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Everything posted by Enyby

  1. All android use little-endian. In any case, you can use google for understand what is that. And find byte swap algorithm and so on.
  2. Use getResults for get value. Use value as address. It is called pointer.
  3. Enyby


    Make bigger move for drag. It is by design, for prevent accidental move.
  4. Look like bug. If you not set `value` then value not added to saved list. Will be fixed in next release.
  5. Also in your case this number can be not equal. You add list items to not empty list. If item duplicate, then it replace. If not - added to list. _______________________________________________ added 1 minute later Add print here for this issue. Maybe you get error here. addListItems can return string with error. _______________________________________________ added 2 minutes later And add print f. print(f, gg.addListItems(f))
  6. This way can be not effective. You can build table in loop and make one call addListItems for all items. It must be faster, but require more memory.
  7. Try use google and common sense.
  8. 1, 2: Just make simple script which illustrate issue. I think your script not work for me at all, because I do not have this game, and others condition not met. Is is easy. For example if not work gg.addListItems then you can make something like that: gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber('0', gg.TYPE_DWORD) t = gg.getResults(10000) gg.addListItems(t) v = gg.getListItems() print(#t, #v) Search zero get a lot results. We load first 10000 and add to saved list. And get it back to script. And finally we print count loaded values. Also its stay in saved list and you check it via UI. And it is OK for me. If it not OK I get not 10000 in second value of print. And in saved list see less items then 10000. 3. We do not share source. It is very complicated. In my assumption you can not understand what going here, but you can leak sources. So for access to source we need talk in PM where you must approve your interest and skill. _______________________________________________ added 4 minutes later 3. If you interest you can try imagine how make ordered (or not ordered) search with limited amount memory for input of unlimited amount of memory. Better for one pass and optimized. This task is not easy as sound. Also you need hold some cases like duplicates in search. For example "5;5;5;5". Also it can be ordered or not.
  9. 1. Need clear example which can be run for any process. You post something required special condition, so it hard to test properly. Make clear and small example for any process. 2. Same as above. 3. No. This can not work in that way. It is not regular expressions or something like that. ps. In downloads section.
  10. Maybe virtual space issue. I can not say now. Maybe in next version I add more debug output and we return to this question.
  11. Look like problem with firmware. Try use root or another virtual space.
  12. Enyby


    Download 70.2 again. I updated now.
  13. Download 70.2 again. I updated now.
  14. Watch on YouTube: 70.2: Speed up scripts. In some cases, 26 times - GameGuardian
  15. Enyby

    Known problems

    Gathering information about GG errors (#9ggo57t)
  16. Of course. Put cursor in the end of the unwanted text. In this case "Game detected by Gameguardian". Press backspace on keyboard until unwanted text complete deleted. In your case it must be "Dear Gameguardian, is it possible to remove something like that?"
  17. "Permission denied" on start daemon. Try use another virtual space. If this not help, then need root for work GG on your firmware.
  18. Enyby


    Describe your issue properly. Add video with issue.
  19. Watch on YouTube: 70.0: Added changing the type of items in the saved list - GameGuardian
  20. Watch on YouTube: 70.0: Group editing for any number of elements - GameGuardian
  21. Enyby


    Do not cancel GG install for reinstall with random name. If it its not work - record logcat from fresh GG install. Gathering information about GG errors (#9ggo57t)
  22. Then firmware do not display any dialog over game. So disable this feature.
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