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  1. Hi ,sry for not responding. The problem is not Magisk r anything else (Yes I have Shamiko). My problem is that the game is detecting it if you search for any type of value. Then the game just kill itself after a few secounds. I can easily let GG on top of the game if im not searching. And I tried any method I've found to hide GG from the game
  2. Hello I used to cheat on this game 1-2 years ago and changing values in the game but now every time I search for any value in the game the app kills itself in in about 3 seconds. Is there any possibility to hide the use of GG for this game?
  3. yes I added in the code gg.searchNumber('184;10;2,9;0;0::100',gg.TYPE_DOUBLE) but 2,9 is fo some reason 29,0 so I changed the , to . and it's working now thanks for helping (my mistake)
  4. if menu== 1 then gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS) gg.searchNumber('195;0;2;0;0::100',gg.TYPE_DOUBLE) your_values= gg.getResults(100) your_values[1].value = 5000 your_values[9].value = 5000 your_values[12].value = 5000 gg.setValues(your_values) gg.clearResults() gg.toast("done") end if menu== 2 then gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS) gg.searchNumber('184;10;2;0;0::100',gg.TYPE_DOUBLE) your_values2= gg.getResults(100) your_values2[1].value = 5000 your_values2[4].value = 5000 your_values2[5].value = 5000 gg.setValues(your_values2) gg.toast("done") end I've tested it with your_values2[1].value = 5000 your_values2[6].value = 5000 your_values2[9].value = 5000 but it still gives me this error code Skript beendet: Skriptfehler.: luaj.o: /storage/emulated/0/Apps/test.lua:35 ` your_values2[1].value = 5000 ` table expected for set index ('value') value, got nil (field '1') level = 1, const = 37, proto = 1, upval = 1, vars = 6, code = 122 SETTABLE v0 "value" 5000 ; PC 86 CODE 8AC5800A OP 10 A 0 B 277 C 278 Bx 142102 sBx 11031 stack traceback: /storage/emulated/0/Apps/test.lua:35 in main chunk [Java]: in ? at luaj.LuaValue.d(src:2795) at luaj.LuaValue.b(src:1123) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:383) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at android.ext.Script.d(src:6056) at android.ext.Script$ScriptThread.run(src:5785) I have no idea why (I'm from germany and sry if you can't understand this error)
  5. I don't understand why it's not correct the first function is working and the second is working if it is the same search number like the first one
  6. I have another question for example if I'm using this code: if menu== 1 then gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS) gg.searchNumber('195;0;2;0;0::100',gg.TYPE_DOUBLE) your_values= gg.getResults(100) your_values[1].value = 5000 your_values[9].value = 5000 your_values[12].value = 5000 gg.setValues(your_values) gg.clearResults() gg.toast("done") end if menu== 2 then gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS) gg.searchNumber('184;10;2,9;0;0::100',gg.TYPE_DOUBLE) your_values2= gg.getResults(100) your_values2[1].value1 = 5000 your_values2[6].value1 = 5000 your_values2[9].value1 = 5000 gg.setValues(your_values2) gg.clearResults() gg.toast("done") end i cant use it twice so i mean the first function is working (menu == 1 but the secount one gives me every time a error but if I'm changing the search number to the same like in menu 1 its working but thats not help me
  7. that means the index is the number starting from the top?! ok thanks for helping I think I need help again sometime : )
  8. so to edit the chosen ones what should I do after this: gg.setValues(your_values) adding smth like this? gg.editAll('500',gg.TYPE_DOUBLE) ?
  9. ok I will test it later on my pc tysm : )
  10. so I need to paste in the index wich values (starting from the top) I want to change?For example in the index [2,5,9...]
  11. Idk if only don't understand it or I just don't had explained it right: For example gg.searchNumber('195;0;2;0;0::95',gg.TYPE_DOUBLE) gg.getResults(50) I know that the 1st 0 of the results will crash the game if i edit all so i dont want to edit this 0 but the next 0 I want to edit and the next one and the 195....
  12. Thanks im testing this but i have another question for example if I get like 10 results and I only want to edit the 3rd (starting from the top) and the 7th one how do I make the code for it to only edit these two?
  13. Noobhoch12

    Reset all changes

    Hi I'm trying to make a simple script for a game and its working : ) but I want to add a button to reset all the changes I've done but I dont know the code for it so can someone help me Thanks
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