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  1. You can just download a mod from 5playru. It has infinite health. You can even login with your own account. I've used their mods before and they have antiban. So you won't be banned. If for some reason you don't want to use the mod and you want to hack it yourself the health value is encrypted. So there's a real value which is different from the display value you see in the upper left corner. You will need to do a fuzzy search and take damage, then do a "changed" NOT a decrease because when you take damage sometimes it increases and sometimes it decreases. Then perform some other changes without taking any damage and without replenishing your health and then do a "NOT changed". And so on and so forth until you are left with about 10 or 9 values. The one you want is a negative value. You will have 2 or 3. Freeze them one at a time to find out the correct one. Keep in mind that because it's an online/server type game, you may get banned. The mod I mentioned above has some programming embedded into the apk which provides the antiban feature. So hacking it yourself with game guardian is not the same thing. It is a warning. Good luck
  2. Hi Guardians! Dark lord here aka "OREW" Usually libil2cpp File are encrypted (protected) and if the user want to dumb the file he needs PC, laptop etc.. Well that not anymore, idk if all thw people know about this but thx to Poko he provides modded version from the original il2CppDumperGUI, now let's talk about good stuff Package name : Il2CppDumperGUI.apk Version : v2.0.1 Info : Unity il2cpp reverse engineer The main idea of it is to decode il2cpp file to extract the address from it and disable the Anti-chaet.. Like: weapon address Damage address Speed address Resources address Anti-chaet event address etc... Change : v2.0.1 Android 10 crash fixed [#issue-1] Now resetting config automatically saved Multiple permission window fixed in android 11 or up App icon changed Support for android 12L & 13 Overall stability and bug fixes Note : And You need Package to extract the il2cpp and metadata if the Files are encrypted ApktoolM Download : OREW-2CD_GUI.apk And thx in advance
  3. Hello, you can't find the coins by searching because they are not saved as coins but rather in the following format: public enum MiniGamesRewards.Rewards // TypeDefIndex: 3436 { // Fields public int value__; // 0x0 public const MiniGamesRewards.Rewards None = 0; public const MiniGamesRewards.Rewards VIP = 1; public const MiniGamesRewards.Rewards Coin10 = 2; public const MiniGamesRewards.Rewards Coin25 = 3; public const MiniGamesRewards.Rewards Coin30 = 4; public const MiniGamesRewards.Rewards Coin35 = 5; public const MiniGamesRewards.Rewards Coin40 = 6; public const MiniGamesRewards.Rewards Coin50 = 7; public const MiniGamesRewards.Rewards Coin60 = 8; public const MiniGamesRewards.Rewards Coin75 = 9; public const MiniGamesRewards.Rewards Coin100 = 10; public const MiniGamesRewards.Rewards Coin150 = 11; public const MiniGamesRewards.Rewards Sale10 = 12; public const MiniGamesRewards.Rewards Sale20 = 13; public const MiniGamesRewards.Rewards Sale25 = 14; public const MiniGamesRewards.Rewards Sale50 = 15; public const MiniGamesRewards.Rewards Gem25 = 16; public const MiniGamesRewards.Rewards Gem35 = 17; public const MiniGamesRewards.Rewards Gem50 = 18; public const MiniGamesRewards.Rewards Gem75 = 19; public const MiniGamesRewards.Rewards Gem100 = 20; } and here the function to set the coins: // Methods // RVA: 0x119A3BC Offset: 0x119A3BC VA: 0x119A3BC public void SetReward(MiniGamesRewards.Rewards _reward) { } you can use GG to set the reward
  4. Sorry for late joining to this topic. They fixed this already since 1.9.2 version for the "fixed" roll and randomized it already BUT only for the roll. Everything else still the same, FIXED for heist, community chest, sticker packs, and so on. The differences in cake event / car event the special buddy event, its still fixed but with the multiplier, if you change the multiplier into x1, its fixed for the x1 only if change to x20, it fixed to x20 only. so there no win win situation here. the thing about monopoly go is, actually not everything is server sided but im still not sure how they do it. Like the glitch for getting dice bar fulled via invitation it was base on client side (and check the version of the client on server side before sending request) and so far there is around 10 people using this method on newest version 1.11.0 - 1.11.5 by decompiling sources of 1.10.0 into 1.11 and again i think its just bug from the game that the developer miss out a lot. and i found out that rolling at active connection is different with offline. etc, i manage to always "double" roll the dice when there is connection but when i turn off the internet the always "double" roll wont be activated. may i know who you are?
