6] then a = 1 type = gg.TYPE_BYTE end if menu[7] then a = 1 type = gg.TYPE_QWORD end if menu[8] then a = 1 type = gg.TYPE_XOR end gg.setRanges(ranges) end end function searchandrefine() gg.clearResults() selecttype() selectconditions(1) value = gg.prompt({[1] = 'What is the value?'}, {[1] = '0'}, {[1] = 'text'}) gg.searchNumber(value[1], type, encrypted[1], sign) while gg.getResultsCount() > 10 do gg.alert('Make the value change, then click the gameguardian icon.') wait_for_action() gg.refineNumber(value[1], type, encrypted[1], sign) value = gg.prompt({[1] = 'What has the value changed to?'}, {[1] = '0'}, {[1] = 'text'}) end continue = gg.multiChoice({'There are' .. gg.getResultsCount() .. 'results left. Would you like to continue refining?'},nil,'') while continue[1] or gg.getResultsCount() < 2 do gg.alert('Make the value change, then click the gameguardian icon.') wait_for_action() gg.refineNumber(value[1], type, encrypted[1], sign) value = gg.prompt({[1] = 'What has the value changed to?'}, {[1] = '0'}, {[1] = 'text'}) continue = gg.multiChoice({'There are' .. gg.getResultsCount() .. 'results left. Would you like to continue refining?'},nil,'') end end searchandrefine()
  21. 1 Dodge Dart GT 2 Audi R8 e-tron 3 Tesla Model S 4 Cadillac ATS 5 Cadillac XTS 6 Scion FR-S 7 Mini Cooper S Roadster 8 Alfa Romeo MiTo GTA 9 Audi S4 10 Nissan 370Z 11 Audi RS 3 Sportback 12 Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Electric Drive 13 Audi TTS Coupe 14 Chevrolet Camaro GS 15 Ford Focus RS 16 Lamborghini Urus 17 Infiniti FX50 18 Lotus Exige S Coupe 19 Audi RS 4 Avant 20 Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione 21 DS Survolt 22 Aston Martin DB9 Coupe 23 Lamborghini Countach 25th Anniversary 24 Maserati GranTurismo Sport 25 Bentley Continental GT V8 26 Aston Martin V12 Zagato 27 Aston Martin V12 Vantage 28 Nissan GT-R (R35) 29 Ferrari 458 Italia 30 Ford Shelby GT500 31 Cadillac CTS-V Coupe Race Car 32 Mercedes-Benz SL 65 AMG Black Series 33 Dodge Viper SRT10 ACR-X 34 Chevrolet Corvette C7 35 McLaren 12C Spider 36 Pagani Zonda R 37 Ferrari F12berlinetta 38 Lamborghini Sesto Elemento 39 Marussia B2 40 RUF RT 12 S 41 Lamborghini Veneno 42 GTA Spano 43 RUF CTR 3 44 Ferrari FXX Evoluzione 45 Bugatti 16.4 Grand Sport Vitesse 46 Mercedes-Benz Silver Lightning 47 Koenigsegg Agera R 48 Ferrari 599XX 49 Lamborghini Gallardo LP 560-4 2013 50 Renault CLIO R.S. 200 EDC 51 BMW M6 52 Ferrari F430 53 Lotus Evora Enduro GT 54 Ferrari LaFerrari 55 W Motors Lykan HyperSport 56 Pagani Huayra 57 McLaren P1 58 SSC Tuatara 59 Ferrari Testarossa 60 SRT 2013 Dodge Challenger SRT8 61 Ford F-150 62 Hennessey Venom GT 63 Chrysler ME412 64 Ferrari FF 65 Ford 2006 GT 66 Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG GT Coupé Final Edition 67 2015 Ford Mustang 68 Jaguar C-X75 69 Mercedes-Benz CLK GTR AMG 70 Mercedes-Benz Biome 71 Peugeot Onyx 72 Jaguar F-Type R 73 Savage Rivale Roadyacht GTS 74 Mazda Furai 75 Nissan GT-R NISMO 76 SSC Ultimate Aero XT 77 Rimac Consept One 78 Savage