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Everything posted by Enyby

  1. PinOut - hack time - fill, chainer - GameGuardian (#7ztuns7n) [added 0 minutes later] https://gameguardian.net/forum/search/?q=chainer&type=gallery_image&nodes=2
  2. in Hill climb racing both coins and gems placed directly in .bss. So chainer is useless for that. Saved list is enough.
  3. No. You get zero results. [added 1 minute later] By the way, here the address in the memory for some reason does not change. Perhaps the features of the emulator. Perhaps it was enough to use the saved list. Or the address will change after the emulator restarts - I don’t know.
  4. Chainer: https://gameguardian.net/f-1409
  5. Look like bad firmware. If you work without root - get root and try again.
  6. Understand nothing. Try explain more clearly.
  7. Chainer: https://gameguardian.net/f-1409
  8. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mediocre.pinout You talk about this?
  9. If you find the games on which it works - report here. It will be useful to write an example of work on a real game.
  10. By the way, in addition to the previous one, I would like to indicate one thing. I owe you nothing. Just as you owe me nothing. I do not have to implement something in GG, nor should I not implement something. Don't you like something? Do not use GG. I do not force you to use it. I do not force you to write scripts for GG. This is your choice. On the contrary, you should be grateful that you use my work for free. Believe me, this is quite a difficult job. If you are not satisfied with something, create your own hacking tool and do what you want there.
  11. It is not simple. Not easy at all. To do this, you have to do too much. I don't have time for this at the moment. However, one day, I will post here such a script.
  12. I'm afraid some scripts, in binary form, do not lend themselves to normal decryption. So the fact that you save them will not give you anything. Naturally, this is not easy to do.
  13. Enyby


    In fact, the script is looking for every level of everything that can pointed at the data of this level. The result is something like a tree or a pyramid. After possible pointers have been found, at this level, it is checked whether there are any static regions among them. If there are any, then the restoration of the chain for these pointers begins. calculation offsets and saving chain. This allows you to speed up the search without building a chain where it is unnecessary. It also uses reuse of calculations and so on. Static results are excluded from the calculation and the transition to the next level takes place. And so, until they reach the limit of levels, or until they run out of data for the search.
  14. Enyby


    If you are about how to use a script, then you need to find the value in any way before the pointers change, and then call the script. If you're talking about how it works inside, then yes, something like this. Unfortunately, this works with only few games. If the game uses automatic memory management (Java or C#), then there will be no normal pointer to a static location. Or it will be very deep. Or there will be huge offsets. In theory, this should work with games that use their own C engines. The search itself is very resource-intensive and the deeper, the more calculations. The difficulty grows exponentially. For example, at the first level, for 3 values there may be 10 pointers, at the second 100, at the third 1000, at the fourth 10000. In order to calculate the chain one has to make about 10,000 * 1000 comparisons for level 4. This is a lot. So deeper than 4-5 levels, most often, it will not work out. Maximum offset also affects the number of results. The bigger it is, the more results and more calculations.
  15. Watch on YouTube: Chainer: search and restore pointers chains - GameGuardian Chainer: https://gameguardian.net/f-1409 GG Pointers: GameGuardian (#8fxj06fj)
  16. Look like you use "hide from game" 4. If yes - disable it and try again. If no, then on your firmware video memory not readable for any other process.
  17. Show screenshot of region list with visible video range, like this: and show screenshot of search stat after search like in your video.
  18. I have not seen anything yet so that this indicates an error. I have a suspicion that the case is in your cryptographer, which was based on an error that has been fixed.
  19. Show the script on which the error appears. The script must be the minimum size and in text form. For example print('abcdef') "In the old version it works, but in the new one it does not."
  20. Provide minimal Lua code that does not work.
  21. Watch on YouTube: 82.1: Accelerated search in scripts - GameGuardian
  22. Enyby


    Version 0.2


    Script to search for chains of pointers. Beta version. The script searches for pointer chains with a given depth and maximum offset to the .data or .bss regions. For found chains, you can generate a script that will restore the search results for these chains. Video: Chainer: search and restore pointers chains - GameGuardian (#8cfynel1) https://gameguardian.net/forum/search/?q=chainer&type=gallery_image&nodes=2
  23. Enyby


    View File Chainer Script to search for chains of pointers. Beta version. The script searches for pointer chains with a given depth and maximum offset to the .data or .bss regions. For found chains, you can generate a script that will restore the search results for these chains. Video: Chainer: search and restore pointers chains - GameGuardian (#8cfynel1) https://gameguardian.net/forum/search/?q=chainer&type=gallery_image&nodes=2 Submitter Enyby Submitted 06/17/2019 Category Tools  
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