  5. You can change the Reward Type as long as the item has been unlocked. Just some added information 39;25;9::12 39 is the Total Number of Materials you need to search for 25 is the quantity of the Award 9 is the quantity of the Materials you found, this will be zero if you haven't started the quest ; seperates the values you are looking for :: is an ordered search meaning that 39 will be first, then 25 then 9 12 is the range of bytes you want to search A DWORD is 4 bytes, so I'm searching for the values in a 3 DWORD Range, or basically one after the other These need confirmation, they are a work in progress Briefing Room Data Syntax DWORD Unknown 0 for mine DWORD Unknown 0 for mine DWORD Unknown 0 DWORD Action for Daily Quest (0 in this case for Materials) DWORD Unknown 0 DWORD Unknown 0 This is the part I was using an ordered search for DWORD 39 Total Quantity need to Complete Daily Quest (Points) DWORD 25 Quantity of REWARD you will get DWORD 9 Current Quantity you have done, change this to Total Quantity to complete Daily task DWORD Unknown 1 DWORD Unknown 4 DWORD Unknown -negative number DWORD Unknown -negative number DWORD Unknown 0 DWORD Unknown -1 DWORD Unknown 30 DWORD Unknown 1000 DWORD Reward Type (0 in this case for Diamonds) DWORD Unknown DWORD Unknown Action for Daily Quest Values Although you can change these, it's better to leave them as their own because you can just complete the Daily Task by changing the current quantity. 0 - Materials 1 - Copper 2 - Caves 3 - Harvest 4 - Caves 5 - Collect Sturdy Boards 6 - Caves 7 - Invite friends to conquest 8 - Invite friends to conquest 9 - Defeat Monsters 10 - Defeat Monsters 11 - Defeat Monsters And so on Reward Type You can only get rewards when items are unlocked, so Tickets, Bronze, Silver and Gold has to be unlocked 0 - Diamonds 1 - Grass 2 - Wood 3 - Food 4 - Ore 5 - Mystic Ore 6 - Energy 7 - Job Ticket 8 - Equipment Ticket 9 - Facility Ticket 10 - Item Ticket 11 - Friend Ticket 12 - Bronze Coins 13 - Silver Coins 14 - Gold Coins 15 - Diamonds (Use 0 instead)
  6. Its because if you want to find the general speed hack for any game there is 1 value that usually always will work. no matter the game the speed hack must happen on something. Start the game, open game guardian directly, even before it loads its all the data and search float 1.0, if you have for example 100 000 results, delete all of them till you have the last 10 000 left and start narrowing down from there because that speed value is at the end of the addresses. then let the game fully load and press unchanged for like 30times and edit 1 to 5 and see if speed works, you will need to narrow down the results for sure./ the speed of the game it self is non changing and is for 90% 1.0F in some changes it is double, and then you have some other random speed values that give other functions.. Search in region Ca, A, CD and CBB. But again it would be more easy if you just tell what you want to get speeded up so that things can be narrowed down...you don't want the hole game to get speeded up...its not always good idea either way.