Rivale GTR 79 Maserati MC12 80 Volkswagen W12 81 Koenigsegg One:1 82 9FF GT9 VMAX 83 Tramontana XTR 84 Felino cB7 85 Spada Codatronca 86 Arrinera Hussarya 87 Lucra L148 88 Acura NSX 2005 89 Renault DeZir 90 Ferrari F40 91 Ferrari Enzo Ferrari 92 Ferrari 612 Scaglietti 93 Ferrari F50 94 Ferrari 308 GTS 95 Ferrari 330 P4 96 Volkswagen Golf Design Vision GTI 97 BMW M3 Sedan 98 Audi R8 LMS Ultra 99 BMW M1 100 HTT Plethore LC 750 101 Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4 102 Geely GC9 103 ONUK Sazan LM 104 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X 105 Chevrolet SS 106 AC 378 GT Z 107 Kepler Motion 108 McLaren 675LT 109 Bentley EXP10 Speed 6 110 McLaren P1 GTR 111 Camaro Z/28 112 Datsun 280Z 113 Shelby Cobra 427 114 SUBARU IMPREZA WRX STI 115 McLaren 570S 116 Lamborghini Huracan 117 Cadillac 16 Consept 118 McLaren F1 XP-5 119 DS 3 Racing 120 Honda S2000 121 Range Rover Evoque Coupe HSE Dynamic 122 Mercedes-Benz SLK 55 AMG 123 Toyota Supra RZ (Mark IV) 124 Nissan Skyline GT-R (R34) 125 Peugeot SR1 126 Lamgorghini Asterion 127 Mazzanti Evantra 128 Mosler GT3 129 Lamborghini Egoista 130 Renault Sport R.S. 01 131 TRION NEMESIS 132 ED Design Torq 133 Alfa Romeo 4C 134 Lamborghini Estoque 135 Rinspeed zaZen 136 Sbarro Alcador 137 Holden Coupe 60 138 Volkswagen Beetle Turbo 139 Lamborghini Miura 140 Cheverolet 2016 Camaro SS 141 Ferrari 458 Italia 142 Mosler Super GT 143 Mazda RX8 144 BMW 3.0 CSL Hommage 145 Honda Integra Type-R 146 Devel Sixteen Prototype 147 Mazda 6 148 Mitsubishi Eclipse 149 nanoFlowcell QUANT FE 150 Fenyr SuperSport 151 nanoFlowcell QUANTINO 152 Weber Faster One 153 Mercedes-AMG GT3 154 Nissan Juke Nismo 155 Jaguar XJ220S TWR Motorsport 156 Mercedes-AMG C 63 Couple 157 Jaguar F-TYPE Project 7 158 Aston Martin One-77 159 Donkervoort D8 GTO 160 Caddilac ATS-V Coupe 161 BXR Blade 162 MB GLC Coupe 163 2015 GTA Spano 164 Falcon F7 165 TVR Sagaris 166 Citroen GT 167 Icona Vulcano 168 Chevrolet Corvette C3 169 AlfaRomeo Quadrifoglio (Giulietta 2016 Veloce) 170 Mercedes CLA Racing 34 (CLA 45 AMG Racing Series) 171 McLaren M14A 172 McLaren Mercedes MP4-25 173 Arash AF10 174 Aston Martin Vulcan 175 Chevrolet Impala 176 2010 Bentley Continental Supersports 177 Mosler Land Shark 178 BMW M2 179 McLaren MP4/8 180 Renault Alpine Celebration 181 Lamborghini Aventador SV 182 Buick Avista Concept 183 Mercedes-Benz SLK 55 AMG Special Edition 184 McLaren MP4-31 185 Sbarro Sparta 186 Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport 187 SIN R1 188 Ferrari GTC4Lusso 189 Lotus Evora Sport 410 190 Porshe Cayman GT4 191 Porshe 718 Boxster S 192 Porshe 959 193 Porshe 911 GT3 RS 194 Porshe 918 Spyder with Weissach Package 195 Suzuki Hayabusa 196 Suzuki GSX-R750 197 Peugeot RCZ R 198 KTM 1290 Super Duke R 199 Ducati SuperSport S 200 Ducati Monster 1200 S 201 Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren 722 Edition 202 Kawasaki Z800 203 Aprilla Tuono V4 1100 RR my2017 204 Honda Civic Type-R 205 Renault Trezor 206 McLaren 650S GT3 207 Arrinera