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Everything posted by Enyby

  1. Nothing interested. You need collect log via adb from PC, if you do not have root.
  2. How to collect logcat (#c1aa00vp)
  3. Without logcat video useless.
  4. Gathering information about GG errors (#9ggo57t)
  5. Search over 4pda forum topic: https://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=492661 It must be on last pages.
  6. Avoid use global variables Global variables is slow. Also if you put local gg = gg At top of your script it can speed up it. Just one line. Now see tests: local n = 1000000 local t = os.clock() for i = 1, n do gg.isVisible() end t = os.clock() - t print('use global gg: '..t..' seconds') local gg = gg local t = os.clock() for i = 1, n do gg.isVisible() end t = os.clock() - t print('use local gg: '..t..' seconds') a, b, c = 1, 2, 3 local t = os.clock() for i = 1, n do c = a + b end t = os.clock() - t print('use global vars: '..t..' seconds') local a, b, c = 1, 2, 3 local t = os.clock() for i = 1, n do c = a + b end t = os.clock() - t print('use local vars: '..t..' seconds') Results: use global gg: 2.138 seconds use local gg: 1.6 seconds use global vars: 2.068 seconds use local vars: 0.727 seconds It is not big difference, because I run it on powerful emulator. On real device it can be more slow. You can see disassembled code - for global vars need more Lua instructions, so it more slow in any case. Upvalue too slow, Because of that better define local copy of var in places where you need optimization. For example huge math.
  7. Of course not. Do not use option "root from virtual space" if you do not have root.
  8. Watch on YouTube: 84.0: Example of working with assembler / disassembler scripts - GameGuardian
  9. You asked me how to protect scripts from decompiling. You needed an example. To protect against decompilation, I added assembler / disassembler scripts. Now you can disassemble the script, change the assembler listing, and then assemble it. So you can get a binary script that no decompiler can decompile. I have no specific example yet, maybe I will provide it later.
  10. Or increase offset, or increase depth. Or both. Or search another method.
  11. Gg support only 5.2 (transient to 5.3 but stay compatible with 5.2).
  12. Enyby

    LUA scripting

    1. No. But you can add special item with this meaning. If user check it - act like he check all items. name this options as "check all" or similar. 2. I do not understand what you talking about. You can use any data from previous prompt. For build another prompt, Or for search. As text or as number. All up to you.
  13. https://gameguardian.net/help/help.html#help_floating_icon_
  14. Only if you record it via adb from PC. Without logcat nobody can tell you why it closes.
  15. Record logcat when it closes. How to collect logcat (#c1aa00vp)
  16. Enyby


    Anteaters eat ants. For them, this is "food". Will it be a “food” for the human? For some things, context is important. If I say that the value has increased by 20, is it a lot or a little? This question can not be answered. I do not know the point of reference and the scale of changes. Similarly with pointers. From the outside, the address space of the processes in the emulator is not visible, so it will not work. It will not work at all. There is such a thing as a cargo cult. They, too, are thoughtlessly copying the form, not understanding the content. [added 1 minute later] You can try on the test application and see for yourself. GameGuardian (#8fxj06fj)
  17. Enyby


    This cannot work, if only because the pointer is just the memory address in the address space of the emulator. And from the outside, it is not visible. So even if at least 100 levels of scanning, it does not help anything.
  18. I show screenshot above. English.
  19. Second link redirect me to first.
  20. Both link is same. I think they use ip for show different version of website. [added 0 minutes later] Try upload apk here.
  21. "apk coming soon". [added 0 minutes later]
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