  7. it also doesn't work everytime for me, but maybe try to do a manual string search of the shop prices. i.e.: Dword search for [priceAsString];0:5 or [priceAsString];255:5. (100=3 158 065 ;10=12 337). Just change each value one by one as string (change byte per byte between 48 and 57) or to random value to find the targeted shop value if you have multiple results ;). Btw, i think like you that currencies are encrypted by some xor, but if it is, it's not a common use because the encrypted value is on 2 dwords, so i don't see how you can easily put an exact value... About your mystery, when you set the two encrypted value of a currency at a same value, the final value is not zero, but 76367, so that's why it worked. ? Happy Halloween too! Thanks for the video. Apparently newbi and I were not talking about the same shop as you lol, we were talking about the shop inside the town if the game, not the external shop with IAP lol. Finally, good job for finding these prices, because I'd honestly not have though about them being strings at all, this is really interesting!
  8. Hi Mario, I'm trying to run GG on Android 10. VMos no way, finally with X8 Sandbox I succeded with some scripts but I get the following error with Currency Hack: Script finalizado: Error de guión: luaj.o: /sdcard/Download/rr3_currency_hack.v9. attempt to index ? (a nil value) with key 'start' (field '1') level = 1, const = 4, proto = 0, upval = 1, vars = 3, code = 9 GETTABLE v1 v1 "start" ; PC 6 CODE 00C0C047 OP 7 A 1 B 1 C 259 Bx 771 sBx -130300 stack traceback: /sdcard/Download/rr3_currency_hack.v9. in function </sdcard/Download/rr3_currency_hack.v9.> /sdcard/Download/rr3_currency_hack.v9. in function </sdcard/Download/rr3_currency_hack.v9.> /sdcard/Download/rr3_currency_hack.v9. in main chunk [Java]: in ? at luaj.LuaValue.f(src:989) at luaj.LuaValue.c(src:2864) at luaj.LuaValue.i(src:2767) at luaj.LuaValue.w(src:1094) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:363) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:537) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:533) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at android.ext.Script.d(src:6056) at android.ext.Script$ScriptThread.run(src:5785)
  9. View File THANOS VIP 3.0_dec_r00tsec_offline telegram group. https://t.me/decryptedlua HM = gg.multiChoice({ "1. WALLHACK SNAPDRAGON 620+", "2. WALLHACK SNAPDRAGON 835", "3. WALLHACK SNAPDRAGON 845 V1", "4. WALLHACK SNAPDRAGON 845 V2", "5. WALLHACK ALTERNATIVE V1", "6. WALLHACK ALTERNATIVE V2", "7. WALLHACK ALTERNATIVE V3", "8. WALLHACK ALTERNATIVE V4", "9. COLOR BRANCO", "10. COLOR VERDE", "11. COLOR AZUL V1", "12. COLOR AZUL V2", "13. COLOR PRETO", "11. COLOR AMRELO", "15. COLOR VIOLETA ", "16. COLOR VERMELHO ", "17. COLOR MIX V1", "18. COLOR MIX V2", "19. COLOR DIAMANTE", "20. NO RECOIL PERFECT \240\159\133\189\240\159\133\180\240\159\134\134 ", "21. WALLSHOT PERFECT \240\159\133\189\240\159\133\180\240\159\134\134", "22. MAGIC BULLET \240\159\133\189\240\159\133\180\240\159\134\134", "23. MAGIC BULLET THANOS", "24. MAGIC BULLETT THANOS V2", Submitter akkradet Submitted 08/07/18 Category LUA scripts
  10. Double - Double in hex - first 32 bit double as float. 0 = 0 0.0 1 = 3ff0000000000000 1.875 2 = 4000000000000000 2.0 3 = 4008000000000000 2.125 4 = 4010000000000000 2.25 5 = 4014000000000000 2.3125 6 = 4018000000000000 2.375 7 = 401c000000000000 2.4375 8 = 4020000000000000 2.5 9 = 4022000000000000 2.53125 10 = 4024000000000000 2.5625 11 = 4026000000000000 2.59375 12 = 4028000000000000 2.625 13 = 402a000000000000 2.65625 14 = 402c000000000000 2.6875 15 = 402e000000000000 2.71875 16 = 4030000000000000 2.75 17 = 4031000000000000 2.765625 18 = 4032000000000000 2.78125 19 = 4033000000000000 2.796875 20 = 4034000000000000 2.8125 21 = 4035000000000000 2.828125 22 = 4036000000000000 2.84375 23 = 4037000000000000 2.859375 24 = 4038000000000000 2.875 25 = 4039000000000000 2.890625 26 = 403a000000000000 2.90625 27 = 403b000000000000 2.921875 28 = 403c000000000000 2.9375 29 = 403d000000000000 2.953125 30 = 403e000000000000 2.96875 From code: public class HelloWorld{ public static void main(String []args){ for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { long l = Double.doubleToLongBits((double)i); System.out.println(i + " = " + Long.toHexString(l) + " " + Float.intBitsToFloat((int)(l >> 32))); } } } For: http://www.tutorialspoint.com/compile_java_online.php In last GG you can simple search with double data type.