Hussarya GT 208 Villian Wheels 209 BMW S1000 RR 211 Bone Shaker 212 Rip Rod 213 Twin Mill 214 Pagani Huayra BC 210 BMV M2 Special Edition - C 215 Yamaha FZ-10 - C 216 Audi R8 e-tron Special Edition - A 217 Yamaha YZF-R6 - C 218 Ariel Atom V8 - D 219 Buick Riviera - C 220 Vanda Electrics Dendrobium - S 221 Zenvo ST1 222 Apollo Intensa Emozione 223 Apollo N 224 Vencer Sarthe 225 Kawasaki Ninja H2R 226 Ducati XDiavel S 227 Zenvo TS1 GT Anniversary Edition 228 Rimac Concept S 229 Sbarro GT1 230 Rezvani Beast Ailpha 231 Mazda RX8 Special Edition 232 2018 MacLaren X2 233 Mclaren 720S _______________________________________________ added 1 minute later wait 24hour wait 24 hour
  22. Update cars codes: I haven't found Renault Trezor Code (code 206 not avaliable) Asphalt 8's Code Cars updated 1 Dodge Dart GT 2 Audi R8 e-tron 3 Tesla Model S 4 Cadillac ATS 5 Cadillac XTS 6 Scion FR-S 7 Mini Cooper S Roadster 8 Alfa Romeo MiTo GTA 9 Audi S4 10 Nissan 370Z 11 Audi RS 3 Sportback 12 Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Electric Drive 13 Audi TTS Coupe 14 Chevrolet Camaro GS 15 Ford Focus RS 16 Lamborghini Urus 17 Infiniti FX50 18 Lotus Exige S Coupe 19 Audi RS 4 Avant 20 Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione 21 DS Survolt 22 Aston Martin DB9 Coupe 23 Lamborghini Countach 25th Anniversary 24 Maserati GranTurismo Sport 25 Bentley Continental GT V8 26 Aston Martin V12 Zagato 27 Aston Martin V12 Vantage 28 Nissan GT-R (R35) 29 Ferrari 458 Italia 30 Ford Shelby GT500 31 Cadillac CTS-V Coupe Race Car 32 Mercedes-Benz SL 65 AMG Black Series 33 Dodge Viper SRT10 ACR-X 34 Chevrolet Corvette C7 35 McLaren 12C Spider 36 Pagani Zonda R 37 Ferrari F12berlinetta 38 Lamborghini Sesto Elemento 39 Marussia B2 40 RUF RT 12 S 41 Lamborghini Veneno 42 GTA Spano 43 RUF CTR 3 44 Ferrari FXX Evoluzione 45 Bugatti 16.4 Grand Sport Vitesse 46 Mercedes-Benz Silver Lightning 47 Koenigsegg Agera R 48 Ferrari 599XX 49 Lamborghini Gallardo LP 560-4 2013 50 Renault CLIO R.S. 200 EDC 51 BMW M6 52 Ferrari F430 53 Lotus Evora Enduro GT 54 Ferrari LaFerrari 55 W Motors Lykan HyperSport 56 Pagani Huayra 57 McLaren P1 58 SSC Tuatara 59 Ferrari Testarossa 60 SRT 2013 Dodge Challenger SRT8 61 Ford F-150 62 Hennessey Venom GT 63 Chrysler ME412 64 Ferrari FF 65 Ford 2006 GT 66 Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG GT Coupe Final Edition 67 2015 Ford Mustang 68 Jaguar C-X75 69 Mercedes-Benz CLK GTR AMG 70 Mercedes-Benz Biome 71 Peugeot Onyx 72 Jaguar F-Type R 73 Savage Rivale Roadyacht GTS 74 Mazda Furai 75 Nissan GT-R NISMO 76 SSC Ultimate Aero XT 77 Rimac Consept One 78 Savage Rivale GTR 79 Maserati MC12 80 Volkswagen W12 81 Koenigsegg One:1 82 9FF GT9 VMAX 83 Tramontana XTR 84 Felino cB7 85 Spada Codatronca 86 Arrinera Hussarya 87 Lucra L148 88 Acura NSX 2005 89 Renault DeZir 90 Ferrari F40 91 Ferrari Enzo Ferrari 92 Ferrari 612 Scaglietti 93 Ferrari F50 94 Ferrari 308 GTS 95 Ferrari 330 P4 96 Volkswagen Golf Design Vision GTI 97 BMW M3 Sedan 98 Audi R8 LMS Ultra 99 BMW M1 