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Everything posted by Enyby

  1. Enyby


    @NoFear Look like a bug. I investigate later. I can reproduce it, but currently no time for deep investigation. Thanks for report.
  2. Enyby


    @NoFear I need know exactly values of pointers. So need screens or video.
  3. Enyby


    @NoFear Need actions description for reproduce issue. Or video.
  4. I did not read them. Therefore, I can not say anything specific. But in any case, you have the Internet. It's enough to learn anything, there would be a desire and effort.
  5. This is your decision, but I would start with the first edition, which is available for free. It would be enough. The fourth edition will not give you something that the first will not give.
  6. Use code tag. Third "then" not have "if". Besides, I see that you did not understand what I was talking about. Also I see that you do not understand the essence of programming. You need to learn programming, read a book, understand the structure of if and so on. As long as you do not understand this, conversation does not make sense. Besides, I do not have time to explain and explain the basic things. You simply combine the text, without understanding how it works and what the syntax of the statements is. Start with books and study lua.
  7. You need to use indentation, otherwise you will get confused in the code when you write everything in one line. Learn how to format the code. then errors will be immediately visible and the code will be easier to read.
  8. @Fellaw21 Some fun programming.
  9. @Fellaw21 The best remedy for ban is fair play. But you do not want to play fair? Then why be surprised if you get a ban? Play honestly and there will be no ban. Or play not honestly and get a ban. Sooner or later. Just do not complain.
  10. @Fellaw21 Dude it sad when user only write to topic, havent tried read other posts. This is lead to pointless and stupid posts.
  11. I know. I needed to change the authorship so that he could not upload the new version on top.
  12. For such things, I gave him a warning, uploaded your version of the script and transferred the authorship to you so that he could not reload the file. The distribution of custom assemblies in an official forum is prohibited. This is disrespect for the hard and complex work that we are doing. Not only did we steal our work, it still has the audacity to advertise it on our forum.
  13. No. -- init vars - 1 time on script run check = {} -- some code with label if menu[1] != check[1] then check[1] = menu[1] if menu[1] == true then -- enable hack else -- disable hack end end -- return to label It is for run in loop. If you not in loop then you need search before each hack for check - applied hack or not. Analyze count of results. If it zero - skip apply hack.
  14. If you need to know whether the hack is applied in the current script start, you need to create a variable. However, if hack could be used in other script runs, the variable will not help and you need to do a test search and check its results.
  15. So you must keep the current state. For example a flag. If the hack is on, then set the flag, if it is off - reset. And then check if the hack is trying to turn it on, then turn it on only when the flag is reset. Well, with the flag turned off the same story. Instead of using 10 variables, it's logical to create one table, in which to store the status list of all the flags.
  16. GameGuardian work without root So, as for work without root. This is not magic. Technical limitations were, and have remained. So it will not work anywhere and always. Actually it looks like this: 1. You put an application of virtual space (Parallel Space, VirtualXposed, Parallel Space Lite, GO multiple, 2Face and many others). 2. In it you add the game and installed GameGuardian. 3. From the virtual space application, you launch the game and GameGuardian. Actually everything. GameGuardian can be used to hack the game. Everything is simple and transparent. It was a good part of the news. Now about the bad: 1. The game has zero progress. You can not transfer the progress from the existing installation of the game, if the game itself does not provide it (through the cloud or somehow). 2. Not all games work through virtual spaces. 3. There may be another account in the game. 4. Not all functions will be available in GameGuardian. 5. On some firmware it does not work at all. If you cannot choose a proсess in GameGuardian, or get an error 105/106, then on your firmware, GG, without root, will not work. Try optimized versions of virtual spaces or another firmware or other device or get root. 6. In some virtual spaces GameGuardian does not work. What can be done in case of problems: 1. Try different virtual spaces if the problem is in them. Best option: Parallel Space. 2. Try changing the firmware. 3. Get a root and do not fool yourself. Once again: it will not work at all and always. It is possible that it will work for you and will not. Virtual spaces to run GameGuardian without root (#ct7bob3) Proper install without root - GameGuardian (#abausujp) Help: https://gameguardian.net/help/help.html#work_without_root Video-examples: Balls Bounce Free - hack balls - without root - GameGuardian, Parallel Space Bejeweled Stars: Free Match 3 - hack without root - group search - GameGuardian, GO Multiple Hack Tap Counter without root via GO Multiple on Android 7.1.1 - GameGuardian Hack Tap Counter without root via GO Multiple - GameGuardian Work without root via Parallel Space - GameGuardian Work without root via 2Face - GameGuardian Work without root via Mutiple Accounts - GameGuardian Work without root via GO Multiple - GameGuardian No root via VirtualXposed - GameGuardian (#b6l7k1qu) No root via VirtualXposed (without error 105) - GameGuardian (#bpb5835m) No root via optimized Parallel Space Lite - GameGuardian (#47glijbj) No root [from scratch] (boring and long video) - GameGuardian (#9rf9317c) No root via Dr. Clone - GameGuardian (#aft8whcy)
  17. Then you need loop and check on loop opened gg interface or not. See source of "Script loader".
  18. You need do some action if menu == nil. For example call os.exit. if menu == nil then os.exit() else
  19. @chrisdero If you cannot choose a process in GameGuardian, or get an error 105/106, then on your firmware, GG, without root, will not work. Try optimized versions of virtual spaces or another firmware or other device or get root. https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/19421-virtual-spaces-to-run-gameguardian-without-root/ On MIUI and FlyMe need disable internal virtual space (clone apps).
  20. @Nithinsg I don't know. One of the users of the Russian forum reported on the problems that he decided. Use the translator if you do not know Russian. https://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=259340&view=findpost&p=72722908 Translated with translator from Russian:
  21. If you cannot choose a process in GameGuardian, or get an error 105/106, then on your firmware, GG, without root, will not work. Try optimized versions of virtual spaces or another firmware or other device or get root. https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/19421-virtual-spaces-to-run-gameguardian-without-root/ On MIUI and FlyMe need disable internal virtual space (clone apps).
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