  11. Help please, when using player info this happens Script ended: Script error: luaj.o: /storage/emulated/0/Download/com.gameinsight.gobandroid-2.lua:32 tableMetadataOffsets = t[2].address attempt to index ? (a nil value) with key 'address' (field '2') level = 1, const = 10, proto = 0, upval = 1, vars = 8, code = 25 GETTABLE v2 v2 "address" ; PC 17 CODE 01424087 OP 7 A 2 B 2 C 265 Bx 1289 sBx -129782 stack traceback: /storage/emulated/0/Download/com.gameinsight.gobandroid-2.lua:32 in function 'searchString' /storage/emulated/0/Download/com.gameinsight.gobandroid-2.lua:778 in function 'fighterStats' /storage/emulated/0/Download/com.gameinsight.gobandroid-2.lua:1140 in function 'START' /storage/emulated/0/Download/com.gameinsight.gobandroid-2.lua:1449 in main chunk [Java]: in ? at luaj.LuaValue.f(src:989) at luaj.LuaValue.c(src:2864) at luaj.LuaValue.i(src:2767) at luaj.LuaValue.w(src:1094) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:363) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:167) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:534) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:533) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:533) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at android.ext.Script.d(src:6056) at android.ext.Script$ScriptThread.run(src:5785)
  12. Help please, when using player info this happens Script ended: Script error: luaj.o: /storage/emulated/0/Download/com.gameinsight.gobandroid-2.lua:32 tableMetadataOffsets = t[2].address attempt to index ? (a nil value) with key 'address' (field '2') level = 1, const = 10, proto = 0, upval = 1, vars = 8, code = 25 GETTABLE v2 v2 "address" ; PC 17 CODE 01424087 OP 7 A 2 B 2 C 265 Bx 1289 sBx -129782 stack traceback: /storage/emulated/0/Download/com.gameinsight.gobandroid-2.lua:32 in function 'searchString' /storage/emulated/0/Download/com.gameinsight.gobandroid-2.lua:778 in function 'fighterStats' /storage/emulated/0/Download/com.gameinsight.gobandroid-2.lua:1140 in function 'START' /storage/emulated/0/Download/com.gameinsight.gobandroid-2.lua:1449 in main chunk [Java]: in ? at luaj.LuaValue.f(src:989) at luaj.LuaValue.c(src:2864) at luaj.LuaValue.i(src:2767) at luaj.LuaValue.w(src:1094) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:363) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:167) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:534) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:533) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:533) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at android.ext.Script.d(src:6056) at android.ext.Script$ScriptThread.run(src:5785
  13. stdout

    Egg inc golden eggs

    Jumpy, You are not going to want to use DWord because the value can exceed that size. Most values used in the game are going to be Double. Your first surefire approach is to wait for an ad reward that gives eggs. This could also work for a brown package. Scan the golden egg reward as Double (increase the 'Only the first N results to 100,000,000). If your results are 10-11 (or something reasonable) you can either change each one independently, or wrecklessly change all values to some large number (50000 or maybe even something like 1.5e12). Going too high will bug it out, I wouldn't exceed 1.8e308. I don't like changing a bunch of values as once, but this will work. If anything is funky, just restart your game. Another approach may be to scan the eggs you have, but doing so, I'd advise you to use ranges: Your display shows 1.5M, scan 1.5e6~1.6e6. Last approach would be to do ordered scans with respect to task list, but this would be limited and tedious depending on what your current tasks are. If you find a solution that allows you to pinpoint an exact address for a successful change, feel free to let me know your approach.
