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Everything posted by Enyby

  1. Enyby

    Failed to load daemon

    Where your logcat? Gathering information about GG errors (#9ggo57t)
  2. So this virtual space will not work on Android 9 along with GG. I can not help you.
  3. Enyby

    Android 9

    App Hider + 64-Bit Support (#7izwk26a)
  4. This is an application problem. It does not work on Android 9 because developers use what no longer works on Android 9. It does not work on both the regular version and the optimized one. Just on the regular version you do not see this message from your system. That's all. There is no difference. Write in support of App Hider, so that they deal with this issue. I can not help you. More info: https://developer.android.com/distribute/best-practices/develop/restrictions-non-sdk-interfaces
  5. Try some simple script. Or try use text search. It is too script. If it works then problem in your script, not in GG.
  6. This can not be. Scripts always work. So the problem is in your script. In addition, you are trying to work with 64-bit processes from a 32-bit GG.
  7. Of course. Called "debug". Debug your code and fix mistakes. Google about lua.debug. Function "print" is your better friend on that.
  8. Remove this part. In general you need understand what code do. Or you has some stupid errors all time.
  9. You post one code in file, another inside code tag in post, and after that show error from third code. Nobody can help you. You must show error and attach exact same code from error to post. In code above you set variable "file" to string, call io.open without save result to any place. And after that manipulate which variable "file" as it has file handle, but here string, so all die. I think you want save result from io.open to variable "file". Also dot before "w" look like error.
  10. will be fixed in next release.
  11. 1. os.remove can not remove script itself. it is not a bug. As intended.
  12. Show video with issue. Also add result of script record and screen with error when you try execute it.
  13. Enyby

    Android 9

    I get this message even for tap counter. I do not think reason in GG. I think reason in virtual space itself. Try use x32 GG if your device is x64. It asked on first run GG, before self-reinstall.
  14. Enyby

    Android 9

    I checked original v1.9.10 in Android 9.0 x86 emulator. It is not work. So it is virtual app issue. Write to their support. There nothing I can do.
  15. Enyby

    Android 9

    Show all messages + video from issue. Also record logcat via adb or inside virtual space (if possible). How to collect logcat (#c1aa00vp)
  16. Enyby

    Android 9

    Try use previous optimized version, if it works for you. For example 1.9.9.
  17. Enyby


    Show logcat from Install. How to collect logcat (#c1aa00vp) Also (as say in message) you can locate to this file and install temp.apk manually.
  18. Enyby


    Use Chrome. For me all downloaded. [added 0 minutes later] Show video with issue.
  19. Subtracting (or adding) two numbers, what could be easier? But you can search for detailed manuals on how to add two numbers in Lua.
  20. Try using a brain. Offset is the difference between addresses.
  21. Watch on YouTube: 73.12: Added locales with different delimiters for numbers - GameGuardian
  22. If return value from gg.alert or gg.multiChoice == nil, then dialog canceled. So do appropriate action like hide UI and wait while it open.
  23. Enyby

    MLBB Radar Script

    Extension can be any. .txt or .lua.
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