100 HTT Plethore LC 750 101 Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4 102 Geely GC9 103 ONUK Sazan LM 104 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X 105 Chevrolet SS 106 AC 378 GT Z 107 Kepler Motion 108 McLaren 675LT 109 Bentley EXP10 Speed 6 110 McLaren P1 GTR 111 Camaro Z/28 112 Datsun 280Z 113 Shelby Cobra 427 114 SUBARU IMPREZA WRX STI 115 McLaren 570S 116 Lamborghini Huracan 117 Cadillac 16 Consept 118 McLaren F1 XP-5 119 DS 3 Racing 120 Honda S2000 121 Range Rover Evoque Coupe HSE Dynamic 122 Mercedes-Benz SLK 55 AMG 123 Toyota Supra RZ (Mark IV) 124 Nissan Skyline GT-R (R34) 125 Peugeot SR1 126 Lamgorghini Asterion 127 Mazzanti Evantra 128 Mosler GT3 129 Lamborghini Egoista 130 Renault Sport R.S. 01 131 TRION NEMESIS 132 ED Design Torq 133 Alfa Romeo 4C 134 Lamborghini Estoque 135 Rinspeed zaZen 136 Sbarro Alcador 137 Holden Coupe 60 138 Volkswagen Beetle Turbo...............................................usado para cheat 139 Lamborghini Miura 140 Cheverolet 2016 Camaro SS 141 Ferrari 458 Italia 142 Mosler Super GT 143 Mazda RX8 144 BMW 3.0 CSL Hommage 145 Honda Integra Type-R 146 Devel Sixteen Prototype 147 Mazda 6 148 Mitsubishi Eclipse 149 nanoFlowcell QUANT FE 150 Fenyr SuperSport 151 nanoFlowcell QUANTINO 152 Weber Faster One 153 Mercedes-AMG GT3 154 Nissan Juke Nismo 155 Jaguar XJ220S TWR Motorsport 156 Mercedes-AMG C 63 Couple 157 Jaguar F-TYPE Project 7 158 Aston Martin One-77 159 Donkervoort D8 GTO 160 Caddilac ATS-V Coupe 161 BXR Blade 162 Mercedes-Benz GLC Coupe 163? (2015 GTA Spano )? 164 Falcon F7 165 TVR Sagaris 166 Citroen GT 167 Icona Vulcano 168 Chevrolet Corvette C3 169 AlfaRomeo Giulietta 2016 Veloce 170 Mercedes Benz CLA 45 AMG Racing Series 171 McLaren M14A 172 McLaren Mercedes MP4-25 173 Arash AF10 174 Aston Martin Vulcan 175 Chevrolet Impala 176 2010 Bentley Continental Supersports 177 Mosler Land Shark 178 BMW M2 179 McLaren MP4/8 180 Renault Alpine celebration 181 Lamborghini Aventador SV 182 Buick Avista Concept 183 Mercedes-Benz SLK 55 AMG Special Edition 184 McLaren MP4-31 185 Sbarro Sparta 186 Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport 187 SIN R1 188 Ferrari GTC4Lusso? 189 Lotus Evora Sport 410 190 Porsche Cayman GT4 191 Porsche 718 Boxster S 192 Porsche 959 193 Porsche 911 GT3 RS? 194 Porsche 918 spider 195 bike huybusa 196 bike suzuki gsx-r750 197 peugeot rcz r 198 ducati super duke 199 ducati Super Sport S 200 ducati monster 1200 201 Mercedes-Benz SLR Mclaren 722 Edition? 202 Kawasaki Z800 203 Aprilia Tuono V4 1100 RR my 2017 204 Honda Civic Type-R 205 McLaren 650S GT3 206 ?? (Possibly Renault Trezor) 207 Arrinera Hussarya GT 208 Villain Wheels - Carro do filme "Meu Malvado Favorito" 209 BMW S1000 RR 210 BMW M2 Special Edition 211 Hot Wheels - Bone Shaker 212 Hot Wheels - Rip Rod 213 Hot Wheels - Twin Mill 214 Pagani Huayra BC 215 Yamaha FZ-10 216 Audi R8 e-tron Special Edition 217 Yamaha YZF R6 218 Ariel Atom V8 219 Buick Riviera 220 Vanda Eletrics Dendrobium
  23. kiynox

    HWID Lock Script?

