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Everything posted by BadCase

  1. If you know what you want to edit values to but just not how to do it in lua send more details on exactly what value you want to edit using lua
  2. You can hack prices instead, of notebooks
  3. FIFA does not have either, it is not a Unity engine game
  4. If GG ever gets updated I can pretty much guarantee that they will not be enabled, Enyby has been pretty clear about this in the past.
  5. Try using my toolbox instead it has a more up to date version of this as a plugin BadCase's Toolbox (#9ptv7xz2)
  6. try recentvalue[1].value
  7. I think everyone has been wondering, last I check Enyby logged in one time this year after not logging in for several months
  8. Nearly every person I speak to that has issues running GG is on Android 12 or 13, my recommendation is that if you want to continue using GG stop updating your android and possibly roll it back
  9. View File BadCase's Discord API Has Most GET, POST, PUT and DELETE Methods from the Discord API I will try to add PATCH methods later PUT and DELETE Methods use a PHP curl script on my server, the code is included at the bottom of the script if you want to run it on your own server. Submitter BadCase Submitted 03/27/2023 Category Tools  
  10. Version 1.0.9


    Has Most GET, POST, PUT and DELETE Methods from the Discord API I will try to add PATCH methods later PUT and DELETE Methods use a PHP curl script on my server, the code is included at the bottom of the script if you want to run it on your own server.
  11. I am pretty sure this can be done by first renaming with os.rename and then removing the renamed file with os.remove
  12. Ah yes I ran into the max paste error while I made the API last night, thought I broke something at first lol BTW I made this after I posted my reply last night BadCase's PasteBin API (#72l4i839) Also if the reply I sent with the code in it worked you can mark it as the accepted answer
  13. If you want to post as private, make sure you are posting with username, you can't post private as Guest
  14. View File BadCase's PasteBin API Set these values at top of pasteBin table api_dev_key = "YOUR_API_DEV_KEY", api_user_name = "YOUR_USERNAME", api_user_password = "YOUR_PASSWORD", Usage: -- Upload with username -- print(pasteBin.publishPaste(api_paste_code, api_paste_name, true)) -- Upload without username --print(pasteBin.publishPaste(api_paste_code, api_paste_name, false)) -- List users pastes --print(pasteBin.listPastes()) -- Delete a paste -- print(pasteBin.deletePaste("Jef8vQcX")) -- replace "Jef8vQcX" with valid paste key from users paste -- Get users info -- print(pasteBin.getUser()) -- Get users private or public paste -- print(pasteBin.getUserPasteRaw("zbEbNh2n")) -- replace "zbEbNh2n" with valid paste key from users paste -- Get public or unlisted paste -- print(pasteBin.getPasteRaw("zbEbNh2n")) -- replace "zbEbNh2n" with valid paste key Submitter BadCase Submitted 03/24/2023 Category Tools  
  15. 2 = private https://pastebin.com/doc_api
  16. Version 1.0.1


