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  1. Name of Game: Royal Dice : Random Defense Game Version: 1.22.0 Name of Cheat: Coins/Diamons/Dices Search type: Dword Steps: Open Royal Dice, and GameGuardian. You can do it wherever you want (Daily Rewards, Daily Special Deal) I will take an example in daily rewards for diamons. Use speed hack to change the day in the game and refill the rewards. The first need to be 10 free diamons, and search for it. Speed up until it changes and get 100 gold. Refine your search until you get one value, usually only takes 1 refine. Change and freeze if u preffer to: 100,000 if u want gold 14,000 for diamons 8,000 aprox for dices 100 aprox for legends dices Continue to claiming with speed hack Tips: When you finish, I recommend deleting the game data or reinstalling it so that the date is corrected and not have to go through the days used by the speed hack. You cant give more diamons or gold, It has a maximum quantity limit that you can give yourself. If you give more than indicated your data will not be saved. For dices its the same steps just dont refine or change when you get a chest in your special deal. To get dices it will cost gold, so the best is get a lot of diamons and buy it. Any questions feel free to ask
  2. kiynox

    HWID Lock Script?

    [ @_insidious ] --- I think it's the best to use traditional passworded script. You can create some algorithm that will match password and the generated hash, you can then log them if the key is already used. Well that's not answering the question, but you can utilize any unique ID stored. Here's my thoughts: If the script is targetting some specific games, you can grab in-game unique ID by scanning them directly on the Memory (since accessing shell is restricted in newer version of Android), if the result exist atleast one, the script can continue. For example in Minecraft, in-game character have unique identifier bounds to Xbox Live account, usually it's patterned like this: minecraft:player.0.[uuid-here] You can also utilize Game Guardian random package naming. Each installation, Game Guardian will re-install itself with random package name to avoid Game detection. You can somehow use this with pattern search: com.[length-string], etc. I don't have Android 12+ since I'm already getting comfortable in Android 10, but each process sits under /proc. Theoretically, you can get information from /proc/cpuinfo, which then you can find any Unique ID in there (or atleast anything from /proc). ---
  3. Damn, guys... Some questions here are plain lazy and I won't be quoting back to the same posts for the 7th time so just read back. If there is a method, it's in this thread. I've already cleared this. Everything from v1.5.2 works on v1.5.3. The only major difference is in offsets where you could get exp address through energy with offset C0 and you can't. Nothing that can't be solved with a fuzzy search and N=O+D based on the exp you got from a kill. Nothing changed. This is a verification value. Basically it's an address that is monitoring changes in your 20D address. If you split that 20 stack into 10, the 226D will change non-proportionally. If you work without this address, all the changes will be incompatible and your progress won't be saved. And this number changes each time you start the game so it's no use to write it down. On the plus side, that 226D applies to all 20D value stacks. So say you got 2 gas cans, trace down the address, change the value from 2D to 20D and the verification address to 226D in this case. Same question, different example. The method is right but do overthink it! Try to understand what purpose that address serves. Answered above. Already answered ITT. page 13 Already answered ITT. page 13
  4. Few months ago i met my friend xXRuitXx on androidrepublic.org who released some good candy for the android cheatercommunity. This very young and talented guy was the first one of much modders i found who was open for my plans to bringing the premium hacks (its standard on pc scene) to android. Some good sites like androidrepublic.org or alphagamers have some interesting solutions but they did it wrong. The VIP model is very old and what never worked on pc hacking scene cant work on android community. Thats why we going another way. I sell hacks since 10 years on www.artificialaiming.net, have some experience with this business and i know what people want for their money. We already tested this with our first real androidmulithack release for the game critical ops, with some success. In the near future you can find here some new premium stuff for big games but we release allways a exclusive and free light version for each hack we sell. A special thank going to the father of our great gameguardian.net community SIR @d2dyno Without him and the amazing work of our coder @Enyby we never could give you the experience of advanced gameplay here on www.gameguardian.net PLAY GAMES YOUR WAY!!!!! Our new Premium Project is called APK - Android Premium Killers powered by gameguardian.net
  5. No luck with health, I've been freezing it but the progress isn't saved, looking for new methods. Regarding items, I only know how to freeze dupe resources and with that craft abuse, but you need the items, 2 minimum to generate infinity. Hit me up if you have trouble. Here's the idea: 1. Have a divisible stack in your inventory which you can't move around ever during duping. 2. Search Dword Anonymous on GG for that stack amount. 3. Split the stack, refine search with the new value. Reconnect the split stack with the original one and refine search again. Do so until you have one address which will correspond to the amount of the stack in that inventory slot. 4. Tap that address. Bottom left, there is a Go To button. Click it. 5. Now, on the address page, you will find the address with the value of your stack on Dword. Right above that there is another address directly linked to the first one. This is the verification address. It's a check for value changes on your stack amount. Select both these addresses on the tick box and save them. 6. On the saved addresses page, freeze both (there's a lock icon that changes to = when you do so). 7. Back in game, power-split the frozen stack as much as you can, connect the stacks to 20's except the frozen one, store goods, rinse and repeat. Notes: once you move the stack you've track down you'll break the chain and will have to start over. For safety, kill the game and log back in to make sure the changes you've made applied, you'll notice in the videos that I kill the game immediately. No "move around to another map" bullshit. If it works it's because it was well done. When abusing crafting, don't spam the craft button. Mind your slots. Excessive crafting will make the game get like internal bleeding, your progress won't be saved after a certain point even though you spent 15 minutes crafting gear after screwing up... Try to be very meticulous on the way you observe each step and you'll find bridges to new approaches even. Good luck, mate.