    [ @_insidious ] --- For the last couple of days, I found Universal pattern to find most ID on Google Play. - Most UUID starts with "$" sign - Hash starts with "AB-" - Token starts with "CAMS" - Long unique string often carries ":" on the front - Cached memory usually starts with six "00", then the content comes after it. --- I've utilize most of that and come up with multiple pattern, save it as "tablet.lua" : patterns = { [1]= { [1]= { ["pattern"] = "h 24", ["init"] = 1, ["ended"] = 37 }, ["message"] = "Universal ID", ["regex"] = "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$", ["must"] = "", ["flags"] = true }, [2]= { [1]= { ["pattern"] = "h 41 42 2D", ["init"] = 0, ["ended"] = 204 }, ["message"] = "Universal Hash", ["regex"] = "^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*$", ["must"] = "", ["flags"] = true }, [3]= { [1]= { ["pattern"] = "h 43 41 4D 53", ["init"] = 0, ["ended"] = 208 }, ["message"] = "Universal Header", ["regex"] = "^(.*=)", ["must"] = "^[a-zA-Z0-9-_=]*$", ["flags"] = true }, [4]= { [1]= { ["pattern"] = "h 63 6F 6D 2E 67 6F 6F 67 6C 65 2E 61 6E 64 72 6F 69 64 2E 67 6D 73", ["init"] = 29, ["ended"] = 65 }, [2]= { ["pattern"] = "h 67 6D 73", ["init"] = 10, ["ended"] = 46 }, ["message"] = "GMS UUID", ["regex"] = "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$", ["must"] = "-", ["flags"] = true }, [5]= { [1]= { ["pattern"] = "h 70 68 65 6E 6F 74 79 70 65 5F 73 65 72 76 65 72 5F 74 6F 6B 65 6E", ["init"] = 38, ["ended"] = 246 }, ["message"] = "Phenotype Server Token", ["regex"] = "^(.*=)", ["must"] = "^[a-zA-Z0-9-_=]*$", ["flags"] = false } } --- Now you can call the pattern from "tablet.lua" (save it on the same Directory!) into our main script: app = gg.getTargetInfo().packageName dofile("./tablet.lua") options = {} results = {} function is_unique(datas, parent, flags) unique = false gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber(datas["pattern"], gg.TYPE_BYTE, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0) result_count = gg.getResultsCount() if result_count > 0 then bases = gg.getResults(result_count) for _ = 1, result_count do raw_init = const(bases[_].address, datas["init"]) raw_end = const(bases[_].address, datas["ended"]) deciph = hexdecode(raw_end:gsub(raw_init, "")) regex = deciph:match(parent["regex"]) must = false if regex ~= nil then if regex:match(parent["must"]) then must = true end end if regex ~= nil and must ~= false then unique = regex table.insert(results[parent["message"]], regex) if flags == true then break end end end end return unique end function const(addr, buffer) construct = "" current = {} for _ = 1, buffer do current[_] = {address = (addr - 1) + _, flags = gg.TYPE_BYTE} end for k, v in ipairs(gg.getValues(current)) do construct = construct .. string.format("%02X", v.value & 0xFF) end return construct end function hexdecode(hex) return (hex:gsub("%x%x", function(digits) return string.char(tonumber(digits, 16)) end)) end function looper(datas, flags) pattern = false results[datas["message"]] = {} for key, value in ipairs(datas) do if type(key) == "number" then for ___ = 1, 2 do pattern = is_unique(value, datas, flags) if pattern ~= false then break end end end if pattern ~= false then break end end end function printer() flags = false for k in pairs(results) do if flags == true then break end for v in pairs(results[k]) do print(results) choice = gg.alert(k .. ': ' .. results[k][v], 'OK', 'Exit') if choice == 2 then flags = true break end end end end for k, v in ipairs(patterns) do table.insert(options, v["message"]) end while true do choice = gg.choice({"Exit", "Search", "Printer"}, nil, "Selections:") if choice == 2 then choice = gg.choice(options, nil, "Patterns:") looper(patterns[choice], patterns[choice]['flags']) elseif choice == 3 then printer() else os.exit() end end --- Using Universal pattern can take a while (even long time), but it can captures all possible unique ID.
