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Everything posted by Enyby

  1. Enyby

    Time Jump on Nox

    It is present or not. You can not fix it.
  2. Bad firmware. GG can not work here without root. Maybe with root too.
  3. Understand nothing. Try use dots and commas.
  4. Understand nothing. Script can not be recorded without running GG.
  5. No. If you want stop inside script - then script must allow this. Or change it for this.
  6. Watch on YouTube: 8.68.2: Accelerated work, including scripts. In some cases, 42 times -
  7. Then you not do any actions possible for record.
  8. 5000 milliseconds is 5 seconds.
  9. Use root checker to check root access. Not cpu-z. And you must grant root access to gg,
  10. Use google. Do not be so helpless.
  11. Enyby

    LUA scripting

    Get results to table, modify address and set or get value via setValues or getValues. In your example you make empty table and try get 1 element from it. Of course it is always nil.
  12. Enyby


    Gathering information about GG errors (#9ggo57t)
  13. Enyby


    Possible bad firmware or you doing something wrong.
  14. Enyby


    I don't know.
  15. Enyby


    Only 32 or 64 possible. You doing something wrong. For example run it outside virtual space.
  16. Enyby


    You write nonsense. I don't have time to explain everything to you. If you do not understand such simple things, then I have nothing to say.
  17. Enyby


    Well yes. Compare me with google. This is equivalent: one person who does not get a penny from this, and a world company with hundreds of thousands of employees and billions of dollars in turnover.
  18. Enyby


    Why so simple? Let's go straight: I think you need to make your version of Android. Every version of Android. For all the devices that exist in the world. Which will be compatible with GG. Because not all firmware compatible. On huawei, the kernels are broken. And so on.
  19. Enyby

    Time Jump on Nox

    Speedhack on x86 require x86 libs in game.
  20. If latest version of GG not work because of broken kernel then any version of GG can not work.
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