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Everything posted by Enyby

  1. In FAQ. https://gameguardian.net/help/faq.html#q28
  2. Enyby


    Separators depends from your locale. Thousand separator is dot for German. And space for Russian for example.
  3. By the way, you understand that they can and will write in all languages known in the world? No one will use translators. Here on the forum I generously distribute warnings, even though it’s written everywhere about what to write in English.
  4. By the way. If you have such a desire to help users, go ahead to the Help and Requests sections. They are full of easy and not questions. It will be much more useful rather the chat. Sometimes the message "read the help" solves the problem of the user, because he himself is not able to guess. I have neither the time nor the desire to waste my time on such questions. And if you think that the questions in the chat will be fundamentally different in some way, so you can answer there, and then you can, then this is not so. Or do you think that someone will come to the chat and will be there responsible for you there, while not responding here, then alas.
  5. The realities are that in the chat, no matter how specific the professionals will not be. Either it is a private chat of professionals where no one will be invited just like that. Not a single professional will spend his time answering stupid, pointless questions around the clock. Even if he tries, he gets tired of it quickly. Most users are not able to read the text in the message on the screen, they need to write it personally. Pressing the "fix it" button is not obvious to them, it is much easier to put a topic on the problem for entire page. But you try, maybe I'm wrong. Tell us about the results. _______________________________________________ added 0 minutes later And most messages will be "hack/make script me %game%, bro". Starting from CoC. _______________________________________________ added 4 minutes later Game guardian isnt working for me (#9wenv20s) Here example. Notice: this is normally written post with lot of text. But I think he get message about not optimized virtual space. But you read this as not latest version. Obviously it is wrong. Also in this message present button "fix it" and instructions how to fix this. Obviously user skip this part, go to the forum and write this post. And this happens every time. You can just explore latest posts on the forum.
  6. Do what you want. You will learn a lot of new things about GG users. About their number, intelligence, desires, how they follow the rules. And also about the effectiveness of chat in general. How much time can they take, what is moderation and other stuff. I wish you success.
  7. Enyby


    Try tune it with different sets of checked speedhack functions in GG settings.
  8. You need allow it for Parallel space and for 64-Bit Support too. not for GG.
  9. Make separate topic with full lua code and full text of error. Otherwise you will wait answer forever.
  10. Watch on YouTube: 8.68.0: Accelerated search. In some cases, in 22 times - GameGuardian
  11. https://gameguardian.net/help/help.html#help_floating_icon_
  12. Enyby

    LUA scripting

    Read Lua reference. https://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/manual.html#pdf-string.dump Think a little. Use.
  13. Enyby

    function error

    Something does not look like. Instead of clearly doing what you are asked to do, you do what you want.
  14. Enyby

    function error

    Look like you not need help.
  15. Enyby

    function error

    You must show exact full code and full text of error or no help.
  16. Enyby

    function error

    You must define function before call it. Before. Not after. So code of function must be above it calls.
  17. Enyby


    Just random value for example.
  18. Enyby


    Something like that. First few seconds - I search Double 147.
  19. Enyby


    Same as dword, but select double or float on search.
  20. Enyby


    You try search/edit double/float as dword. Use double/float type.
  21. Enyby

    LUA scripting

    Yes. But if a[2] not exists - you need create it before assignment values: a[2] = {} _______________________________________________ added 1 minute later Proper refine or use loop over table with results and check value. Values which not fit your criteria - set to nil. _______________________________________________ added 3 minutes later Wrong range. Number can not be greater 0 and smaller negative. You need swap limits. First must be smaller then second.
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