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Everything posted by Enyby

  1. 02-02 22:38:02.794 22751 22751 E AndroidService: Exception in thread main 02-02 22:38:02.794 22751 22751 E AndroidService: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Window type can not be changed after the window is added. win=Window{6e6eded u0 com.lbe.parallel.intl.arm64} 02-02 22:38:02.794 22751 22751 E AndroidService: at android.os.Parcel.createException(Parcel.java:1970) 02-02 22:38:02.794 22751 22751 E AndroidService: at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1934) 02-02 22:38:02.794 22751 22751 E AndroidService: at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1884) 02-02 22:38:02.794 22751 22751 E AndroidService: at android.view.IWindowSession$Stub$Proxy.relayoutForTranslate(IWindowSession.java:1196) 02-02 22:38:02.794 22751 22751 E AndroidService: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 02-02 22:38:02.794 22751 22751 E AndroidService: at com.lbe.doubleagent.ac.invoke(BinderHook.java:96) 02-02 22:38:02.794 22751 22751 E AndroidService: at java.lang.reflect.Proxy.invoke(Proxy.java:1006) 02-02 22:38:02.794 22751 22751 E AndroidService: at $Proxy45.relayoutForTranslate(Unknown Source) 02-02 22:38:02.794 22751 22751 E AndroidService: at android.view.ViewRootImpl.relayoutWindow(ViewRootImpl.java:7682) 02-02 22:38:02.794 22751 22751 E AndroidService: at android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals(ViewRootImpl.java:2442) 02-02 22:38:02.794 22751 22751 E AndroidService: at android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal(ViewRootImpl.java:1850) 02-02 22:38:02.794 22751 22751 E AndroidService: at android.view.ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable.run(ViewRootImpl.java:8455) 02-02 22:38:02.794 22751 22751 E AndroidService: at android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run(Choreographer.java:949) 02-02 22:38:02.794 22751 22751 E AndroidService: at android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks(Choreographer.java:761) 02-02 22:38:02.794 22751 22751 E AndroidService: at android.view.Choreographer.doFrame(Choreographer.java:696) 02-02 22:38:02.794 22751 22751 E AndroidService: at android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.run(Choreographer.java:935) 02-02 22:38:02.794 22751 22751 E AndroidService: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:873) 02-02 22:38:02.794 22751 22751 E AndroidService: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) 02-02 22:38:02.794 22751 22751 E AndroidService: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:214) 02-02 22:38:02.794 22751 22751 E AndroidService: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6981) 02-02 22:38:02.794 22751 22751 E AndroidService: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 02-02 22:38:02.794 22751 22751 E AndroidService: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:493) 02-02 22:38:02.794 22751 22751 E AndroidService: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1445) 02-02 22:38:02.794 22751 22751 E AndroidService: Caused by: android.os.RemoteException: Remote stack trace: 02-02 22:38:02.794 22751 22751 E AndroidService: at com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.relayoutWindow(WindowManagerService.java:2223) 02-02 22:38:02.794 22751 22751 E AndroidService: at com.android.server.wm.Session.relayoutForTranslate(Session.java:287) 02-02 22:38:02.794 22751 22751 E AndroidService: at android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact(IWindowSession.java:432) 02-02 22:38:02.794 22751 22751 E AndroidService: at com.android.server.wm.Session.onTransact(Session.java:186) 02-02 22:38:02.794 22751 22751 E AndroidService: at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:739) Not a GG problem. Virtual space or firmware issue. Write to Parallel space support. Or try use old version of parallel if it works for you.
  2. What impossible? Read text? Understand it? Install logcat record app in parallel space? Run logcat record app in parallel space? You can read text carefully and understand it.
  3. Nothing useful in logcat. Logcat must be recorded while GG started. How to collect logcat (#c1aa00vp)
  4. Learn lua. Learn string concatenation. Learn different between string and number. Fix code. You try write nonsense in both lines.
  5. All work for me. gg.searchNumber('5.222099e-315E~6.3614332e-315E', gg.TYPE_DOUBLE)
  6. Show logcat and video with issue.
  7. Watch on YouTube: 73.2: Comparison of memory usage with software (SW) and hardware (HW) acceleration - GameGuardian
  8. https://gameguardian.net/forum/search/?q=script minimize icon
  9. Use forum search. Answer already be here. You not first who ask this.
  10. Not, of course. Use forum for help. Here present many other users which able to help you. But use proper topic or create new one or your chance to get answer is around zero.
  11. Try read GG API. And follow topic title. Not post in any possible place.
  12. Enyby


    Too many useless actions. Also this can be hard for reproduce by users. And this is contains too many not necessary actions. Open level it is enough. Do not need show next action like open map. Angry Brids Transformers - hack level - GameGuardian (#chzw3o8e)
  13. You can not search double or float value as exact value, because it is can be rounded, or your see not all numbers. So you need use range for any fractional data type. If you need exact same value - search as qword, if you know binary representation of this double. In general, double or float is bad values for exact or group search. Use integer types, like dword or qword.
  14. Gathering information about GG errors (#9ggo57t)
  15. Enyby


    @EliudRm Angry Brids Transformers - hack gold, gems, pigs, sparks - GameGuardian (#b0nog158)
  16. GG can be killed on first attempt. Or on second. Or not killed at all. All depends from system and firmware. But it is rash decision.
  17. It does not help if gg killed before it. You try make huge string with string.rep. and gg will be killed during this call. _______________________________________________ added 3 minutes later Also garbage collection (gc) in java will be called automatically. So it can be called before it. In any time and any part of your script. It pause your script and increase time in any part. So check failed. And gc will be called too often because in memory huge game and for gg not free memory. So this check never be passed on real case for most devices.
  18. Calculate time for things it is not good solution. Because it is depends on CPU load. In real case in memory present huge game. And eat many resources. So this protection not work at all. And you use huge memory. It is simply end with kill GG by system by high memory usage. So this solution is worth usual time measure. It is not only not work, it is produce kill GG by system.
  19. Most time not load at all. With log or without log does not matter. Nice choose for production script. Nobody can use it. In any case, log can be produced, so this protection is weak. Part of log:
  20. @ddbb07 Swedish added to translation center. You can translate it. Read first post here.
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