  14. Features: •Infinity Life Please notice: This function works after you reach Level 10. PS:There’s no “X”on the screen but mod has already loaded. For IOS user Requirements: -Jailbroken iDevice -Cydia Substrate -xmodgames Instructions for Installation in iDevice: cydia repo:http://apt.xmodgames.com. click repo for tutorial deb file:http://www.xmodgames.com/x.deb tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOmoDcJSSjU For Android users: Requirements: 1 Rooted phone 2 xmodgames Download in Android system: download link:http://www.xmodgames.com/x.apk or search "xmodgames" in google play store Instructions for Activation: Click 'xmodgames' on HomeScreen. Click on the icon. Then click the blue button to install the mod. Click the “launch” button to start. Launch the game without xmodgames. After you have finished using five lives, you have to wait for a few minutes to get a life or buy refill by money.Launch the game with xmodgames... You can have countless lives have been playing a game...PS: There ‘s no overlay button“X”for Android version,however,when you open and see“Xmodgames has been loaded”it means Xmodgames is working. Enjoy this victory! Here is the tutorial video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTDdUT-YdpU Credits: xmodgames Team (for the hack)
  15. Hi @Marks01, are you sure you're doing the exact same step like I did on the video? The reason it's need to be disabled is because: MagiskSu will conflct with SuperSu ( See 'Install Magisk on Emulator' video at 01:34 ). Please clarify the following: - The reason Modules tab is greyed out: Magisk isn't installed properly ( Redo steps from 'Install Magisk on Emulator' video at 00:10 - 00:41 ). - From the first Installation, make sure You still have the Root ENABLED when opening Magisk App ( See 'Install Magisk on Emulator' video at 01:13 ). - DONT USE 'Hide Magisk App' or the Magisk App will lose it's Root previleges. The reason for this is: Magisk Root are handled by Magisk App. Be paying attention when Installing Magisk App. The Indication of MagiskSu is successfully installed are mentioned in this time list: - The Magisk Terminal says 'Done' and the Installation ended ( See 'Install Magisk on Emulator' video at 0:38) - The Magisk App will ask for Root and it says 'Abnormal State' ( See 'Install Magisk on Emulator' video at 01:13 and 01:34 ) Above timestamp is a VITAL Part of Magisk Installation. I can't really tell if you're doing something wrong, perhaps a screen-recording would helps.
  16. Hi @harpov, you're trying to pass a string as parameter. It is kind of difficult in Game Guardian, since it can only replace existing memory. String is handled as pointer, when function asking for string types, it is asking the pointer of the string not the string itself. It is because string can consist more than one character, which there will be several hex/bytes representing each character. You might want to read this: ARM Patching I've seen that you're only trying to make it return null. First, you need to check wether the function is void or returning something. If you're intending to disable the function just do: BX LR 1E FF 2F E1 If it's void, disabling the function can crash the game. Alternatively you can pass one character to the parameter. You can try to convert character to hex: UTF8 to Hex. For example, character 'a' is '0x61' in hex. So you can do something like this: MOV R1, 0x61 61 10 A0 E3 Note that you need to adjust the 'R1' or the register according to the parameter. First parameter is usually passed into R1 register, but since it is a string, you might looking for LDR/LDRB instruction inside the function and change it with the instruction above.
