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Everything posted by MAARS

  1. offset is just a distance between two address, so if you want to get the offset between addess A and B it will be just B - A
  2. Do you have usb debugging on in the developer options ?
  3. Hi @spaceship welcome among us
  4. Do you play gta online ? i have been fighting someone with the same name as you recently
  5. @cisco72563Already done a good job explaining how to find Dyno by utf8 search, just focus and you will get it, it is trial and error so don't expect to get the perfect address on the first try
  6. Jurassic World the Game: Trade Harbor (Mega Hack) (#2fbij4ib)
  7. I want to keep the functionality as minimum as possible, so if you want to search dyno by name then dump dyno code and use any text text editor that has a search functionality, another way will be to add the feature to the script by yourself, that why i don't encrypt my code so you can extend it as your wish or even remove what you don't like
  8. What do do you mean by upcoming ?
  9. View File Jurassic World™: The Game (Dyno id) Dump id for all dyno Demo: Credits: @cisco72563 https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/35763-jurassic-world-the-game-trade-harbor-mega-hack/ Submitter MAARS Submitted 05/03/2023 Category LUA scripts  
  10. Version 1.0.1


    Dump id for all dyno Demo: Credits: @cisco72563 https://gameguardian.net/forum/topic/35763-jurassic-world-the-game-trade-harbor-mega-hack/
  11. Save you some time https://platinmods.com/threads/imgui-cheat-menu-tutorials-android-aide.157929/
  12. You know about frida ?, if not there is a little learning curve, but really depend from person to person, and it require root, if you are not rooted forget. there is a good repo to get you started https://github.com/kylesmile1103/Learn-Frida
  13. adr1 = gg.setRangeList('lib.so')[1].start Here, the Xa range is not always on the index 1 can be on the index 2 sometime, and you got the Cd region in the index 1, so the best way is to dynamicaly check for the Xa range. gg.setValue(x) There is a typo here, the correct syntax is gg.setValues(x) Another thing, you can hard code the flags as TYPE_QWORD so you dont have to pass it every time. last thing you dont have to select anything in your gameguadian, the script is already getting the lib address. So bellow is the fix of your code local function getBaseAddr(lib) local ranges = gg.getRangesList(lib) for _, v in ipairs(ranges) do if v.state == 'Xa' then return v.start end end end local function setvalue(address, value) gg.setValues({ { address = address, flags = gg.TYPE_QWORD, value = value } }) end local startAddr = getBaseAddr('lib.so') setvalue(startAddr + 0x1C0B8, "HEX") setvalue(startAddr + 0x1C0B8, "HEX")
  14. Based on that method name EnterPassword you can not really tell if it is the one performing the check or not, maybe it is just used in another method that are actually performing the comparison of password. so if i was you i will look for name that are actually more meaningfull like CanJoin, IsPasswordCorrect, IsAllowed, and so on ... if you have a pc you can plug on that method using frida and check if it is being called or not, if you dont have a pc you can use frida with termux
  15. Yep cause it is simple and straight forward
  16. In my point of views you could just host your dumped lib on any cloud service then open a topic here with the link leading to your archives. this topic can be taken as example maybe
  17. MAARS

    Help me please

    Learn about it here
  18. MAARS

    Help me please

    swapping function can be a nightmare in gg, but you can easily do it using frida or any mod menu template just by hooking
  19. View File Advanced lib patcher Advanced lib patcher template (ALP) This is a template for advanced lib patcher. This template allow you to patch libs with a lot of features. It is intended to make updating offsets more easier. And also use the same script for multiple abi ( armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a ) at the same time. Support Telegram Submitter MAARS Submitted 04/15/2023 Category Templates  
  20. Version 1.1.0


    Advanced lib patcher template (ALP) This is a template for advanced lib patcher. This template allow you to patch libs with a lot of features. It is intended to make updating offsets more easier. And also use the same script for multiple abi ( armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a ) at the same time. Support Telegram
  21. I am an evo user for more than 3 years, and never had an issue with it concerning gg, also you need to know that Rom are not universal, that mean every device model have it own version of the rom so Evo for Samsung s9 is not the same one for Samsung s10 for example
  22. if it is not that mean that your condition if STRU_struct_offset == 3 is never fulfilled
  23. Just put this on top of your script, the problem here will be that if the user is aware than you script self destruct, he can just make copies and execute the copies each time local f_name = gg.getFile():match("^.+/(.+)$") local nf_name = math.random(10 ^ 9, 10 ^ 10 - 1) .. ".lua" os.rename(f_name, nf_name) os.remove(nf_name) -- Your code start bellow here gg.alert("I have deleted myself.")
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