  6. HorridModz

    hex converter

    I wish I would have used this - it would have saved ages! Here's my solution: function armtohex(fullarm) progressalert("Converting edit value",false) fullhex = "" --Thanks to Enyby for the original arm hex converter I used code from: -- https://gameguardian.net/forum/files/file/2004-arm-converter/ for arm in string.gmatch(fullarm,'[^\r\n]+') do progressalert("Converting edit value",false) local addr = gg.getRangesList('libc.so') for i, v in ipairs(addr) do if v.type:sub(2,2) == 'w' then addr = {{address = v.start, flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD}} end end if not addr[1].address then print("Error occured converting arm code to hex: Failed to get address ", addr) gg.setVisible(true) os.exit() end if is64bit then --Armv8 (64bit) local old = gg.getValues(addr) addr[1].value = '~A8 '..arm local ok, err = pcall(gg.setValues, addr) local out if not ok then err = err:gsub("^.* '1': ", ''):gsub('\nlevel = 1.*$', '') print("Error occured converting arm code to hex: " .. err) gg.setVisible(true) os.exit() else out = gg.getValues(addr) out = out[1].value & 0xFFFFFFFF gg.setValues(old) if not hex then out = string.unpack('>I4', string.pack('<I4', out)) end out = string.format('%08X', out) fullhex = fullhex .. out end else --Armv7 (32bit) local old = gg.getValues(addr) addr[1].value = '~A '..arm local ok, err = pcall(gg.setValues, addr) local out if not ok then err = err:gsub("^.* '1': ", ''):gsub('\nlevel = 1.*$', '') print("Error occured converting arm code to hex: " .. err) gg.setVisible(true) os.exit() else out = gg.getValues(addr) out = out[1].value & 0xFFFFFFFF gg.setValues(old) if not hex then out = string.unpack('>I4', string.pack('<I4', out)) end out = string.format('%08X', out) fullhex = fullhex .. out end end end return(fullhex) end function hextodecimal(hex) progressalert("Converting edit value",false) --Remove spaces, then reverse bytes (ex: A1 B1 -> B1A1) oldhex = string.gsub(tostring(hex)," ","") hex = "" thisbyte = "" for letterindex = 1, #oldhex do thisbyte = thisbyte .. oldhex:sub(letterindex,letterindex) if #thisbyte == 2 then hex = thisbyte .. hex thisbyte = "" end end if not(string.sub(hex,1,2) == "0x") then hex = "0x" .. hex end return(tonumber(hex)) --[[ --thanks to ItsSC for this function (found at https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/31634-converting-decimal-to-hex/) hex = tonumber(hex) gg.alert(tostring(tonumber(hex >= 0 and string.format("%X", tonumber(hex)) or string.format("%X", (hex~ 0xffffffffffffffff <<((math.floor(math.log(math.abs(hex))/math.log(10)) + 1) *4))),16))) return(tonumber(hex >= 0 and string.format("%X", tonumber(hex)) or string.format("%X", (hex~ 0xffffffffffffffff <<((math.floor(math.log(math.abs(hex))/math.log(10)) + 1) *4))),16)) --]] end
  7. if menu== 1 then gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS) gg.searchNumber('195;0;2;0;0::100',gg.TYPE_DOUBLE) your_values= gg.getResults(100) your_values[1].value = 5000 your_values[9].value = 5000 your_values[12].value = 5000 gg.setValues(your_values) gg.clearResults() gg.toast("done") end if menu== 2 then gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS) gg.searchNumber('184;10;2;0;0::100',gg.TYPE_DOUBLE) your_values2= gg.getResults(100) your_values2[1].value = 5000 your_values2[4].value = 5000 your_values2[5].value = 5000 gg.setValues(your_values2) gg.toast("done") end I've tested it with your_values2[1].value = 5000 