  17. XOR SEARCH: This method of search is very unique and not intended for you to try as a first method. Once you've tried all memory types, all ranges, unknown increased and unknown decreased and all fail, this method might be what you want to do last. XOR is a simple encryption method, but without the key, you can't know the value. And games lately (not all) will have a key that changes on value change, making finding these types of values EXTREMELY difficult if not impossible... Until now. HUGE thanks to @Enyby The search All the games I've come across that use this method have all been dword, so I'll stick to dword. Also most games (except For Emblem Heroes and some parts in GunPie) the XOR key and XOR value are 4bytes apart. Let's say you have 25 gold. To search 25 with xor key 4 bytes away 25X4 If you know your value is within a range but not 100% on value, so you know you collected about 40 to 45 gold, your search can be 38~50X4 Then when you collect 10 more 48~60X4 During these searches, if you want to eliminate many results that are most likely not it, you can do a does not equal 0 and does not equal the value. You search 500X4 Followed by ≠0 ≠500 Then you can resume the XOR method. This search cannot be done with a group search. If done properly, can do unknown changed/unchanged. Editing You have a couple ways you can edit values. Edit results and if you want to edit to 12345 Put 12345X4 If you want to edit multiple values keeping xor and doing a different value for each. If you have 3 results from searching 500X4 Edit results 100;5000;15000X4 First value week be edited to 100 2nd 5000 and 3rd to 15000. The other option ,goto address, copy value above (xor key) using the xor calculator built into GG, calculate value and got can type values and re-encrypt with proper xor key. Increment edit If you have 5 results and want each to be different, separate each edit with a ;. So for 5 results 5;10;15;20;25X4 Value 1 will be 5, 2 will be 10..... Then you can figure out the correct value, revert and remove the wrong values and continue with editing that one value. List of known games using XOR protected values. Tiny Miners Bullet Force Gunpie Super Mario Run Fire Emblem Heroes (SP: 8 is xor offset. Level: 24 is xor offset) Touch Tank Target Acquired Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow Pokémon: Magikarp Jump Skychamp HAWK: Freedom Squadron Candy Crush Heroes Infinite Stickman Legend (XOR offset 8) Zombie Pandemic Survivor
  18.  @zam535582 @Jimeous thank you very much to both of you with all of your explainations, with zam's simple way and jim's details. The point for this game is do NOT be TOO greedy. In this kind of game, it should be around 0-999 (3 digits) for the value of rare item (such as ticket), its just to be safe in my opinion. You can always FREEZE the value, but dont adding more value to the limit so you will not get the ban. And for the value, the rare item (i just called it rare, such as group item and ticket,etc that you will not get it so easy) have an unique value. Its not like you input "10" then the output will come as "10" too, the simple value is for search purpose, not for the hack output. Especially for the 3 addresses that Jim's mentioned it above. what it was called? XOR or somethin use offset calculator, but we dont have to think about it. I just give some numbers of value that make it work and save to your progress (It doesnt reset even if you close the game). First, you search the value of some rare item you want to hack, in this case the job ticket as example. We have 3 job ticket, new search 3 --> spend 1 jobticket, search 2 (refine) --> spend 1 more, search 1 (refine)--> it will show you 1 address, click it and press GoTo. You will find the addresses like Jim's said With Jim's guide before : (x)B417A178 - this is the first value that we will change (y)BA17A17C - This is the value that was found when it was Searched (z)B417A180 - and this is the second value we change right after the first one (x). Click the (x) address, and choose DWORD, then input the number, after that do it for (z) too : (x) 1,679,760,649 (y) 1,679,760,637 - for value of 500. (x) 1,708,878,270 (y) 1,708,878,298 - for value of 100. I just give you 2 combinations for value because it seems fine until now (no ban), you can always freeze it (free the two of them, not just one). and of course the value will save to your progress. Checkout for Jim's and Zam's comments in this post for the better learning. Sorry if it not so simple, i just cant get the word to describe it. Yang indo (saya liat ada iklan gojek tu hahaha) pokoknya mah ini buat tiket dan group item biar ke save jumlah itemnya di game. sebenernya buat Job juga bisa, asal udah kebuka(atau sempet dapet dari job tiket) tuh job nya. contohnya bisa buat duplikat A rank champion, asal udah pernah dapet. kalo belom mah gambarnya kekunci.
