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Everything posted by Enyby

  1. Enyby

    GO Multiple

    If the game does not support synchronization by its own means, it does not.
  2. @JustRandom I did not get anything. Write more clearly. Use the dots.
  3. This is not bad and not good. These are the features of the firmware. There is a set of standard permissions that should work everywhere, but there is a set of system permissions, the issuance of which remains at the discretion of the firmware. They can be protected by a signature, issued only to system applications and so on. _______________________________________________ added 1 minute later And virtual spaces declare all that is possible. Naturally, they do not get all the permissions. Well, it only affects whether they can provide these permissions to those applications that are inside them. If inside this permission is not needed, then there is no difference either whether the firmware was issued or not.
  4. Some resolutions may not be granted on firmware. It depends on the firmware. If it is not in the list, then the firmware does not grant it.
  5. I don't know exactly. One instruction: http://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=804582&view=findpost&p=68629584 http://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=259340&view=findpost&p=72722908
  6. You need to learn lua, its syntax and functions. At this point, your script is a collection of random words that can not work in principle. You write some code and think that it will work the way you want. This is approximately how to put a piece of paper in the wallet "money appear", and then wait for them to appear there. It does not work that way. It's just that you can not download content from a web page. return is not goto. Your condition if nothing does and so on.
  7. Try optimized versions of virtual spaces or another firmware or other device or get root. https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/19421-virtual-spaces-to-run-gameguardian-without-root/ On MIUI and FlyMe need disable internal virtual space (clone apps).
  8. Enyby


    Nox App Player bugged and work slow. We add notification about that in next release.
  9. You want - you solve your problems. Learn lua and write whatever you want, no one will forbid you.
  10. These are all children's games. With the presence of the brain, all these protections are very easy. Well, in the GG interface itself you can always see what is being sought. You can also modify GG so that it logs everything that the script sends.
  11. Watch on Youtube: No root via 2Face on x86 - GameGuardian 2Face - Multi Accounts (#d9nfq06v)
  12. Read first post here. You must use translation center. _______________________________________________ added 0 minutes later @Qwertinuous
  13. You can turn off comments to videos and psychopaths can not write.
  14. Watch on YouTube: Script loader - GameGuardian Script: Script loader (#bwlhvhok)
  15. View File Script loader Script for loading other scripts via the menu, available by clicking on the floating icon. Video: Script loader - GameGuardian (#3smli7tf) Submitter Enyby Submitted 04/27/18 Category LUA scripts
  16. Enyby

    Script loader

    Version 2.0


    Script for loading other scripts via the menu, available by clicking on the floating icon. Video: Script loader - GameGuardian (#3smli7tf)
  17. Enyby


    @Cristian83 GG Icon disappeared from screen or Force Close (#9vv2bzfz)
  18. editAll require two params. You pass one. Compare yours: And from help:
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