your_values2[6].value = 5000 your_values2[9].value = 5000 but it still gives me this error code Skript beendet: Skriptfehler.: luaj.o: /storage/emulated/0/Apps/test.lua:35 ` your_values2[1].value = 5000 ` table expected for set index ('value') value, got nil (field '1') level = 1, const = 37, proto = 1, upval = 1, vars = 6, code = 122 SETTABLE v0 "value" 5000 ; PC 86 CODE 8AC5800A OP 10 A 0 B 277 C 278 Bx 142102 sBx 11031 stack traceback: /storage/emulated/0/Apps/test.lua:35 in main chunk [Java]: in ? at luaj.LuaValue.d(src:2795) at luaj.LuaValue.b(src:1123) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:383) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at android.ext.Script.d(src:6056) at android.ext.Script$ScriptThread.run(src:5785) I have no idea why (I'm from germany and sry if you can't understand this error)
  8. Haitiaan

    devide and variables

    1. I doubt that you understand how a machine understand, your not understanding machine language, you understand high level language and closed "you" will get is perhaps Assemble(s) 2. You pointed out what is explained 10 times to me through the GG error, amd then give some half baked amswer with it, with evem the effort to try to make a fool out of someone who is requesting help. 3. Because of 2 you got Ego issue and it seems a lot here have that problem. Thats why i can't ask questions here because here you cant feel confident to ask a question with people like you around, you can't ask something without getting in to a guessing game with someone who is supposed to be helping atleast. And now i think about it i saw your name several times in this forum always having problems with someone, then you even had the balls to say somewere that your the best scripter on the forum or the best cheater(the topic got deleted), but don't put your attitude to me or anyone else. 4. To search something you must understand first, thats why i say a proper explenation: Son: How do i fish? Father: Gives his son a stick and explains him once how to use and prepare the stick. Son: Knows and understand how to fish. your not giving the fish, your teatching how to fish.
  9. nearly every aspect of the game is now scaled through might: the rewards from expedition, the rewards from quests (you don't even get all the quests until ~45k might), the daily rewards—you can scoff at these, but the player with 45.9k might getting the full quests is also banking a free 1200 gems, 2400 shards, 135000 hb per month vs. roughly 240/0/1500 for someone with 7k might—hero strength in arena and expeditions, etc, etc. the rewards for expedition are TEN times higher for my main account vs my smurf, and since the update, it's pretty much a joke to beat at any level. also, I frequently raid bases with 400-900k gold or mana, which I can't even use because the rewards from doing the simple quest board are overabundant. at low might you have to hit dozens of bases to make the same flow, and while it might be super easy it's also boring and repetitive. and for what it's worth, higher might players will usually wipe you out in one go leaving you with a 10 hour shield as opposed to weaker players picking at your mines for hours until someone shields you. you guys are actually doing more work for a fraction of the benefits. if you level the right way, you shouldn't run into problems raising enough gold or raiding. if you hit a lull, buy and sell statues for a while to maintain gold for upgrades.
