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  1. help me guys, i follow all the instruction, my phone is rooted. and i send to data/dat/blablabla/libgame.so... then i open my game, it say 'install error' Install failed because there isn't enoug free space blablablabla.... and my memory still have more space(10+gb), when i restore my backup libgame.so, it work normally, but cant use my modded libgame.so. why is that?
  2. It's a different car though, FM made it unlockable through a fastlane event (below level 20) Mechanical level hack didn't work for me, but I don't care since I've already hit level 92 giving me the maximum 10 TPs. Hacking gold has nothing to do with VIP, if it reverts back for you, make a new account and hack gold. Gold hack doesn't work in my old account.
  3. Greetings Everyone. I am new to this game and I have no prior knowledge about how to use Game Guardian. I followed Kaizen's guide on YouTube to hack coins and gems but I am unable to hack notebooks . I have just obtained a niffler and i have 10 red notebooks . Can someone help in pointing out which guide should I follow and when is the right time to hack notebooks ?
  4. Rounding issue. -50384417 dword is -1,06003776390176e37 float. It is too long for display in GG UI, so it is rounded to -1,0600378e37 which is equals to -50384416 dword. So it is not found. Strictly speaking -50384416 dword is -1,06003782728429e37 In any case try search float by equality is not a good solution. Use range, as describe by NoFear. [added 3 minutes later] Nothing clear. Describe your problem in detail. The release of Android 10 has not yet been.
  5. It could be done over server then which is probably impossible to change but my last suggestion is to Do a unknown value search (PUT IT ON AUTO I KNOW ITL TAKE A WHILE) Make the axe lose durability then scan Decreased then scan unchanged (not needed but it makes it 10 times faster) And keep decreasing the durability and scanning Decreased eventually you should find the value. if it doesnt work then it's done by server Have fun.
  6. You can give this script a try. Let your coins or energy increase a bit and then run. Seems to work most times for me but not always. Saves manually searching each time. SilentCastle_1_3_0e.lua The search that I found worked was: 134482445;28::10 (Dword) and then edit the line below the 28 which is the coins. It's exactly the same once you start accumulating energy. That's what's in the script but it doesn't always seem to work.
  7. Nobody knows. 1 million it is too very many. You can not up more from 60 000 per race. With double credits it is 120 000. But it can be only once if you get 5 stars from one race. Usually you get from race less 10 000. So any amounts larger from that can be traced. But nobody know how exactly they detect.
  8. First step search hp value my value is 444 next step is take off hair to change hp value my after change is 230 then go to the value and search 2 other value the first ist hp + 8 offset and the second is hp + 10 offset change both to 8888888 and then take hair on and you see the value is change high attack and high defense see in my pictures
  9. View File The Tiger(gold and gems hack script) I have created a simple script for gold and gem hack.(only 64bit) Script do so fast. Try tested it and enjoy! Don't forget to report the problems of script and recommend. So only that i can improve the script in future. Submitter Lover1500 Submitted 10/18/2020 Category LUA scripts ko.mp4 2020_10_18_07_07_36.mp4
  10. You need to repeat the scans until you find the right value. Unknown dword, play friend activity, gain points, search N=O+D, friend activity again, gain points, search again. You search the difference not total number, even if difference is by 10 every time keep repeating it and after 2 or 3 scans you will find the right value 1 or 2 results.
  11. MonkeySAN

    Days Bygone Mod

    apparently you can but it give you this look all over the screen those 2 Floats values in the video..change the first one to 999999999 and the second below it to 0 instead of freeze it both for Mana just freeze the other 2 Float values below HP Float values. for Damage : you can do this. but you need to work a little to find it. search = 1;1.875F::5 type = Double refine to 1 Double. once got refine results..it just a matter to find the correct one. select a group of 10 or more results then edit. open and close another screen like Shop or Wall and see if anything change. if not..delete the selected results and select another set of 10 more results and edit. repeat whole process again and again until you found the correct one. if you do it properly..you will find 4 address with value 1 Double that change the Damage exactly like in the picture.
  12. AspKom