  24. Introduction Starting as a legit player, I have been playing Brave Frontier for around 2 months. After that I got bored of the game and decided what exploits could be done to this game to get more fun out of it. Initially, I leeched off damage hacks and stats of my units. This made the game fun but there was never a mod that gave me exactly what I wanted, thus, I started to learn how to mod the game myself through tutorials. Learning ARM from scratch has been quite a challenge for me even with some programming knowledge. As I have seen motivated people wanting to learn how to mod as well as the lack of tutorials of how to get started, I decided to write this guide to help people out as well as get help from people that will eventually surpass me. While I started from scratch, I have been trying to tinker around with IDA Pro and might use some rather advanced terms, please notify me if you do not understand anything so I can make the tutorial easier to understand. Update: I can be found at trybeat.us, come join the community! More guides will be written there too! TL;DR Started Legit Got bored Leeched hacks Hacks not what I want Learnt to make own mod Now want to teach others how to mod Required Tools · IDA Pro 6.1 · HxD · WinRaR for extracting the apk file · ARM to ASM Converter Optional Tools Here are some extra files that are good for your reading reference/ modding reference · Original 1.1.6 Brave Frontier Global libgame.so · Book on ARM · Android Multi-tool (For non-rooted devices) Steps Now, let us get started to finally make your own mod for brave frontier with all the hacks that you yourself can customize! Step 1 (Preparation) 1. Install IDA Pro as well as HxD, how this works is you will look for the parts to edit in IDA Pro and edit the file using HxD. This will be explained later on 2. Download the latest Brave Frontier apk file 3. Open the apk with WinRar and go to lib>armeabi>libgame.so 4. This is the file which we will be going to mod, so extract it somewhere where you will be able to access it later on. We will need 2 copies, 1 file for viewing with IDA Pro and another for the main modding with HxD. Try to take note which one is which to prevent confusion. Step 2 (Opening the file to mod) 1. Right-click your libgame.so and open with “The Interactive Disassembler” A.K.A IDA Pro. 2. You will come across a “Load a new file” window, this is for IDA Pro to set up the program for you to do your viewing and editing. 3. Ensure “ELF for ARM (Shared object) [elf.Idw]” option is highlighted as well as the “Load resources” checkbox at the Options pane. 4. Click OK and wait for IDA Pro to load! This will take quite some time as the file is generally quite big 5. If you see this “ARM AND THUMB MODE SWITCH INSTRUCTIONS” window pop up, click okay and let IDA Pro continue its loading. 6. You can track the progress at the top where there is a coloured bar and arrows pointing to where in the file is being accessed, it is quite obvious when it is done, here is a screenshot of when the loading is completed. Step 3 (Getting Information for modding) 1. Finally! You have managed to load everything! Now is the time to start getting information to do the modding! But how to start? Everything looks so… alien D: 2. Don’t worry, let me start you off with some simple mods such as stats which can be found using simple keywords and experimenting: · Monster Stats -> MonsterUnit::getMaxHP() (set R0 <- you will know what this is for later) 3. You can search by clicking on the “Search” Tab up at the toolbar of IDA Pro or use ALT+T to search for the terms. To go to the next searched term, use CTR+T to go to the next term 4. Let’s set the monster’s HP to 1 in this tutorial as an example of how to mod. Search for the keyword “getMaxHp”, keep going through the search until you find “MonsterUnit::getMaxHP(void)”. This will be the method you will want to modify to edit the HP of the monsters (Look at the highlighted part). 5. Well, if you can “kind of” read the English, you can see there is some blue text that says “blabla…getBaseMaxHp…blabla”. Logically thinking and with some common sense, this should be some “magic” (Let’s call this a function) done to get the HP of the monster… right? 6. To put away some technicalities, this function stores the retrieved HP of the monster in this storage “R0. These registers stores a number up to 255 in value. This is known through reading further into the function and reading the codes. You can view these stuff by clicking on the function and scrolling down to see the whole thing although not really advisable due to its complexity. 7. Now, we know that this function gets the monster HP and stores it into the register R0, what if we forced R0 to always be 1…? That would be awesome right? 