  10. You Can Detect Android Version With Android SDK Version ⟱ For Example ⟱ gg.alert("Your Android SDK Version :"..gg.ANDROID_SDK_INT,"OK") You can try script andsdk = (gg.ANDROID_SDK_INT) if andsdk == 19 then gg.alert("( 4.4.4 ) K I T K A T ,"OK") end----if if andsdk == 21 then gg.alert("( 5.0.0 ) L O L I P O P ,"OK") end----if if andsdk == 22 then gg.alert("( 5.1.0 ) L O L I P O P ,"OK") end----if if andsdk == 23 then gg.alert("( 6.0.0 ) M A R S H M A L L O W ,"OK") end----if if andsdk == 24 then gg.alert("( 7.0.0 ) N O G U A T ,"OK") end----if if andsdk == 25 then gg.alert("( 7.1.0 ) – ( 7.1.1 ) – ( 7.1.2 ) N O G U A T ,"OK") end----if if andsdk == 26 then gg.alert("( 8.0.0 ) O R E O ,"OK") end----if if andsdk == 27 then gg.alert("( 8.1.0 ) O R E O ,"OK") end----if if andsdk == 28 then gg.alert("( 9.0.0 ) P I E ,"OK") end----if if andsdk == 29 then gg.alert("( 10 ) T E N ,"OK") end----if if andsdk == 30 then gg.alert("( 11 ) E L E V E N ,"OK") end----if if andsdk == 31 then gg.alert("( 12 ) T W E L V E ,"OK") end----if if andsdk == 32 then gg.alert("( 12 ) T W E L V E ,"OK") end----if I Love To Help Show Android Version.lua
  11. So I think I am close to finding the solution but I am currently stuck. I used a fuzzy search instead of group search this time and found more values that seem to be connected to my gold. Here are the screenshots. Besides the first two values in the first picture, I found some values I really do not understand. Firstly, the values that are highlighted have a second value that is always 8 bytes away (ex. second picture - 7E0FC164 and 7E0FC16C). That being said I feel that could be the XOR key but when I use the calculator it does not change to anything that seems useful. Secondly, the value (address: 7DB36FF4) in the first picture does not have a value that is 8 bytes away so I am not sure what it does. Maybe the app checks this number to see if a value has been modified. So now I played around in the game to change how much gold I had and would keep track of 4 of the values to see if something interesting would happen. I made a spreadsheet of what I found. Sorry that the picture is so small but the values(The numbers that are highlighted) have a cycle of 10 numbers that they go through. There is more info that I found but it is too much information to type at once. That aside could someone kindly give me some hints or tips that I could try because right now I am not really sure how these numbers interact with each other. Thanks
  12. Play Store Icon Image (upload it to GGImage) Name of Game:Castleville Legends Game Version:1.8.130 (latest version) Name of Cheat:Coins, Crowns, Pearls hack Steps: Open both Castleville Legends, and GameGuardian. Set search range to ALL Regions Search current amount of crowns wait a LONG time for the results to come up (my searchs took over 10 mins on the galaxy s4, but the game is very large, so be patient) spend a few crowns repeat search with new amount until you have only 2 change both numbers to 999999 spend another crown or 2 You should now have almost a million crowns for coins, the process is the same, but the cap is 4 million, so try to buy as much land at once as possible, then set it to the max again before leaving the game. for pearls, use crowns to get the same number of pearls (lingling gives out one of each color every 3 trips) Search for the number of the three colors of pearls (2 or 3 of each is enough) do 3 more shipments, repeat the search repeat this process until you have 6 or 7 results Change ALL to 9999 note: the hex numbers reset when the game closes, so try not to let your phone sleep during the searches) If you still can't do it, feel free to send me a message. I have not been able to find the exp hex, even with fuzzy searches, sorry.
  13. No, you don't need to increase your health with a medkit. You can decrease your health too if you want and it works as long as you don't die before you reach 10 or less values. But obviously if you're about to die and you still have a ton of results then you would naturally need to increase your health to be able to continue filtering for the correct value. By the way when taking damage, the value sometimes increases even though it should logically decrease and the opposite is true. As such I only execute a "changed" scan. Sometimes it gets glitchy and the only way I can find it is with an unknown search as you did. You don't need to use -9,999,999.0. You can simply freeze it. No, I don't always get a high health when editing to -9,999,999.0. Sometimes it randomly changes to 1 for me too as it did with you, in which case I simply just change it to -0.5 and that gives a high health. And yes the pointers are at the same distance from the health value for me too. Yeah unfortunately I had a feeling this would be the case. After my original post, the more I explored and the deeper I dug, the more evident it became to me that this wasn't going to be easily done through GG, if even at all possible. I truly do appreciate your efforts and the time you have put into this to try to help me. Thanks a lot.