    Cant hack Dungeon Maker

    For devil stones I managed to at least somewhat influence the amount I got. (not editing the amount but changing the xp gained towards recieving new stones). This gave me an easy 4000-6000 stones in a few tries 1. Start a new game with highest xp gain (in my case hard 10) 2.Bevor you enter the first stage search dword - 444442 (value 0) 3. enter a normal fight (not elite!) and collect rewards 4. search for 444432 (value 10) - this is the amount of slain heros 5. change the amount e. g. to 99821850 (value 100,000,000) with freeze normal 6. enter next normal fight 7. collect rewards and close the game like in the gold example 8. restart game and withdraw to end screen 9. you should now get a few thousand stones for rebirth xp actually i need a few tries but was enough for me to get everything i wanted from packs ?
  13. @t3xboar i play low might and my heroes are still under 160 and won't level them past that until i level up their skills. i have low level TH and only vaults, no mines/mills except the one that comes with the game (staying at level 1). i have also just 1 troop camp at low level just to produce troops when required for missions. i only use the first 2 magics restoration and ares. my towers are low level as well as my hero bases. I'm rarely attacked because my 140-160 heroes might look intimidating for other players of the same might range. when i do raids/expeditions i can finish each one with 3-4 heroes mostly using no magic. the game is really comfortable at low might. most of my might comes from my heroes rather than useless buildings. after all buildings don't go to raids/dungeons hahaha so they're useless for me and using the mod i have no need of high level defenses for HBM/HT it's not my first game, it's actually my 5th, i learned from the previous ones what mistakes not to do with this one hehe big CONGRATS on your PD mate! the game will surely become more fun for you! PS in arena i get 100hb/hour and I'm able to beat opponents of 25,000-30,000 might. in mesa i can do boss 2 with the right team mates. i can do R10 expeditions with no mod. just recently decided to go for dungeon 8, I'm still doing the first ones and getting confidence to do the 40 shard dungeon soon good luck
  14. Version 0.0.0138


  15. Using filters The annex contains the filters, which is not in any similar application. Currently filters work with Java code. This means that they are not very fast, and can consume a lot of memory. In the future, filters will be improved and rewritten in C. So, what is a filter? Filters are special rules used to filter the current results. Unlike dropout filters do not affect the status of the search. Once you remove the filters, everything was back to the same state it was in before filtration. What is comfortable? You can search for any special significance, not being afraid to make a mistake and lose the rest. Filters are available on "..." button, click Filter. After his selection will be shown the settings window filters: Consider the order of each field: Filter, not more than - specifies the number of entries to filtration See, no more than - specifies the number of entries displayed in the search results Then came various filters, which we will consider later. So far, the return to the mechanism of the filters in order to understand why we need these two numbers. I must say about the second - is the number of results you see at the end of the search. It always works, even if you do not select any filter. It is necessary to bring the first 1000 results, please enter 1000 and presses apply. At least 10 million. The value is not limited in any way. But remember, the more results you upload, the more memory consumption. Then the memory is not enough, and the system washes GG. So do not put very many. We looked at how many found: In this case, we found 8,674,304 results and shows the first 100, and you need 10 000. So you put the filters in the second number 10 000. And get your 10 000 results, and then change them all. And then the game because of it flies, as you there is something broken. But that's another story. Let's go back to the first field in the filters. To understand what it means, you need to talk a little bit about how filters work. So, imagine that we have included filters and found 10 million results. The application will receive the results and check each against all filters. Get results the program is not everything, but no more than that number, which is indicated in the first field. Why not more? Because as soon as the typed number to display, continue to receive will be discontinued. Returning to the example. 10 million total results. Filter we will be 1000, and output 100. This means that there will be obtained the first 1000 results and tested for the filters. Those that have passed, but no more than 100 will show. I hope it is clear. Here you can still make an analogy with a sieve. The first number is the amount that you ship in a sieve, and the second - the maximum amount of results of the last sieve. If it has a screen more than the second number, it will be only the first of them. So now on the filters themselves. Their is 5 pieces: Skip similar addresses - if this filter is enabled, after the result which matches the rest of filters, will be missed all the results, the distance to less than or equal to the specified number. Let me explain with an example: is the number 10, it fits the filter, followed at a distance of 8 bytes is the number 11, which is under the filter is not suitable, but if you have activated the filter "to pass close to the address" with a value of not less than 8, then 11, also fall into conclusion. What is comfortable? For example, you know that after the number 10 goes to 12 bytes the desired value. You are filtering by value and turn the filter parameter 12. Example of usage. Address > - skips all options that address more than the specified number. This way you can portions of, for example, 1000, to view all found each time putting here the last address of the found variants. Address < - same as above, but applies to all addresses less parameter. Value > - similar and values. Here there is only a small problem - all values are treated as dword, regardless of what they actually are. So this will work fine only dword. This will be corrected once. Value < When the filter is the number of results displayed, not as a single number or two, but as three numbers. For example, I asked a search of 101 in the first 1000 results: But he was not there: If the filters are included, there are always three numbers: the first - the number of results found, and the second - the number of results submitted to the input filter, and the third - the number of results past the filters. If the filter is not enabled, there may be one or two numbers. If the number is one, it means that all results have shown results. For example, "(20)" means that we have found 20 results, and they are all displayed. If the two numbers, the first number is the number found, and the second - the number shown. For example, "(20/10)" - found only 20 and 10 are shown first. Let's go back to the filters. I still want to find her 101. Somewhere as it should be. And I do not weed out hunting. Therefore, I will increase the number of results submitted to the input filters. By the way, the more of them, the slower will be updated list. Take 100 000 for example: And then we are fine: You can now with these values do something - to remember to change or something else. That's all. Oh yes. When you enter values or addresses, you can enter it in hexadecimal by adding the letter h at the end: 100 = 64h 102 = 66h The result is the same as above, as a record of the same filter, just in a different form. This option can be used in almost every place where you need to enter the number: Edit the values of the variable parameters of filters and so on.
  16. Those are addresses. These addresses are like "place indicators" for reference. The 24.0 is the value. The value is what you're going to work on. Addresses aren't important because you will not edit them, just the values. I don't mean to be rude, mate, but this is a bit complex and you should look up how to work with GG. I understand the urge to advance progress easily, if that is your plan, try to follow videos closely. At some point you will need to be able to figure it out on your own but you will find it is very intuitive. But try to look up GG basics. The problem is that LDOE is a somewhat complex game to edit, I cracked my skull with this a lot and managed to learn TONS just with messing around trying new methods. It already made me clear data on the game so... Just try to be very careful.
  17. cth

