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Everything posted by Enyby

  1. https://intl.mtp.tencent.com/cheat.html GG now something similar with such general process as memory modification or speed modification. Wow. They cover more version than exists. Around 200 version of GG exists at all. Or they mean different possible package names? Then they cover too less, because different packages names can be more then 19928148895209409152340197376.
  2. Mistake in pattern. Not closed a frontier pattern. Something like that: ids = '01234567890' v = '01234567%f[%' check = string.find(ids, v) print(check, ids, v)
  3. Full text of error too private?
  4. Disable usage external sdcard as internal memory.
  5. Enyby


    Also, for most virtual spaces this need install app in the system for able install it inside vspace, so game scan installed apps and find it in the system.
  6. Enyby


    No. No. We have plans about that. Maybe. I think about that. Yes. No. It is unsafe. You need allow root for entire virtual space, so any app inside it can do anything with root and can damage your device. Few ideas exists. Some implemented in 8.69.1.
  7. Need full text of error and full text of script for reproduce it.
  8. All written in message. Also I not understand your attempts in the video end. Ignore top dialog and try deal with dialog below it.
  9. Enyby


    Record logcat with any tool inside virtual space, during startup GG: How to collect logcat (#c1aa00vp)
  10. Need logcat from install: How to collect logcat (#c1aa00vp)
  11. Enyby


    Record video with issue. _______________________________________________ added 3 minutes later Look like you try open folder as lua script.
  12. Watch on YouTube: 8.69.0: Faster search with hide options - in some cases in 134 times - GameGuardian
  13. Magic. For any games. Count of processes does not matter. It even work with games without trace protection. For example process died if any ptrace attach found. For this need second process. but no mark '#' or '!' here.
  14. Yep. For most firmware. In some cases you need check some or all items in "hide from game" setting. Check previous video here.
  15. Watch on YouTube: 8.69.0: Bypass ptrace protection - GameGuardian
  16. Then on your firmware it not work. Use other virtual space or change firmware or change device.
  17. Enyby


    It amazes me how some people like to steal someone else's time. To explain to everyone that it is impossible to judge in particular, that white is white, something to argue ... Once you have finished, a new character rushes out, who writes another absurdity on a sentence and demands arguments from you per page. Funny.
  18. Enyby

    LUA scripting

  19. Enyby

    LUA scripting

    Function must be defined BEFORE call. You define it AFTER. So BEFORE definition it is nil.
  20. Enyby

    LUA scripting

    Try call functions which not exists. Extra 'end' on last line.
  21. Your device or this virtual space do not support work without root.
  22. It is not GG error. Ask game developers.
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