  14. Haven't had any luck with this method on 1.5 either but I have another method for you. This requires 2 items minimum and you can multiply as many resources as you want. Take an item, let's say 5 logs and put them in your inventory. Scan on Dword Anonymous. Split and rescan, move back the logs to the original pile and rescan, until you figured which address it is. Go to it. On the addresses table, you'll see the one you found with Dword for what you have. Above that address you'll see sort of a bigger number, let's say 456 Dword. Now the idea is to see how this 456 changes when you split items. This is very important. When you split the 5 logs and remain 3 in that space, notice the 456 changes to something like 462,a different number. The idea is to replace this 462 with 456 and the "original" address, which was 3, back to 5. This forces that slot to have the exact value before splitting. Now beyond this you rinse and repeat until you can make a set of 20, take note of the values and repeat the process by splitting and changing again the addresses. So you're multiplying blocks of 10. It's important to obey the values since they change whenever you restart the game. Putting any value that is not coherent won't let you save the progress. Be careful, I'll try to take some screenshots of this. Cheers and happy haxxin EDIT: added pics, hope they're clear, if not I'll record a small clip.
  15. Version 1.22.0


    Package: All Support ARM7 & ARM8 [ CHEAT MENU ] 1. Critical Damage 2. Fast Attack 3. Fast Player 4. High Ability Shoot 5. No Cooldown 6. Max Durability 7. Finalize no parts 8. Free Instant Craft 9. Fast Workbench 10. Remove All Tree & Rocks 11. Complete Mission 12. Stacks Amount 13. Duplicate Single Items 14. Map Teleport 15. Unlock Premium 16. Instant Level Up 17. Unlock All Skin 17. Freeze Enemy 18. Fast Unlock Chest 19. Unlimited Items 20. No Requirement (no level needed) 21. Shop Inbox (9999) Guide : *Remove All Tree and Rocks: enble before enter map can remove all tree and rocks, *Fast Gather Tree & Rocks 1 HIT, enable Remove All tree Rocks when you enter/in map and you can try to gather tree and rock 1 hit *Stacks Amount function: Duplicate lot items Items *Free Instant Craft function: this can give u can building, crafting, tickets, no bunker code, no build limit, and more *Instant Level Up function: this can give u upgrade level event collect, premium pass, not for leveling player but you can collect all skills *Unlimited Items function: this function give your items can't decrease and shop inbox i hope you like it Telegram : @zhylver
  16. Enyby


    Wrong. You disable Instrumentation or it not work on your firmware. This enable use Service and use notification. Maybe. Firmware dependent. Different. Maybe. But because it use Service. It is enable load unrandomizer only after apply settings. Unrandomizer load only on necessary. This is not necessary for show dialog. For functions it is necessary for show red/green checkboxes. Yes, but it is not user friendly - work without icon. We use android language system. This is can not be download. Also in one day our server will die, but app still exists. look at GameHacker. sbtools.me die, but app still alive. You use GG for hack game around 20-100 MB size of apk and bothering about GG apk size? Odd. We already remove most dead languages from translation. Before we support bigger count of languages. I do not understand what you mean. For what? It is internal info. You not need know this. If you experienced user - 'ps' command from the system shell wil be enough for you. Yes. Support different archs take many size in apk. But as I say before - this is very odd bothering about GG apk size and use games with apk size in 10 times bigger. _______________________________________________ added 1 minute later In any case you can move GG to sdcard and any size of GG apk will be not problem of internal space usage. GG still work from sdcard.
  17. Oh ok I remember it, but yeah, as you said, you can't just change the €14.99 like you can change the 100 gems, because as you said, there are multiple checks (google play is involved here, and their protection is ways harder to bypass lol). You have multiple options for what you want to do: 1- buy a dragonhunter and edit its rarity. (what you wanted to do) 2- change the flag of the purchase currency (if it exists here). (what I told you about in ly last post) 3- buy a random legendary heroe and edit something to get the dragonhunter instead at the sale rarity (maybe there is a flag for each heroe, or an ID). The advantage here is that if there is an ID involved (usually some random numbers stacked in about 10 Dwords), it is easier to spot than a simple rarity flag (usually 1 Dword). 4- hack the shop. (see below) What I mean by that is the kind of thing Nofear did in the game "last day on earth". He first searched for the price (real money, as a "double") of an IAP he wanted to get. From there he managed to get the pointer to the ID corresponding to the content of the IAP (he copied it). He then did the same thing with a non-IAP purchase to get to the pointer of its content's ID. He finally replaced this last pointer by the first one from the IAP. This method is basically an ID tweak between contents of 2 purchases. After that, he could get the content of the IAP by buying with just in-game money the other purchase.
