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Everything posted by Enyby

  1. Enyby

    archero crashing

    Nowhere. If the game crashes, the reason is not GG.
  2. Enyby

    archero crashing

    Try start without gg installed on emulator.
  3. Try remove arm libs from apk after add x86. You need resign apk after this.
  4. Lord, what kind of kindergarten "can", "can not" ... Take and try. You won’t make libraries, the speed hack will work on the arm device.
  5. You may not even try AVD. Firstly, it is not very simple, and secondly, there any click in the interface can take about a minute to process, how will you play? Yes, there are no x86 libraries in your apk. Speedhack will not work in any emulators and x86 devices.
  6. AVD. But it is too slow for anything. [added 2 minutes later] Use some tool for get info about apk file. For example APK-Info. Or open .apk file as .zip. If you do not see folder lib/x86, then...
  7. The game must have x86 libraries, otherwise the speed hack will not work in any emulator.
  8. Use changelog for download any old version.
  9. Enyby

    Parallel space

    Use changelog for download any old version.
  10. I do not see any file in your post.
  11. The script should be the simplest, demonstrating the essence. And it should be properly formatted. So you sent, it seems like a script for the game, which I can not test without the game. And it is not formatted normally. Make a normal test script.
  12. I do not understand anything. Some set of words. Try to use punctuation and write in a way that is understandable.
  13. Watch on YouTube: Script compiler: Reassemble with remove garbage - GameGuardian
  14. Enyby

    Help pls

    It is possible try run examples before ask something?
  15. Enyby

    Help pls

    Your examples is same. You use "elseif". So only one branch executed. "goto" is useless. Topicstarter need use separate "if", not "elseif" construction. [added 2 minutes later] You too lazy for read docs? What is that?
  16. Enyby


    No. You can use server script with curl for convert POST to PUT.
  17. Enyby

    Help pls

    Move function definition to start file.
  18. Enyby

    Help pls

    It is called function definition. It is appear after your line.
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