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Everything posted by Enyby

  1. Delete buttons wiil be too small for touch. _______________________________________________ added 1 minute later I plan move tabs and toolbar to left or right. Like rotate portrait layout.
  2. With hide toolbar: Is this height enough for you, or would you like to see more? For example, by hiding the tab bar. Something like this draft: Vote.
  3. Enyby


    Gathering information about GG errors (#9ggo57t)
  4. Enyby


    Info about GameGuardian (#9u6892tr)
  5. Info about GameGuardian (#9u6892tr)
  6. How to select the desired value for the value found through the search for encrypted ("hacking" mode) When using the "hack" mode, you can find the encrypted value (or values). The usual variation of these values produces mind-blowing numbers in the game. The consequence of this is to quickly get a ban in online games. This manual will explain how to find the right value in the game. At once I will say that given that the methods and encryption algorithms may differ in each individual case, there is no way to construct a matching “encrypted value” <-> “decoded value” for all games at once. It may be possible for a particular game, but more often, even specific games use random parameters, which are changed on each launch. This means that each launch will have its own matches for encryption. Given all the above, will have to deal with the selection. So let's go. I will describe the most difficult option. In simpler, everything is similar. 1. You found 5 (for example) values in the memory of the game that are associated with the value in the game. All of them have a different meaning (or the same, it doesn’t matter). 2. We introduce the concept of the number of additions. Let's call it "d". Initially d = 1; 3. We edit all found values. In the value field, enter our number d. Check the box for adding to the value. Click OK to edit the values. 4. We go into the game and see how the value has changed. Sometimes the value does not update itself and you need to go through the screens so that it is updated. 5. If changing the value in the game brings you closer to the goal, then double the d value. That is, d = d * 2. Go to step 3. 6. If the change in the value of the game suits you, then everything is fine and nothing else needs to be done. 7. If the changes in the value in the game alienate you from the goal, then you perform step 3, after which you double the d value. Well, then go to step 4. Usually it looks like this: added 1 - well, added 2 - well, added 4 - bad added 4 - bad added 8 - well, added 32 - well, added 64 - bad added 64 - well, added 256 - hooray. In most cases, this algorithm will help you find the right value, maximum for the number of bits in the value. For dword, float is 32 bits / step, word - 16, byte - 8. # If it's easier for you, you can use a simpler, but longer way: Add powers of two. If the result has worsened, then subtract the added value, if not, then change nothing, but proceed to the next. For the example above, this would be: added 1 - well, added 2 - well, added 4 - bad, added -4 added 8 - bad, added -8 added 16 - well, added 32 - well, added 64 - bad, added -64 added 128 - well, added 256 - hooray.
  7. Use gg options "hide from game". All except first.
  8. Install GG in 32-bit mode.
  9. Enyby


    Broken kernel. Must be message about that. Read it.
  10. Too high density of video. Better record in more low density.
  11. Replace nickname - replace text - GameGuardian (#2ngaguy)
  12. Explain in details. _______________________________________________ added 4 minutes later Show video, screenshots, detailed description of issue.
  13. If you can, make any useful videos. They will be useful to other users.
  14. Learn and write the scripts yourself. Read the help. GG has a feature for record scripts. Record the script, see what happened. Based on this, you can try to make a script with a menu. In this case, it is ineffective, since the game is hack by a direct search and is very simple. If the user is not able to use a simple search, then he is quite stupid, and make for him a very simple to use script is just a waste your time.
  15. When recording video, it is better to prepare and think through your actions so that the video is as concise and useful as possible. For example, how will you spend cards, so as not to stop recording video. And each step must be explained, because the input numbers, which are not clear where, immediately reduces all the benefits of the video to nothing.
  16. Here’s how it should have been: Virtual Beggar - hack coins, cards - GameGuardian (#54dwk9kk)
  17. Recorded a lot of unnecessary. Not explicitly stated where the numbers come from. All regions are selected for the search, although there is no need for it - only a slowdown in the search.
  18. On your firmware require root for GG work.
  19. Then use English locale. Separators depends from your locale. If you want Indonesian then you must use Indonesian separator. If you want English separator - use English Locale. No other choice. Or do not use thousand separators at all. It is only confuse people. _______________________________________________ added 1 minute later Then go to Indonesian government and request change separator in your locale.
  20. I do not understand. Explain with screenshots. _______________________________________________ added 0 minutes later Or with video. Where and what replaced.
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