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Everything posted by MAARS

  1. additionnal issue found. the first loop is useless, you already flitered range using "anon:libc_malloc" that mean the returned ranges list state will only be "Ca".
  2. for me the main problem is optimization, the problem i have noticed you are using global variable everywhere Use local variable, they are more fast can you explain why you double loop here ? The first loop might be ok but the second one i think there is to much iteration going on here, an address divided by 4 still result a big number i think after test, this his approximately how much time you loop every time, the list still go down, so it is totally normal that you crash. code used for test local ranges = gg.getRangesList("anon:libc_malloc") for i, v in ipairs(ranges) do print('( v["end"] - v.start ) / 4 => ', (v["end"] - v.start) / 4) end You just override a native libary Unless you voluntary does it, table is a native library, so when you use it as a variable name you just override everything from it You are using #identifiant +1 to set your table index this is a big performance problem, unless you are looping just 10 or 20 time that might be ok, but here you will loop more that 1000 time i guess event more,what the # operator does on a table ? actually it will also loop to count every item on your table so as you guess, when you have a 10k+ item on your table imagine how slow and memory that will take. in the beginning you say you must load value within offset of 4 but since you are using DWORD, offset 4 mean just the next address, since DWORD value are 8bit encoded
  3. Yes that it, but even the api doc is in php, I think you can actually implement the same thing in any language? I need to try
  4. When you capture an outgoing or incoming http request you get the header as well
  5. There are a lot of free service for PHP and nodejs, python i think too, you can still build your own server to perfectly fit your need
  6. MAARS

    Aim bot

    I am really bad when it come to modding but i understand some basic concept. I was thinking about how esp can draw players or object, is it possible to check whatever the player is in your field of view (not behind solid object) and move the scroshair to the enemy body or head ?. and another thing i have seen people doing in pc game is bullet teleport (not really teleport the speed of the bullet is so high that it look like teleport) to the enemy position
  7. MAARS

    script decoded

    Can you send the full script ?
  8. Dumping the whole thing isn't a good idea, believe it or not it can sizes more than 40 gig's If you cant find the il2cpp that mean the game is not unity based or the dev have changed the lib name to confuse people like us
  9. MAARS

    offset from lib

    local function getLibStart(lib) local ranges = gg.getRangesList(lib) if (#ranges == 0) then return nil end for i, v in ipairs(ranges) do if (v.state == "Xa") then return v.start end end end local libStart = getLibStart("libunity.so") This way your start address will always be the right one
  10. MAARS

    Android version

    If you really like the project and want to support the developers then yes invest money in their app, but if you want just to remove ads you shall not pay, there are several ads exterminators, you can even use a simple DNS server, (take one minute to setup, no installation)
  11. My general idea was this local debug local hasRedeem = false local function main() debug= false if not hasRedeem then local prompt = gg.prompt({"Enter amount to redeem:"}, nil, {'number'}) if not prompt or not tonumber(prompt[1]) then gg.alert("Can not redeem") os.exit(1) end gg.alert(("The amount of : $%s has been redeem !"):format(prompt[1])) hasRedeem = true else gg.alert("You have already received a credit") end end while true do if gg.isVisible() then debug= true gg.setVisible(false) end if (debug) then main() end end
  12. I am a little bit lost here can you explain a little please. For me the simple way to solve this is using state, for example on top of your script you put local isUsed = false And after the first use of your function you just set it to true
  13. gg.prompt return nil when the user dismiss the dialog. So a simple condition check on the variable will do it local prompt = gg.prompt({"Enter number"}) if not prompt then gg.alert("You dismissed the dialog") else gg.alert(("The number is: %s"):format(prompt[1])) end
  14. Not really coding, just trial and error with manual search, using script for search is really for some special case
  15. If still not working, you should search your value again and make a fresh new group search.
  16. Try different region, ch, jh
  17. In your video you have the CA region selected, try to switch it to Anonymous region
  18. So I suggest you at first to try different region
  19. Can you tell me those two device name please, different android version and device chips can influence how data are managed in the ram For example when I was using my Samsung device with exynos chips I have been hacking most of the game on the C++ alloc region but since I got my Xiaomi device with snapdragon things have changed for almost all game I am working with the anonymous region
  20. This is totaly normal, the speedhack function is not for online game, if you want to do a speedhack you should look for values and edit them as your wish there are some tutorial on how to find speedhack on most of game, you should search and try any of them that work for you
  21. Wow the sarcasm in the forum is high, i love that xD
  22. MAARS

    hex converter

    thanks bro, but the purpose of this script was not there convert value to hex bytecodes, it is just for normal hex the base 16
  23. The google sign in bug, i think everyone are experiencing it, it never worked for me also
  24. yeah that it, it is a lack of privilege, you should be more active to grind your rank and gain some privileges
  25. show a screenshots, and i guess it might be because of your rank, different rank give you some privilege like accended don't see ads etc...
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