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XEKEX last won the day on November 28 2023

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    J7 Prime

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  1. @Rxhacker No you can't create thread using GG the only solution is by trampoline hooks, explaination : all games and apps are compiled and there is a linkage between it's functions(methods) and calls. read more it's either you jmp or pointer replace -> if the addCoins(int coins) is an actual method within the lib you can alloc mem with gg set up R1 (<- R1 not R0 bc R0 is the caller address / class field ) then call the original addCoins using BL ( or other branch instructions ) finally sweap the field pointer to the new allocmem this method is helpful if you have a global method like dmg or range ( changing it cause the enemy to have the same hack as u )
  2. void methods are bascally for k,v in pairs(Dictionary[some index]) do -- logic here end
  3. XEKEX

    pointer search bug

    local results = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS) gg.searchPointer(0) local results_pointers = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) -- this will have the all the pointers of all the searched values. --[[ Note: gg.searchPointer() mixed searchPointer ( int maxOffset, long memoryFrom = 0, long memoryTo = -1, long limit = 0 ) Searches for values that may be pointers to elements of the current search result. Parameters maxOffset Maximum offset for pointers. Valid values: 0 - 65535. memoryFrom Start memory address for the search. memoryTo End memory address for the search. limit Stopping the search after finding the specified number of results. 0 means to search all results. **Returns** true or string with error. Examples: gg.searchNumber('10', gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 5) -- search some values gg.searchPointer(512) -- search for possible pointers to values finded before gg.searchNumber('10', gg.TYPE_DWORD) -- search some values gg.loadResults(gg.getResults(5)) gg.searchPointer(512) -- search for possible pointers to values loaded before local t = {} t[1] = {} t[1].address = 0x18004030 -- some desired address t[1].flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD t[2] = {} t[2].address = 0x18004040 -- another desired address t[2].flags = gg.TYPE_BYTE gg.loadResults(t) gg.searchPointer(512) -- search for possible pointers to values loaded before
  4. it must be sending data using sockets instead of normal http requests. try to search for a function that kick players out ( pointer to it ) then call it with it's parameters or edit the parameters upon calling it
  5. XEKEX

    how to use offsets

    offset in a simple term is the distance between two addesses instead of meters we use hex
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  8. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  9. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  10. try this instructions (both are the same ) ~A8 MOV W0, #0x3333, LSL #16 ~A8 MOVK W0, #0x4083, LSL #32 ~A8 FMOV S0, W0 ~A8 RET
  11. Good luck , if you have any other questions feel free to ask.
  12. when dealing with processor you need to be more strict even an upper and lower naming can affect the instructions you can learn more about arm: https://developer.arm.com/documentation it's too complicated topic and not simple
  13. I'm not a 64 user I can't test it however ,the error you're encountering is likely due to the fact that the value 0xC28F3D75 cannot be directly used as a floating-point constant in the FMOV instruction In AArch64 assembly, when using immediate values with FMOV, you typically need to represent the floating-point constant in a specific format: 0.06 FMOV S0, #0.06 or FMOV S0, 0.06 ( depending on the system ) In the 1st case #0xC28F3D75 is a 32bit value and the your instruction set it to 64bit value with the register X The third line (FMOV s0, w8) moves the value in register w8 into scalar floating-point register s0. This might be an issue depending on the context. If w8 contains a valid 32-bit integer, this conversion could be appropriate. However, if w8 contains a floating-point value, this operation might lead to unexpected results You should use W register instead to convert the register W8 to a valid 32bit floating-point: MOV w8, #0xC28F MOVK w8, #0x3D75, LSL #16 FMOV s0, w8 ret
  14. you are using register X8 then sending register W8 to the fpu and this is wrong try this instead : FMOV S0, #0xC28F3D75 ret or try to change W8 to X8
  15. yes • a script to manipulate your android system files that create a server in your phone and listen to it • an ELF shell get executed when you reboot your phone a script to handle the download and the setup of the shell in your phone ( creation of this kind of scripts is time consuming and not worth the try I won't recommend it )
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