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Everything posted by Enyby

  1. It is not connected with root or no root. use external keyboard.
  2. xor_key = 444442 xor 200 For gg search you can enter '=444442~200~val' where val is your value. For example for find value 5 you can enter '=444442~200~5'
  3. From some video on Youtube. I think it can be found via usual search for xor key. As explained in one video here. Yes it is XOR key. This video just fast example how formula calculator can be used on real game. It is more powerful and allow any formula, not only XOR.
  4. Watch on YouTube: 73.0: Formula calculator - GameGuardian
  5. @YeetMeister For edit description of the file you not need upload new version of the file. And mention must be in file description, not in release description.
  6. Wrong. Open source not is same as no authorship. So you must mention usage his work in the file description, or file will be deleted.
  7. Then this mode not work for you with this virtual space + this firmware + this root. Try change virtual space or firmware or root or device.
  8. Trial and error method. In addition, many games can be hacked through the store, so this is also some previous experience. Typical hacking. On the currency exchange in the store. Gold on silver. We need large numbers to avoid unnecessary results. Therefore, the largest conversion is usually chosen. Well, or where the numbers are, which are rarely in memory. Then a group search. If lucky, there will be results. Through the filling, you can check the desired results. If the results are necessary, then we put gold in large numbers in the minus, and silver in plus, in large numbers. Sometimes a minus doesn't work. Then we try gold at 0 or 1, and silver with a large number. Still better than nothing.
  9. App hider offer hide app feature too: https://gameguardian.net/forum/files/file/328-app-hider-64-bit-support/ Try use it. Long tap on app inside it - hide.
  10. And for use root from virtual space you not need optimized virtual space. So you can use any suitable virtual space for this, even not optimized. You can check all virtual spaces from market. Search virtual spaces which allow hidden install apps. Maybe Excelliance products allow that. Like Multiple Accounts or 2Accounts. I do not check that. _______________________________________________ added 3 minutes later Also you can try DualSpace all variants (Normal, Blue, Lite). From it description:
  11. Enyby

    {9} IO Error

    Now it look like this. Before it will be zero in regions and more silent. But main things not changed - you can not hack. But now you notice it.
  12. No. Try all virtual spaces in downloads section and tell results to all.
  13. Parallel space not work because you can not have app inside Parallel only. It must be in system too. So if you delete it from system it deleted from Parallel. _______________________________________________ added 1 minute later Also this is not only in VirtualXposed. Exists other virtual space which allow install app inside it, not just use installed apps from system, like do Parallel.
  14. Watch on YouTube: 72.0: Speed up scripts - GameGuardian
  15. Watch on YouTube: 72.0: Use root from virtual space, for hide Gameguardian - VirtualXposed, GameGuardian VirtualXposed: https://gameguardian.net/f-128 Tap Counter: https://gameguardian.net/f-193
  16. Too complicated to explain. And I do not know what you want. In general you need learn how to code. This is something as try explain to a blind how an elephant look like. I think You need Result[4] as first param. Maybe it wrong. You must know better.
  17. Exactly. Search can not crash game. Any wrong edit - can. And does not matter edit you dword or float - if this is wrong edit, then game crash.
  18. Wrong. Any type of search can not crash game.
  19. Ranges list update on every new search from scratch. It is answer your question:
  20. https://gameguardian.net/help/classgg.html#a8bb9745b0b7ae43f8a228a373031b1ed getRangesList
  21. 1. Run search again if you need update found data. 2. It is not important feature.
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