    Day R Survival

    it is, but who knows how. What we know how is to hack the reputation required to unlock certain crafting upgrades. Look in this thread. It's pretty much a simple group search of the ranges. An google sheet was shared with those ranges for each town. I hacked ijevsk for sure. The soft ban is definitely on the client side, but finding it is a challenge. I don't think anyone found or at least posted how to do it. AngelWolf has a repo posted that has the ban code in it. But still, hard to find it in the memory. Mate! Can you be more specific? Describe how you did it! And we assume you've done it on the latest version? if you've done it on 761 and now can't, I can only presume you're doing something wrong. But I don't think it works on 761. You may need to go further back.
  18. View File Sniper Champions (1) Boosters x65000 (2) Tokens x65000 (3) Trophy x65000 (4) All Reticle Unlocked (5) All Bullet Unlocked (6) All Target Unlocked (7) All Effects Unlocked (8) Weapon Upgrade x65000 (9) All Emoji Unlocked (10) All Reactions Unlocked Submitter sammax71 Submitted 12/09/2022 Category LUA scripts  
  19. View File LOL hack op brutal hacks this is vip paid file made by me with 60% brutal hacks, want more like this joint our telegram channel: LOL HACK OP FEATURES:- 1: clear logs 2:magic bullet 3: no recoil 4:high jump 5:long jump etc ,etc.................. Submitter MrHacker12 Submitted 10/18/2020 Category PUBG  
  20. Expensive isn't that big of a deal. The problem is crafting and speed. It seems to take 10-20 minutes to craft each T4. It took ~16 hours to craft a T4 Tachyon (50 million GE). Materials are hackable, but time crafting is not. Maybe I should be hacking higher tier items, because I basically gave myself a bunch of T1s and assumed that through smart crafting I can craft it all.
  21. i see the AccessLevel you mentions, tho im unsure on how to modify it, i will experiment more, but you can get premium on profile level but items still getting checked locally i think, i'll test more, today i spent good 10 hours making a website page to encrypt and decrypt a SaveData, so im not bound to do it manually 80% of the time spent on figuringing the encryptions
  22. so what ive found out is, that not actually 2 values modify the money, its actually 4 when i add in value format the hex notation i see the hex string and in memory editor i can see the values that correspond to it so i better not use word to modify the value, instead using dword okay, never mind its not 4 values, but also the 10 27 isnt 10000
  23. can u give me another one? that example is to hard with me local val = gg.prompt({[1] = 'input value'},{[1] = '0'}) if val == nil then gg.toast('input value cancel') else gg.searchNumber('1;2;3;4', gg.TYPE_FLOAT) gg.searchNumber('1', gg.TYPE_FLOAT) gg.getResults(10) gg.editAll(val[1], gg.TYPE_FLOAT) gg.clearResults() gg.toast('custom value edited') end Maybe something like code above You can improve as you want
  24. Search the amount you have dword, then gain or use some and refine. Helps to pause the game in GG when doing searches. You end up with one result which you can edit to 10 and freeze. I'm not convinced by your statement of not having "server sided" protection. I'm sure my game kept reloading afterwards. I didn't play with it for too long though so you might be correct.
  25. View File Free fire Script And Free Fire Max Script ob31 .. "▶ɢʜᴏsᴛ ʜᴀᴄᴋ ", STONE .. "▶sᴛᴏɴᴇ ʜᴀᴄᴋ ", ghst .. "▶ᴜɴᴅᴇʀɢʀᴏᴜɴᴅ ᴄᴀʀ", gt .. "▶sᴘɪᴅᴇʀ ᴍᴀɴ", lock .. "▶ᴀɪᴍʟᴏᴄᴋ ᴘʀᴏ ", Med .. "▶ᴍᴀɢɪᴄ ʙᴜʟʟᴇᴛᴢ", ant2 .. "▶ᴀɴᴛᴇɴɴᴀ ʜᴀɴᴅ Submitter PlayersTeam Submitted 12/10/2021 Category Free Fire  
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