1HP Monsters all the way! But what do we need to know in order to edit? The codes look too hard to edit right? Here are some commonly used codes for ARM that is used for modding: · MOV <Target>, #<Value up to 255> (Setting the register R0 to 0 would be MOV R0, #0) · ADD/SUB/MUL/DIV <Target>, <First>, <Second> (For bigger numbers, e.g. MUL R0, #30, #30 makes R0 store the value of 900) · ADD/SUB/MUL/DIV <Target as First>, Second (Similar MUL R0, #30 will multiply the value in R0 by 30 and store it back into R0) 8. Now we want to set R0 to 1 in order to make the monsters HP 1, there are 3 things you need to know and confirm: · The address of where you are editing, which is on the left (In this case its: 00348A22) · What is your intended modifications (we want to set R0 to 1, so the instruction will be “MOV R0, #1”) and its direct translation modify the program (I will explain this later) · Is the modification the same length as the original? (Not in this case, I will show you some stupid remedies that can be done, Step 10. If it is the same length, you can directly replace. If it is shorter than the original, it is best to place it at the bottom of the whole function so that other codes will not affect your modded codes) 9. For step number 3 in part 9, you can check if the length is same in the Hex View-A tab just below the blue-ish bar at the top. This is what you see when you click on the function. To compare the length, usually the mod codes used is 4 alphanumberic characters, in this case it is twice the length of what we need, what I usually do is just repeat the command twice. This can be done as we are setting the R0 to 1. You can also use codes which does nothing, these can be done through NOP(No Operation), or you can put 00 00 to make it not do anything. Examples of alternatives that can be done: [ 01 20 ] MOVS R0, #1 [ C0 46 ] NOP or [ 01 20 ] MOVS R0, #1 [ 00 00 ] 10. Now we have 2 need-to-knows done, the last part is the translation which can be easily done using the program I have provided above. Use the ARM to ASM Converter program to convert the code to the 4 alphanumeric characters which can be used to replace the code later on. Here is the screenshot, hopefully it is self-explanatory: 11. We will use the 2-Byte translation. If you want to have a preview, you can edit the code in the Hex View-A by right clicking and pressing “Edit…” or F2, then typing in “0120” twice. This is what you should see after doing that In Hex View In IDA View 12. Note that if you want to set R0 to above 255, you will have to multiply them. Here is an example: MOV R0, #30 <- Making R0 set to 30 MUL R0, R0 <- Multiplying R0 by itself to total up to 900 and storing it into R0 (From command above) 13. Now we have confirmed that everything looks okay, we will finally do the real modding. A few more steps before our mod is done! Step 4 (Modding the real deal) 1. Now we have the 3 need-to-knows, you want to open the other libgame.so (Yes, the one you did not touch at all) with HxD. Here is what you should see 2. Yes, it looks confusing, you don’t need to know what is all these. It is actually the 4 character equivalent to what we saw in IDA PRO, however, we are able to edit the values directly in this program. So we need our address, the first need-to-know! Aha, 00348A22! 3. You can go to the address by pressing CTR+G or through the Search tab, search the address and it should bring you right onto it! 4. Now you are at that area, try not to use your arrow keys to navigate around as you don’t want to accidentally touch other parts of the code! The 2nd need-to-know, which is the length and intended modification will be needed to replace the original code (01 20 01 20). So go ahead and type it in. 5. Save and you have successfully modded your libgame.so, all that’s left is to copy in and ensure your brave frontier works with your mod! Congratulations for making it this far! Step 5 (Loading the Mod) 1. Hurrah! We have finally modded the libgame.so file! Now how do we loading it in? 5a (Rooted devices) 1. For rooted devices its easy, copy the libgame.so into your phone and move it to /data/data/sg.gumi.bravefrontier/lib/ directory 2. You might want to rename the original libgame.so in case there you screwed up the mod or want to revert back to the original. I have provided the original libgame.so for the version 1.1.6 in case you deleted the file. 5b (Non-Rooted Devices) 1. You are going to need to sign the apk before installing it back. 1. Once you are done with the libgame.so, move it back to the same place in the apk using WinRAR. 2. Extract the AndroidMulitiool folder into your C:Disk 3. Copy the .apk with the modified libgame.so into the files section of the AndroidMultitool (not needed but recommended) 4. Make sure the .apk doesn't have any spaces in the name of it. (Eg: BraveFrontierMod.apk) 5. Go back to the AndroidMultitool folder and run the AndroidMultitool.exe. 6. Go to Signing and click on the ellipses [...] and go to the location of your .apk with the modified libgame.so (C:\AndroidMultitool\Files ; if you moved it to the files section as recommended.) 7. Click sign. 8. Go to your C:\AndroidMultitools\Signed_apk and you should see name_signed.apk (Eg: BraveFrontierMod_signed.apk) 9. Rename it to whatever you like. 10. Move it to your device, install, and play. Conclusion While the guide is lengthy with lots of words, I have tried putting pictures to make it easier to understand for beginners. After all, I was once a beginner and learnt modding through tutorials and videos. I hope experienced modders can help make my guide easier to understand as well as help me out with more advanced stuff. (PM me!) For those that has managed to complete their very own first mod, here is a challenge for you. Can you find the function that will modify your stats (most of you guys like 2katk/4kdef mods)? J *Hint* You will need to use multipliers stated above to make your stats more than 255, thus needing at least 2 lines of instructions. This is my first contribution, I hope it isn’t as bad as I think it currently is :x I hope some of you learnt something from this guide! Thanks and Happy Modding! Credits I would like to thank Optimum for the steps to load the mod into your non-rooted devices and AnonThanatos for alternatives of filling up spaces with nothing instead of repeated codes to make it less confusing.