  18. View File [NEW] PUBG Mobile Hack (Speedhack, No grass,tree, house) v7.0 [UNDETECTED][FREE] [NEW] PUBG Mobile Hack v7.0 [UNDETECTED][FREE][tested on 16th April 2018] This mod is originally from me. If you want to use and share it, dont forget to give a credit. I make this mod and testing it about 10+ account and got banned, and now this is the safest mod. i didn't get ban untill now. PUBG already patched it 2 time but my mod works well. It's 100% undetected. I use minimum amount of modification so that PUBG will not detect it. It's a simple mod with 3 feature. 1. Speedhack 2. Remove grass, tree and House* (house will appear when you get near it) 3. Bullet through wall 4. AIMBOT (extra) you will notice you will automatically get safest aimbot. work sometimes. but 100% work by using pistol while aiming (see in video) This is the tutorial how to use the mod: 1. Open the game guardian 2. Open the game (PUBG Mobile) 3. Activate the anti-detection when the "tencent" logo is appear. 4. All mod features need to activate while in-game (after landing) Another tutorial on youtube (link): if you want to share, copy or modify this files, dont forget to give credit to me..atleast. If you want to donate, this is the link: https://www.paypal.me/REESInc Submitter Futuurama Submitted 04/16/18 Category LUA scripts
  19. Another game helper here successfully tested via DaxAttack (DA) and being supplied as information and for testing for Game Guardian (GG). This time, it is infinite lives (hearts) for Bubble Witch Saga 2. Follow these steps as they are written: Start Cheat Client (DA or GG) Start Game Client (Bubble Witch Saga 2) In game, navigate to map and ensure you have a full 5 hearts before moving forward Open Cheat Client Search for Number: 5 Size: Auto Wait for results to populate Go back to Game Client and start a level Fail level on purpose Go back to map and ensure you now have 4 lives (hearts) Go to Cheat Client and search Number: 4 Size: Auto Repeat steps 3 through 10, matching the search criteria "Number" with the number of hearts you currently have until you are left with only up to 5 results populating in the Cheat Client then move to step 12 Change the values of all results in the Cheat Client that are 4 Byte Variables to "999" Return to Game Client Nothing will appear to have changed at this point. So....get angry, get frustrated and go suicide another level before rage quitting the game After committing suicide once again in a level, go back out to the map, look a the upper notification bar and smile really big Enjoy your 9,999 lives Another awesome cheat from your buddy: ProgrammerInTraining
  20. Name of Game: Devil Ninja Game Version if known: 1.1.8 Name of Cheat: Hearts Cheat Steps: Open both Devil Ninja, and GameGuardian. Start the game, then pause it as soon as it starts. Search for 3 (your amount of hearts). After this, resume the game. Lose a heart, then pause the game, and search for 2. Resume the game, and lose another heart. Then, pause the game again. Search for 1. You should now be down to about 10 results. Change the bottom value to 3, and verify that your hearts are now full. If that was the correct value, save the value as 3. If not, keep changing values until your hearts become full again. ____________ Name of Cheat: Throwing Stars Cheat Steps: Open both Devil Ninja, and GameGuardian. Get some throwing stars. Pause the game, then search your amount of throwing stars. Throw a few, then pause the game, and search for the new amount of throwing stars in GG. Repeat this process until you find 1 value. Save it as whatever you want (too high will close the game). _____________ Name of Cheat: Energy Balls Cheat Steps: Open both Devil Ninja, and GameGuardian. Gain above 3 energy balls. Then, search your number of energy balls. Gain another energy ball, then search the new amount in GG. Repeat this process, until you get 1-2 values. Change whatever 4byte values you got, to whatever you want (again, too high will crash the game.)
