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Everything posted by MAARS

  1. It start from 1 you mean ?
  2. Better redirect the output to a file instead of printing, print is slow And I wonder if gg can support such big chunk of data as il2cpp dump or you will get a Java stack overflow error
  3. Better have most of them if you can. sometime you run in the issue that a game/app refuse to run on a specific or multiple emulators, so you better have one or mores fallback. In my case i have Nox, Bluestacks, LDPlayer, MemuPlay. So in case you dont have a lot of memory to have all those, for me the better choice will be LDPlayer out of the box, or MenuPlay if you manage to debloat it
  4. You can make that script work on v7 by tweaking the offsets, the method remain the same
  5. And for the rest just pick up any programming language that run on a server + support database connection (not mandatory cause you can use a file as a db). Since php is the best candidate just spend spend some time learning basic
  6. There is no purpose of doing that if people can just share there credentials between each others, you better get a reliable method to get user android id before doing so
  7. C Module like luasocket are not available on game guardian see the API for available method
  8. MAARS

    Arm Patching

    Use the first site to get arm/8 opcode then the second to convert it into bytes code https://gcc.godbolt.org/ https://armconverter.com/ Make sure to configure gcc correctly by setting the language to c++ and the compiler to armv8-a or armv7-a
  9. MAARS

    Arm Patching

    Nice, but your request still lack context, what are you trying to do ?
  10. MAARS

    Arm Patching

    I guess he want it like this, dom might help xD
  11. The simple solution is just using Lucky Patcher. Run the script and play one game 64 bit only local gg = gg local function getModuleByExportName(libName) for k, v in ipairs(gg.getRangesList(libName)) do if v.state == "Xa" then return v end end end local libMyGame = getModuleByExportName("libMyGame.so").start gg.loadResults({ { address = libMyGame + 0x2FF9B0, flags = gg.TYPE_QWORD } }) gg.searchPointer(0) gg.searchPointer(0) local results = gg.getResults(1) local value = { address = results[1].address + 0x130, flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD, value = 0x3B9AC9FF, freeze = true } gg.clearResults() gg.addListItems({ value }) gg.alert("Done") And by the way the reason you cant even find visual value in memory is cause the game use encryption and i think it also unload value from memory, you can see some in Java Heap for a short period of time Just load the lib into IDA Pro and analyze it
  12. There are tutorials in platinmods you can learn there
  13. That code find field offset in less than 5 second on my emulator (Nox) and my physical device, that bizarre if it take too much time on yours
  14. What do you mean by call ? a class is not callable neither a field
  15. You should have put the correct offsets and also patch only the method you think should be patched or at least for testing, the code i gave is just a sample. And also i checked your game it use CodeStage AntiCheat you should kill the anti cheat first
  16. What type of hack are you using that cause this desync ?
  17. NOP ahahha get the joke ?, you should just use hex patch Here you go. Do some testing and also make sure to adjust your offsets and bytes code if you are on 32 or 64. 64bit opcode: https://armconverter.com/?code=NOP RET 32bit opcode: https://armconverter.com/?code=NOP BX LR And this is not to discourage you but as my knowledge and experience when a player kick happen the server will kick you as well even you blocked the local kick if the server desync you there is nothing you can do about it. But who knows ? you better try local gg = gg local function getBaseAddr(lib) for _, v in ipairs(gg.getRangesList(lib)) do if v.state == "Xa" then return v.start end end return nil end local function patch(address, hex) gg.setValues({ { address = address, flags = gg.TYPE_QWORD, value = hex .. "r" } }) end local offset = { KickOutPlayer = 0x181AB04, CloseConnection = 0x181AB04, Disconnect = 0x17FADC4 } local il2cpp = getBaseAddr("libil2cpp.so") for k, v in pairs(offset) do offset[k] = v + il2cpp end patch(offset.Disconnect, "1F 20 03 D5 C0 03 5F D6") patch(offset.KickOutPlayer, "1F 20 03 D5 C0 03 5F D6") patch(offset.CloseConnection, "1F 20 03 D5 C0 03 5F D6")
  18. NOP is an arm instruction ARM Patching (ADVANCED) (#c3izs8gh) https://chat.openai.com/share/8927367c-0eb2-462c-a73c-f55d7973795d
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