  19. View File PUBG 0.18.0 HACK || NO RECOIL || AIM BOT|| SPEED HACK|| PUBG MOBILE 0.18.0 HACK 2020 VIP SCRIPT || WALLHACK || NO RECOIL || I upload Daily Videos on this Gamegaurdain because this script and host are working fine You Must Download Latest HOst & Script From Below Site http://pubgleak.com/ .JOIN TELEGRAM " http://t.me/rmgaming" Get Latest Script and Host From Telegram Pubg Global 0.18 Hacks from pubgleak.com (100% work for Rooted ) (Never Use Hacks on your Main Account) Kindly Download the zip file and extract to main directory. Note: your extract with android file manager it is possible that the file path became /emulated/0/ so please correct it in case mistake "10 year Ban". after extraction Start Pubg Global 0.17 as normal 1:Open MT Manger Execute PUBG_GL.sh 2:. In lobby run BypassFixNothing using GG 3:.Enjoy Hacks Note : Don't close MT during game .when game finishes first exit Game then MT . Download: DONT'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE TO CHANNEL BELOW ALL LINKS ARE IN FILE JUST DOWNLOAD AND ENJOY LINKS FROM EVERY SERVERS ___________________________________________________________ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXP5FmGYpyY&feature=youtu.be Submitter minhasokz2 Submitted 08/17/2019 Category PUBG  
  20. Script berakhir: Kesalahan skrip: luaj.o: /storage/emulated/0/Download/Blade Idle.lua:-1 table expected for set index ('3') value, got nil level = 1, const = 7, proto = 0, upval = 1, vars = 250, code = 51 SETTABLE v5 3 v2 ; PC 9 CODE 8000814A OP 10 A 5 B 256 C 2 Bx 131074 sBx 3 stack traceback: /storage/emulated/0/Download/Blade Idle.lua: in function 'valueFromClass' /storage/emulated/0/Download/Blade Idle.lua: in function 'main' /storage/emulated/0/Download/Blade Idle.lua: in function 'mainMenu' /storage/emulated/0/Download/Blade Idle.lua: in function 'stopClose' /storage/emulated/0/Download/Blade Idle.lua: in main chunk (...tail calls...) [Java]: in ? at luaj.LuaValue.d(src:2795) at luaj.LuaValue.b(src:1123) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:383) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:207) at luaj.LuaClosure.a_(src:195) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:544) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:533) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:533) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:533) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:207) at luaj.am.b(src:73) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:600) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at android.ext.Script.d(src:6056) at android.ext.Script$ScriptThread.run(src:5785) Error
  21. Requirements to the UI. If you decide to offer a new UI for GG, you should understand the following: 1. UI must support different screen resolutions. From the minimum to the maximum sizes. Different sizes you can view in manuals from google: https://material.io/devices/ https://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html small screens are at least 426dp x 320dp 2. UI must support both portrait and landscape orientation. 3. UI must support the entire set of versions of Android, from 2.3.3 (API 10). 4. You need to understand what it means to each element of the interface, how it is used, under what conditions and how often. 5. The interface must not be beautiful, it's not a picture. It should be comfortable and functional. 6. There is some agreement in Material Design. You must be aware of them at the UI design. For example the size of touchable item must be at least 48dp. https://material.io/guidelines/ 7. GG is not SBGH or any other tool. We have our own way, own features and own interface. So no need to blindly copy someone else's interface. Such ideas will not be considered. You are only wasting yours and our time. 8. Although it is possible to make different layout for different screen sizes, orientations and even the Android version, the UI should look the same everywhere, so as not to confuse users.