  21. to try your damage hack go in arena use 2 hellhound to do the quick first attack pause search damage and 2nd attack pause search damage you will see the 3 address always choose the 1st only probably thats the damage for all monsters just change for 3000 damage for lowbie and for 15+ you can use up to 10000 damage... about range of address hex i think its all depend on your phone... always remember your phone address hex my range for my phone is (5ee*****) sometimes its (5ef*****) after you get the value of hex just always copy your address hex coz sometimes it will crash the searching so u will put it manually so u will not researching again for the hex.... ( always be alert on enemy gauge to full and make it down the damage so wont hurt much hahaha and back the damage you want when the turn is yours ^^ hahahaha !! enjoy gaming........ (currently finish all dungeon i use 900k 1hit k.o damage on level 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 and feimon last stage 90k 1hit k.o damage using hellhound double attack ) great help to lvl up your monster quickly!!! about crashing the game?? yes sometimes it will crash hahahah you will search the hex again thats the only bad my id : Riot-Xue channel: 117
  22. Name of Game: Pirate Dash Game Version if known: 1.0.1 Steps: Open a root enabled file explorer. Navigate to: /data/data/com.hz.game.pirate/shared_prefs and open 'default.xml'. It will look like this: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes' ?> <map> <boolean name="Tutorial" value="true" /> <int name="DistanceRecord" value="6149" /> <boolean name="QuestOne" value="false" /> <int name="HeroRocket" value="40" /> <boolean name="QuestThree" value="false" /> <int name="HeroBoots" value="40" /> <int name="HeroArmor" value="5" /> <boolean name="QuestTwo" value="false" /> <int name="Crystal" value="0" /> <int name="HeroSword" value="40" /> <int name="QuestGroup" value="2" /> <int name="CrystalLevel" value="10" /> <int name="PerfectLaunch" value="0" /> <int name="Coins" value="664" /> </map> The values are pretty straight forward. Change the "Coins" line value to whatever you want (ie. 20000000000), for max coins. Change the "Crystal" line value to whatever you want, for max coins. Change any "Hero..." value to for max level of Items. Also change Crystal level. Change "DistanceRecord" value to whatever you want, for an unbeatable score
  23. Hi all, Below how I managed to get unlimited coins and points, without altering the APK and still have capability to brag on facebook. Coins: 1) Run subway surfers and GG 2) open GG and go to set range and select "all regions" 3) close GG 4) go to the shop and check the number of coins you have 5) search in GG for this number and size on auto (may take a while due to searching all regions) 6) exit GG and buy something 7) go back in GG and search with the new number of coins 8) repeat 4-7 untill you have 1 result, save and change this number 9) when you exit the shop now and go back in it your coins will have changed to the number you have given Points: 1) Run subway surfers and GG 2) open GG and go to set range and select "all regions" 3) close GG 4) start a game and get a few points 5) press back 6) press resume 7) during the countdown to start you should be able to read the exact number of points 8) press back again 9) enter GG and search for the number of points 10) repeat 6-9 untill you get 4 memory results, save these and change ALL 4 to your desired score 11) resume the game 12) go back in GG and deactivate the memory change so your score can increase more by playing
  24. Here are the steps that I use. I got it from someone on youtube. I forgot his name. I set memory range to anonymous only, And then I take out a stack of an item ie. fuel. Then I search using DWord. and do the add/subtract method as you go along until only one value is left. Then I go to the process and look for two identical addresses ie. 433D-433D and check only both of those so I don't lose them and then I freeze both. Then I proceed to duping the items. When I'm done I go back to GG and unfreeze them. It used to work a few days ago. There was this one instance when I did the item dupe and froze my hp to clear bunker alfa level 2. I did this the night before the 2nd 1.5.5 patch/bug fix was rolled out. It was around that time when the issue started. After I cleared bunker alfa I logged out and when I logged back in I got reverted. Let me know if I am doing something wrong and I would appreciate any new advice that I can try. Thanks. Update: I retried duping again just now. This time I closed the game immediately after duping. Here's what happened. It got reverted. However I noticed the item was no longer in one stack. But rather it got split in half. 10 of each.
  25. If you have the car already unlocked and can be fully upgraded to maximum stars, when the BP gets converted at the end of the event, it turn into millions of scraps. I got like 13 million scraps from the last car event with gold tier. I have all cars unlocked except for the two new lambos and two current new one. The Regera Gold tier is impossible to get without spending gold. I'm on the last 6 missions, they give you a BMW M5 instead of using your Regera. The M5 pisses me off. I gave up on getting gold tier. After you hack all the BP to 500, if you open GG again to edit values from 500 to 0 to eliminate the duplicate cars' BP. The duplicate cars are the event cars. By changing the value from 500 to 0, you would no longer be able to fully upgrade your event cars. You will not gain millions of scrapes at the end of the event. If you only change the value to 500, any new car event for any car you already have all the BPs for, you would be able to upgrade your event car to the maxed stars. After you get the gold tier, your BPs will get converted into 10+ million scrapes. I have multiple backup accounts in place if they ban my current account. I only hack to get all the BPs and nothing else.
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