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Everything posted by MAARS

  1. This approach is quite good but remember that when user press cancel data will not be saved, prompt will return nil
  2. I am coming a little bit late but I just have done quickly a little implementation resolving you problem you can try and improve it if you want script.lua
  3. In small screen it goes under the first contribution, on large screen it is actually floating on right
  4. Nice, but if you really want to lead your project, look for plan b "How to implement Lua from scratch by yourself". And I think you wrongly pinged him the name should be highlighted like this @tuancc
  5. I understand but, first a got I question do you thank that Lua implementation will work in the same way on Android and IOS I am curious about that. To ping someone just tap "@" plus is name he will get notified, or even better dm him
  6. Ask Enyby, I don't want to ping him, but I already guess the response will be no, no one share source code of proprietary software
  7. Game guardian is not open source
  8. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  9. This is called reverse engineering, i tried to learn that a couple of time, but i give up, I Know this is not motivating but if you really want to do that then go for it. Search: Android Apps reverse engineering. On YouTube even on Google
  10. Yes but i think he is not making cheat for offline games ? so if the game is online, the is no problem to have online script also For that we use MySQL database, all of this is quite easy for me, but the only problem is to get the device id on the client side, if you get a method to get that i can write the whole app for you for free
  11. Android id on Android 10+ can not be accessed by 3rd party apps, if you really need that you will need some java/smali knowledge to add that function in **. you know what i mean
  12. That a really bad idea, never trust the client side, you cant save sensitive data in the client machine, get yourself a ftp server
  13. I dont know anything about encryption, but i know lua. so yes i think you can automatically encrypt a file all you need is the path to this file.
  14. To pause a function there is library in lua called coroutine that permit you to suspend your code and resume at anytime. but the actual version of gg do not include this library, you will need to find a moded gg that include it
  15. MAARS

    Script cheat

    @CmP answered well but notice that searching simply 17 can lead you to thousands of results and editing all those can make the crash, learn about group search to make your search more accurate
  16. Hi @Sysadmin Hi have a request for the code block component, right now this component break word when the maximum width is reached, sometimes it can be challenging to read the code without copying the code to a text editor. So my proposition is to put overflow-x on scroll so there will be no break line on mobile devices
  17. That mean the value is protected, you need to find the real value, this one might be the value used to display on the screen, search for the real one
  18. MAARS

    script password

    just learn basic php <?php $model = "Here the dynamic device model name"; $devices = [ "SM-J600FN", "GT-4000MN", ]; /* Then you compare the device model that require the script with all device in your table */ $allowed = false; foreach ($devices as $device) { if ($device === $model) { $allowed = true; break; } } if ($allowed) { echo "Output the script"; } else { echo "Your device is not allowed"; }
  19. MAARS

    script password

    the script detect the phone model automaticaly all you need is to create a table with allowed device model then compare, if the device dont exist in the table then stop execution else output the script. all of this should be done in the server not in lua.
  20. MAARS

    script password

    There is many methods you can make this done, in my case i use php to lock the script in a specific device model but the cons is anyone with the same model can access the script. before we used android device id it was more secure and unique but android 10+ restricted external app for accessing device id and IMEI. for example of devices id lock check the script bellow it detects any device model using php script.lua
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