  25. Name of Game: Summoner's War Sky Arena Game Version: 1.2.7 Name of Cheat: Maxed Skills and 6* from any 5* monster As of 1.2.9 this method may no longer work Steps: Open both Summoner's War, and GameGuardian. Open the Power-up Circle Place your Maxed 5* monster into the #1 position Place any monster (preferably a monster at the top of the list) into the first slot and search GG for the monster slot (Slots start at 0 and increment left to right top to bottom). Remove the first slot monster and place another one there (preferably a monster at the top of the list) and search GG for the new monster slot. Repeat Step 5 until two addresses remain (we want the first one 77xxxxxx80). Place any monsters into slots 2-5 Save this address to GG (I label it M1), switch to Memory View Tab (4th Tab in GG), search this memory address Scroll memory 70 hex values down (this is approximately 28 lines) until you see 2/3 consecutive lines 00000001, 000000??, 77XXXXXX (this value may change, but you cant miss it, M5 doesnt have this value anymore) Save the ?? line as the next monster slot (M2) Repeat Steps 9-10 until you label all slots (M1-M5) Go to the Saved Addresses Tab (3rd Tab in GG) and set all values M1-M5 to zero Save the addresses (save button top right hand corner of this tab) Look and see that your power-up circle has all of the same monsters Press Evolve Repeat for all 5* monsters, I recommend doing them in order they are in the first slot since memory already has the value 0 saved so you just have to click on the saved address and save 0 over it. Log out, log back in (load your saved memory values so you don't have to re-search them), repeat until your monster is lvl 40 with maxed skills Please be aware that this deletes your monster from the servers, however, you still get to keep your newly maxed out 6*. IF YOU DO THIS TO ANY MONSTER THAT IS NOT 5* AND MAXED, YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO GET IT TO EVOLVE AGAIN Because your monsters are deleted from the servers you should not do this to anything less than a maxed out 5 star UNLESS YOUR INTENT IS TO DESTROY IT OR USE IT FOR LEVEL UPS. Please be aware that this means all of your currently equipped Runes are also deleted from the server, you still keep them but they cannot be removed. They can be replaced. You can awaken a monster after using this trick, so no worries about evolving an unawakened 5*. This trick applies to Rainbow Angelmon, so you can (once) make 1 4* anglemon take up 4 slots to evolve your 4*s into 5*s. This uses up the angelmon but it only uses 1 angelmon so is worth it. (same goes for Devilmon too, aka 1 devilmon will give 5 skillups if cloned to all 5 slots) Please be aware that this costs 100,000s of Mana, I went through ~400k and only leveled 3 5*s to 6*s of lvl 40, 38, and 37. This may get you banned, use at your own risk. Theoretically, the best way to exploit this and not get banned is to just use this a a monster duplication, so that you can use any monster in all 5 slots and when the server destroys it it is gone forever. I'll let you know if i get banned for this. For the best monster duplication experience, when you are saving the monster slots, also save the memory address above the slot which holds the value 1. Then you can freeze the 1 and the slot number (I pick the highest 1 star monster in my list). Then, all you have to do is press the mob to evolve and press evolve. Tutorial Video is here Please enjoy.
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