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Everything posted by Enyby

  1. Enyby

    LUA scripting

    You can use sleep with loop. Like in script loader.
  2. Enyby

    LUA scripting

    @MCbearbear Currently - no. But we have plans about that.
  3. Info about GameGuardian (#2q56wb3y)
  4. Watch on Youtube: Screen filters and setup button - GameGuardian
  5. Watch on Youtube: Freeze the value in the saved list - GameGuardian
  6. Watch on Youtube: How to search rounded values in an exponential notation - GameGuardian
  7. Gameloft games load GL id from other games installed on device. Also they calculate special hash based on Ads id, mac id, android serial and other persistent values, so you can not just simple unban on it. Need use LP patch.
  8. If you cannot choose a process in GameGuardian, or get an error 105/106, then on your firmware, GG, without root, will not work. Try optimized versions of virtual spaces or another firmware or other device or get root. https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/19421-virtual-spaces-to-run-gameguardian-without-root/ On MIUI and FlyMe need disable internal virtual space (clone apps). _______________________________________________ added 0 minutes later @lordmammon
  9. Nohow. Make custom kernel. But it is impossible. Write to support.
  10. For me all worked. Record logcat from install via adb. https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/7419-how-to-collect-logcat/ Then use another optimized virtual space. https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/19421-virtual-spaces-to-run-gameguardian-without-root/
  11. Bad kernel in Honor device. I can find out the address, but unable to edit the value (#1sds9id0)
  12. Perhaps it sums up the value of several games. _______________________________________________ added 0 minutes later Or it was received in some other way. For example, by editing the request to the server.
  13. @TheRedMage4444 Do not use review area for comments. Nobody can answer you. Use Chrome for download. And disable autotranslate. All must work.
  14. Enyby


    And for parallel space need disable turbo mode for work google play.
  15. Enyby

    LUA scripting

    @MCbearbear No. No any changelog. You must always use latest version of the gg. So you can check current version with gg.require. Always set it to latest version as you write script and you not have any problems.
  16. Enyby

    LUA scripting

    Read results into table. Iterate over this table. In loop body check value. If it has specified value - add it to table with changes. after loop setValues with new table with changes. If you do not understand what I am talking about - you need learn lua and how to programm. Use books and internet.
  17. We can not make helpers for all cases. On the most obvious - yes. In other cases - the user must decide what to look for. Rounded or not. For example, if a person enters a search in 0.5, we can not know what the user meant. 0.5 exactly, or this rounding. Therefore, the most general variant is assumed, which will allow to take into account all the nuances. Those who need an accurate search are looking for 0.5. Those who need rounding can be called 0.45 ~ 0.59. Or 0.495 ~ 0.504. This path allows the user to decide for themselves with what precision and how to search. And this makes the tool more flexible. Any assumptions about rounding make exact search impossible. And most often, it is what he is needed. As for proposals, they are always welcomed. Your posts are sound and sober, for which you are a special thank you. This is a big rarity here.
  18. Because users do not understand what meaningful zeros are. Because no one will write 10.500. Everyone will write 10.5. And go understand, there are further zeros or this rounding. If the user is so clever, he will write 10.4 and that's it.
  19. Because the user sees in game 10 and enters 10. And we do not know, 10.0 is it or just 10. You can enter 10.0 and see the difference. Rounding only works up to integers. A typical situation is the distance in the runners. The screen always has an integer distance value. And in the game it is fractional. The user will enter integers in the filter. Therefore, you need to consider all possible rounding options. This applies only to integers. In other cases, you can not know what kind of number there is and adjust the user input. Perhaps 10.5 is 10.50, and perhaps 10.45 rounded to 10.5. This can not be traced and recognized.
  20. Everything works as it should. There is no mistake. 1. If you specify a fractional value, then you know that the result will be fractional. So the integer do not fit. This is dictated by elementary logic. If the user entered a condition greater than 10.8, then he did not take the number from the ceiling, but from the game, and all the results should be fractional. 2. You can not know how rounding works in the game. This can be a mathematic rounding, floor or ceil. Therefore, the filter takes the maximum option. When you specify more than or equal to 514, in game 513.01 can be rounded up to 514. And the filter should show this value. The filter is built on the basis that the user enters the numbers that he sees in the game. He does not know how it is in memory. That's why there are such features. When developing the filters, all these moments were taken into account. This is not an accidental behavior. These moments were realized in this way deliberately.
  21. Enyby

    LUA scripting

    See other scripts source as examples.
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