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Showing content with the highest reputation since 04/21/2012 in Image Comments
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This question is answered in the comment above yours, but it seems that you don't understand how nearby search works, so I will try to clarify. Nearby search works just like normal search, but it only searches for values at within certain distance before and/or after target value. For example, target value's address is 12345000 in hex. If you choose distance 1000 (also in hex) and select "Before" and "After", then the search will be performed only in the following range of addresses: [12345000 - 1000; 12345000 + 1000], i.e. from 12344000 to 12346000. You can achieve the same effect by inputting these numbers in "From" and "To" fields of the normal search dialog. At this point it should be obvious, how can you use this feature in script. If it's not, read the comment above yours, then try to find the answer in documentation for "searchNumber" function.3 points
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I had to move my cursor to show that the video did not hang, because nothing happened for about 30 seconds. And this is only for 10,000 elements. If I put 100,000 elements, then the waiting time would increase not 10, but 100 times. And in the new version - only 10 times. So the new version allows you to save 100,000 elements in about 2 seconds, while the old one does the same in about 40 minutes.3 points
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It looks like this is the work of virtual space. It replaces the path "on the fly." The application writes to the memory card, but due to the substitution, it gets here. Perhaps this can be disabled somewhere in the settings, I do not know. Because of this substitution, in order to transfer data between virtual spaces, you will have to move them yourself so that Virtual Backup sees them from another virtual space. Everything that exists in the virtual space is one application. Which has access to its data. Therefore, the root is not needed. The application has the right to dispose of its data itself. For example, copy them to a memory card. In this case, the game data, from the point of view of the android, and the data of Virtual Backup, is the data of one large Parallel Space application that does something with them. And root is not needed. For example, you can put a file manager into virtual space and operate on paths and internal data, if you know them. I did several mods of file managers for this on 4pda.ru. I will not flood them here. If you want, you will find them there yourself. Just do not bother me with questions about how to download on 4pda or how to use these mods. And sort it out yourself, or don’t get into it at all. The data folder exists in both 64-bit and 32-bit space. 32 and 64 spaces are two different applications, each with its own data. Most often, if there is 64 folder, then 32 folder is empty or it is not available at all. So if there is 64, then copying 32 is pointless, usually. The list of applications is compiled by a list of folders. So if there is an empty folder there, then the application will be on the list. In general, the utility is very simple. I am not going to develop it and "lick" it.2 points
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Depth is the number of chain pointers you can have. It is when you have to work with multipointers. The more depth, the more results and search time, but also the more chance to find a static pointer. You can let it to default but if you don't find anything, try a bigger offset or a bigger depth, 3 should be eniugh for most games.2 points
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You can not take and so just write an example of hacking on video. First you need to find the right game. This is a lot of time wasted. Then you need to hack it and record a video. Still, the video will be the same magical and not understandable. I do not have this all the time. That is why GG Victim was created, so as not to waste all this time.2 points
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@Enyby hello sir. I'd like to ask you a question. My Device is Mi5s Android 7.0 MIUI 9.6.1 Ragnarok Classic MMORPG (64bit required) I try to run GG with Parallel Space and it works normally. But... When i try to run my game (Ragnarok Classic MMORPG) on Parallel Space. But always crashed. I've installed both Parallel Space + Parallel Space 64bit on gameguardian.net Get me out of this, please Thanks2 points
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