  22. Play Store Icon Image: Name of Game: SimCity BuildIt Game Version: Name of Cheat: Add Resources Steps: Load SimCity Check your Simoleans amount Search for the amount in GG (4 byte) Buy something small using Simoleans Search GG for the new amount Repeat 4 and 5 until you only have 1 or 2 results Tap the results and save them (any name, doesn't matter) Go to saved results tab, tap, modify amount(s) - I put in 900,000,000 Now tap the checkbox on the right to lock the amount in place Return to game, buy something - amount you have should remain at 900,000,000 Return to GG, uncheck the lock boxes, start new search Repeat steps 2 - 11 for SimCash Now (with results cleared), Go to the bottom left of your city, you should find the port (If not, continue playing until you have it) Using simoleans, pack the ship, (buy missing items if needed), Cast it off Click the port, use cash to get a new ship to come back Repeat steps 14 and 15 until you have 15 or 20 keys Now do steps 2 - 10 for your keys. (I just gave myself 60,000 keys, as they aren't really used a whole lot) Screenshot:
  23. I am from india, in asia taxes are so high, n lots of corruption that middle class ppl cant think to spend 10 dollars on games, i m looking for a job from last 5 years, still got none, tried lots of businesses too, none worked coz of corruption. reality is something else, we dont wanna cheat anybody but its the system here n 1 person cant change the system. We dont earn here that much, thats the reason we shift towards bigger countries, i was in england for 5 years for my higher studies n i took loan of 20000 pounds, which i worked hard n returned in just less than 2 years, coz i was in england, here it took me 15 to 20 years, i hope now u got the idea, why we are cheaters. sorry for that. But coz of our cheating only GG is growing coz we here take all the risks, i put my accounts under risk, coz maybe i will loose the accounts but at least i will share my knowledge here to protect others from getting banned, I am happy being a cheater now, i feel proud of myself, even if i m poor. thx
  24. I have used insta win mostly to steal & to recover gems.. I have used teleport orbs to you (70-80%) I am genuinely very happy to hack this game after many year i was having a legit Account since 6-7 years since the game released I don't properly remember the date.. I was very happy so i started using hack in main account level 58 & also 2 more accounts level 18 & level 10.. I have known someday this will ban me.. I used to lastly play this game before 3-4 years but since i got your script i use it to enjoy now,so its no big deal if my main acc is banned (cuz i wasnt using it anyway..) I really thank you for your time to make this awesome script Keep it up.. This is first hack of kot i have find since this many years passed.. i appreciate it alot.. Also i Just wanted to know do u use insta win to steal big gems? I have steal gem of 300000+ from level 1000+ player.. May be thats why i have got reported and got banned..
  25. [ @kiynox ] could this script be any better? function menus() choices = gg.choice({'Prepare spam','Search','Exit'}) if choices == nil then os.exit() else if choices == 3 then os.exit() else prepares(choices) end end end function prepares(choices) if choices == 1 then gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber("9;74;8.0", gg.TYPE_FLOAT) gg.refineNumber('74', gg.TYPE_FLOAT) chatspam = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) gg.addListItems(chatspam) elseif choices == 2 then gg.loadResults(chatspam) gg.getResults(1000) chatspam = gg.prompt({"Enter which letter you want to spam?(0 = A, 1 = B, 2 = C, 3 = D, 4 = E, 5 = F, 6 = G, 7 = H, 8 = I, 9 = J, 10 = K, 11 = L, 12 = M, 13 = N, 14 = O, 15 = P, 16 = Q, 17 = R, 18 = S, 19 = T, 20 = U, 21 = V, 22 = W, 23 = X, 24 = Y, 25 = Z)"}, {[1] ="0"}, {["1"] ="number"}) if chatspam == nil then gg.alert("you haven't searched anything so the script will restart!") return end gg.editAll(chatspam[1] ,gg.TYPE_FLOAT) chatspam = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) end end knxs = false while true do if gg.isVisible(true) then knxs = true else knxs = false end if knxs == true then menus() else gg.setVisible(false) end end
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