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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/29/2021 in all areas

  1. View File Unicode Font Factory By BadCase This script is for other script authors to use in order to have custom Unicode based "fonts" in their scripts. This script allows you to: Convert plain text strings to Unicode fonts. Export LUA code to use a font in your script. Customize font settings like letter spacing, word spacing and adding letter and word brackets. Create your own custom fonts from scratch. Modify the included fonts. The script itself can also be included in your script to use multiple fonts in one script and use random fonts. ----------------------------------------- --Usage for exported lua-- ----------------------------------------- --Remove the gg.alert() from the end of exported file then copy --and paste the code to the top of your script --wrap any text you want to style like this --style_text("Your text string") ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Usage When Including The Entire Script-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --style_text(string,style,letter_wrap,word_wrap,letter_space,word_space,letter_wrap_space,word_wrap_space) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --parameters: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----string (Required): The string of text to style. --Example: "Your string of text" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----style (Optional): The style table name or the style_array index number to convert text to. --Example 1 Table Name: style_sans_serif_bold --Example 2 style_array Index: 4 --Using either of the above for the style parameter will yeild the same result --Returns random style if nil. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --letter_wrap (Optional but Requires all other parameters): The wraps_array index for the bracket style you wish to wrap Letters in. --Example: 7 --Sets letter brackets style to ⦃L⦄⦃e⦄⦃t⦄⦃t⦄⦃e⦄⦃r⦄⦃s⦄ --Set to 1 for no letter brackets --Set word_wrap to 1 if using this -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --word_wrap (Optional but Requires all other parameters): The wraps_array index for the bracket style you wish to wrap Words in. --Example: 7 --Sets word bracket style to ⦃Word⦄ --Set to 1 for no word brackets --Set letter_wrap to 1 if using this -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --letter_space (Optional but Requires all other parameters): The space between letters in Narrow No-Break Spaces. --Range 0-10 --Example: 2 --Sets letters T  H  I  S far apart. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --word_space (Optional but Requires all other parameters): The space between word in Hair Spaces. --Range 0-20 --Example: 10 --Sets          words          this          far          apart. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --letter_wrap_space (Optional but Requires all other parameters): The space between brackets and Letters in Narrow No-Break Spaces. --Range 0-10 --Example: 1 --Sets this much space betwean ⦃ L ⦄⦃ e ⦄⦃ t ⦄⦃ t ⦄⦃ e ⦄⦃ r ⦄⦃ s ⦄ and brackets. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----word_wrap_space (Optional but Requires all other parameters): The space between brackets and Words in Narrow No-Break Spaces. --Range 0-10 --Example: 2 --Sets this much space between ⦃ Words ⦄ and brackets. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Usage example with style_array index specified --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --style_text("Your string of text",3) --Result --𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒆𝒙𝒕 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Usage example with style table name specified --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --style_text("Your string of text",style_x_4) --Result --𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗲𝘅𝘁 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Usage example with all parameters specified --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --style_text("Your string of text",4,1,4,1,10,0,3) --Result --⦗   𝗬 𝗼 𝘂 𝗿   ⦘          ⦗   𝘀 𝘁 𝗿 𝗶 𝗻 𝗴   ⦘          ⦗   𝗼 𝗳   ⦘          ⦗   𝘁 𝗲 𝘅 𝘁   ⦘ ------------------------------------------------------ --Usage example with random style ------------------------------------------------------ ----style_text("Your string of text") --Result --Random style Submitter BadCase Submitted 10/27/2020 Category Tools  
    1 point
  2. It appears as though you are trying to use characters not supported by your device, not sure if it is related to running it in x8sandox/F1 VM or not [added 1 minute later] Include the exported code in your script and then follow the usage instructions above ----------------------------------------- --Usage for exported lua-- ----------------------------------------- --Remove the gg.alert() from the end of exported file then copy --and paste the code to the top of your script --wrap any text you want to style like this --style_text("Your text string")
    1 point
  3. @GGEZ2020 no worries here is the method for the video (and channel) that got taken down. GOLDEN TICKET MEDALS (POINTS) Open your data/data/com.playrix.homescapes folder and you will find a shared_vars.json file (open this file). Then find this part SeasonPass9Points:(value: ??; version: ??), just note the value down and search for it in your game as DWORD, then play levels and try to complete one task (also note the amount you will get after completion of the task). Let's say that your value on the json file is 16, so you will search for 16 (DWORD) and you complete a task that is providing you with 20 points, so then, (16 + 20 = 36) so you would refine 36. After you refine your search once you will be left with 2 results change them to 6000 and you will reach your last tier. Next, Season would be the one which gives you points by completing levels, so same method will work.
    1 point
  4. Aight. If i discover something, ill be sure to post it here. We are gonna tumble this game upsode down
    1 point
  5. you can use yours hacked amount work for faster up character enjoy ( dont forget values is double ) @ImnotAdi enjoy i will try to make script for u
    1 point
  6. Here guys an easy way to get the Golden Ticket medals, you can also keep track of how many you have collected. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBKJOCgbKmA
    1 point
  7. Well done. funny how pixel guns anti cheat is crazy but can still be cracked with game guardian what sense does that make? Awesome script dude! it would be awesome to add fire rate =)) or more features
    1 point
  8. A single search is faster than group search. But editing those in one search is dangerous which could cause game crashing. So function xqmnb comes to work to make a checking for those result. If they meet the requirements you set , they will be edited else won't.
    1 point
  9. These are all children's games. With the presence of the brain, all these protections are very easy. Well, in the GG interface itself you can always see what is being sought. You can also modify GG so that it logs everything that the script sends.
    1 point
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