    Set these values at top of pasteBin table api_dev_key = "YOUR_API_DEV_KEY", api_user_name = "YOUR_USERNAME", api_user_password = "YOUR_PASSWORD", Usage: -- api_paste_format https://pastebin.com/doc_api#5 -- api_paste_expire_date https://pastebin.com/doc_api#6 -- api_paste_private https://pastebin.com/doc_api#7 -- Upload with username pasteBin.publishPaste(api_paste_code, api_paste_name, postAsUser, api_paste_private,api_paste_expire_date,api_paste_format) -- print(pasteBin.publishPaste(api_paste_code, api_paste_name, true,"2","N","lua")) -- Upload without username pasteBin.publishPaste(api_paste_code, api_paste_name, postAsUser, api_paste_private,api_paste_expire_date,api_paste_format) --print(pasteBin.publishPaste(api_paste_code, api_paste_name, false,"0", "N","lua")) -- List users pastes --print(pasteBin.listPastes()) -- Delete a paste -- print(pasteBin.deletePaste("Jef8vQcX")) -- replace "Jef8vQcX" with valid paste key from users paste -- Get users info -- print(pasteBin.getUser()) -- Get users private or public paste -- print(pasteBin.getUserPasteRaw("zbEbNh2n")) -- replace "zbEbNh2n" with valid paste key from users paste -- Get public or unlisted paste -- print(pasteBin.getPasteRaw("zbEbNh2n")) -- replace "zbEbNh2n" with valid paste key
  17. function publishToPastebin(api_dev_key, api_paste_code, api_paste_name, api_user_name, api_user_password) local char_to_hex = function(c) return string.format("%%%02X", string.byte(c)) end local function urlencode(url) if url == nil then return end url = url:gsub("\n", "\r\n") url = url:gsub("([^%w ])", char_to_hex) url = url:gsub(" ", "+") return url end local api_user_key = "" if api_user_name then local url = "https://pastebin.com/api/api_login.php" local headers = { ["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" } local data = "api_dev_key=" .. api_dev_key .. "&api_user_name=" .. api_user_name .. "&api_user_password=" .. api_user_password local result = gg.makeRequest(url, headers, data) api_user_key = result.content end local url = "https://pastebin.com/api/api_post.php" local api_paste_private = "0" local api_paste_expire_date = "N" local api_paste_format = "lua" api_paste_name = urlencode(api_paste_name) api_paste_code = urlencode(api_paste_code) local headers = { ["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" } local data = "api_option=paste" .. "&api_dev_key=" .. api_dev_key .. "&api_user_key=" .. api_user_key .. "&api_paste_private=" .. api_paste_private .. "&api_paste_name=" .. api_paste_name .. "&api_paste_expire_date=" .. api_paste_expire_date .. "&api_paste_format=" .. api_paste_format .. "&api_paste_code=" .. api_paste_code local response = gg.makeRequest(url, headers, data) if response.code == 200 then return response.content else return "Error: " .. response.message end end local api_dev_key = "YOUR_DEV_KEY" local api_user_name = "YOUR_USERNAME" -- Only needed if you want paste uploaded with username otherwise paste will be uploaded as Guest local api_user_password = "YOUR_PASSWORD" -- Only needed if you want paste uploaded with username otherwise paste will be uploaded as Guest local api_paste_code = [[local testText = "Some Text" gg.alert(testText)]] local api_paste_name = "file name.lua" --Upload with username print(publishToPastebin(api_dev_key, api_paste_code, api_paste_name, api_user_name, api_user_password)) --Upload without username print(publishToPastebin(api_dev_key, api_paste_code, api_paste_name))
  18. View File TMNT Legends Script by BadCase Free currency (including shards) Free characters Free upgrade items Free resources Free VIP (in resources menu, restart game after buying) Submitter BadCase Submitted 01/03/2023 Category LUA scripts  
  19. Version 1.0.1


    Free currency (including shards) Free characters Free upgrade items Free resources Free VIP (in resources menu, restart game after buying)
  20. View File String Grabber by BadCase A tool that can find all strings in a games memory Find nearby pointed to strings And follow nearby pointer chains to find strings Submitter BadCase Submitted 12/31/2022 Category Tools  
  21. Version 1.1.5


    A tool that can find all strings in a games memory Find nearby pointed to strings And follow nearby pointer chains to find strings
  22. After adding GG to virtual xposed you must uninstall the normal copy. Then press "Fix It" when you start GG and select the Root in virtual spaces option. There are copies of VPhoneGaGa rooted with magisk and exposed that have Hide My Applist which can also achieve this. Another option that I have not tested in VMOS or emulators is an app named Island from the play store. Install island, move the game to the new work profile, run GG normally and the game from the work profile.
  23. View File Unix/Epoch Timestamp Tool by BadCase A tool for generating ranged Unix/Epoch timestamp searches and timestamps. Submitter BadCase Submitted 12/30/2022 Category Tools  
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