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  1. GG fits your region, you do not have to use hundreds separators, only dozens. In the international standard: "," is for tens and "." For hundreds. But if you are going to use scripts, the American standard is required. (Use "." For desenas)
    2 points
  2. Hi guys , I created this topic for posting multiplayers and server sided games can be hacked with Freedom I have already some : - Armored Aces (Freedom) - Blitz Brigade (Freedom + Xprivacy) - Earth and Legend [PAID APP] (Freedom) - Epic Empire (Freedom) - Jurassic Park Builder (Freedom) - Mechs Warfare (Freedom) - Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation [PAID APP] (Freedom) - Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour [PAID APP] (Freedom) - Oh My Heroes (Freedom) - Pixel Gun 3D (Freedom) - Respawnables (Freedom + Xprivacy) - Star Warfare HD (Freedom) - Tank battles (Freedom + Xprivacy) - BTD 5 (Freedom ) - Bloons TD Battles (Freedom ) - Call Of Mini : Dino Hunter ( Freedom : Go into the store, click on the item you want, then once your at the purchase screen, go into airplane mode right before clicking start. A message will come up saying that the request will run in the background and then you turn off airplane ) - Real Racing 3 (Freedom) - Call Of Mini : Zombie (Freedom) - GothchaWarriorsX (Freedom) - Ace Wings : Online (Open from Freedom or it will not work ( NEW ) OFFICIAL FREEDOM APP WORKING GAMES INDEX : ALL APPS INDEX Comment if you have one XPrivacy : Freedom :
    1 point
  3. Watch on YouTube: Group search with outside range - GameGuardian
    1 point
  4. Version 3.7


    Binary scripts compiled on one version of GameGuardian may not work on a different version. Or in future versions. There is no support for binary scripts and will never be. You do everything at your own peril and risk.
    1 point
  5. I know these times may seem gloomy as the modders work ham on bypassing those server checks with the latest version of Castle Clash. To try to bring a little happy in your day, I found a fix to a lovely virtual machine that supposedly isn't compatible with the latest patch and will share with you, GameGuardians!! APK DOWNLOADER: http://apps.evozi.com/apk-downloader/ CASTLE CLASH PLAY STORE LINK: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.igg.castleclash&hl=en GENYMOTION: http://www.genymotion.com/ (requires virtual box, windows versions can come with vb) GENYMOTION TOOLS: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B66Kx0aapG1vUnYxY2pPNm9vaGc This is Video 2 showing you how to clone your new factory image! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwN622HKyOQ&list=UUUfwawTlKUc2sg1zI1543ig
    1 point
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Time Tutorial adahlah tahu
    1 point
  7. Version 2.0


    The script author is Chinese! Can be used in China server! When the "Tencent" interface,seek 1,Then you can open the script. If you want using the script , dont forget for edit select memory range/pilih rentang memory . checklist in section ✓ B: BAD (DANGEROUS). My telegram is @heheda233,You may ask me if you have a problem.
    1 point
  8. Watch on YouTube: Unaligned / big-endian search - GameGuardian Unaligned search (#e3x3na7)
    1 point
  9. View File 8 Ball Pool Guideline hack Skript Submitter Jiwaraga Submitted 11/04/18 Category LUA scripts
    1 point
  10. Separators depends from your locale. Thousand separator is dot for German. And space for Russian for example.
    1 point
  11. View File (Please Read Crash fix) Crime Revolt Menu Why does the game crash when I execute the script? That's because the search process has to be on Anonymous "A" only Features Wallshoot+Aimbot(Basically the aim assist value was edited from 8 to 99 Proof Submitter Fevirre Submitted 11/04/18 Category LUA scripts
    1 point
  12. Long ago I do not play "grim soul" but it is very likely that the pointer change works. Maybe I can provide a "lib" of the game so that it finds free craft and duplication.
    1 point
  13. Thanks for your help bro. I'm not good with string search but I will try to see what happens
    1 point
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BK08RauOww Actually I made the video for this I forgot to post it for both timer and friendship hack.
    1 point
  15. Try using a different virtual space such as Dual Space Lite
    1 point
  16. Watch on YouTube: 8.65.1: Accelerated work scripts. In some cases, three times. - GameGuardian
    1 point
  17. Use GG from virtual space. # - daemon work from root. $ - without root.
    1 point
  18. Do not worry, friend, because he said he will not come back to this forum. He said: (I'm not a follower, I'm a leader, I can also create my own app and my own forum if I'd like to.) ?
    1 point
  19. Welp, i meet him mostly by a case. I was searching for great and powerful hack for ldoe to be good when multiplayer will come and be on my own when mod will be gone... I knowed one time it will be deleted, Kefir knowed about it long time, and i don't think its fun to update every thing update by update... So i meet him and when i saw his tutorials firstly i was like: "oh yeah, very cool, now lets have fun in codes, i like it so much".... I remember when i was troubled when codes i had searched were other than he had (like he has -100 759 385 and i had -100 486 205) but i got knowed in it fast. Actually, i don't know why i had trouble with that, its impossible to have same codes. With his every new way, every new hack i was growing and growing stronger and more powerful.... My inbox is full of infinite armor, food, even diares that gives me skill exp (that thing i had to make by myself, script is not 1.8.2..... and you know what? I don't care about that if he will or not. He helped me so much that all i need now is every material that IS in game and i am ready for multiplayer. But i must say, without him i would now be like: "Welp, i think i won't make it..." But thanks to him. I learned many things too. And infinite objects hack works best of all.... Without it i dont know how would i be one of those "most powerful" without that. Let me tell what i got from his hacks and uploads: Full base, full territory filled with 4 level walls etc. Base ready for helping and safe from any raider for now. (i need to put a chest that will be easy to access and i will hide in it good armour, great weapons. Then i will be able to enter their base and make my interest to help them a little) Every skill on max (i had to get explorer pack by myself, but infinite object script maded it along) I still need some materials to get, it won't be problem, i know how to use GG. And number of them is actually "anti-problem" Coins i have max.... wait, actually, i have infinity amount.... When having every skill from Bunker "or other location" it gives to us 50 coins. And because i have unlimited amount of diares, i am up to have a good time going though it. Good i didnt make unlimited hack, i have better chances of surviving the "Great Termination of LDOE" What it means? Well, if i think right, when multiplayer will come, they will ban many accounts they detect. Those who have cheater hat, have actually dead account, those who weared a weapon that isn't in the game, their save gets lost.... Welp, it can be actually fixed it known how to, problem is, its not easy and some hackers just don't think about it.... How can i call them hackers actually, who tries the item that isn't in the game!? Who cares about inlimited durability? Not me, my inbox has s***load of SWAT armor and weapons. Rest of those "materials" i need to add, i think why not now, in new update they may really fix infinite object, no matter its so automatic thats its i guess first and probadly last anonymous hack that is fully auto...
    1 point
  20. Try this. XP If you are starting from beginning, value might be a little easier to find. If you aren't follow video and directions the same except with the Dword search you'll choose "hacking mode". Earn xp and search how much xp you have. If you are not starting from beginning, pretend your are at 0, earn xp and search how much your earned with "hacking mode" enabled. Keep doing this until you have narrowed results to 3 or 2. Do not edit to large value in early stages of game. You will have issues with this not unlocking properly. Edit values enough to level you up once. When you level up the xp meter will make it look like xp is back to 0, it isn't. XP is constantly adding up. Sometimes xp (at least in beginning of the game) will change memory locations, so you'll need to clear search and find it again (as I do in the video). Once you've got through a lot of the earlier levels, then max xp (I can't promise it won't glitch out still). Gems/Gold Continue from the xp hack and goto memory address for one of your xp values. Scroll up and got should find Gems and gold values beside eachother. Edit gems to something like 2123456789. Don't edit gold higher than 20,000,000, for that is that max value in game. Sunshine and Sand dollars Again, continuing from previous information, browse nearby values and you should find gold and sand dollars. Helps to have some already to help find values (not to guess wrong).
    1 point
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