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Everything posted by Enyby

  1. I do not understand what you are writing. What is a normal apk? What do scripts have to do with what apk does GG have?
  2. For do something inside /data/app you need root right. Script never get root right. I explain why. So write text instructions, and show message to user. No other way.
  3. os.rename exists and works. Root right there will never be. Otherwise, they will do such renaming there that you will reflash the device. [added 1 minute later] Write text instructions: go there, rename it, you need root rights, and so on.
  4. Also in GG present screenshot feature. Just tell user about that. Do not try move this functionality to script. 75.0: Take a screenshot - GameGuardian (#2p4xqqav)
  5. And bad script can hide icon for prevent stop it. Allow steal your data in very easy way - send all files from here to author. [added 0 minutes later] Maybe. Maybe.
  6. Because I find it in previous attempts and this speed up search and remove not desired results.
  7. In loop build table with new values. After loop pass this table to setValues (for edit) or addListItems (for freeze). All same.
  8. No. Use loop. local t = gg.getResults(99999) local out = {} for i, v in ipairs(t) do if i % 3 == 0 then out[#out + 1] = v end end print(out)
  9. Enyby

    unity guard

    I can not explain why, because it is not help you, but help other devs to figure how prevent work no root mode.
  10. Enyby

    unity guard

    No. They figured how no root work and stop it.
  11. Count used memory by target process with group by region type local t = gg.getRangesList() local out = {} for i, v in ipairs(t) do local prev = out[v.state] if prev == nil then prev = 0 end out[v.state] = prev + (v['end'] - v.start) end print(out)
  12. Enyby


    Examples of Lua scripts (#3towkwr)
  13. Enyby


    Use gg.getRangesList() Get table from it. Iterate in loop. Calculate difference between end and start. Group by state and summarize. Convert amount of bytes to mb, kb or gb.
  14. Load all results to table. Iterate over table. If index is divide to 3 with zero reminder, then this is third value. local t = gg.getResults(99999) for i, v in ipairs(t) do if i % 3 == 0 then print(v) end end
  15. Learn about history input. Video in gallery. [added 4 minutes later] History usage - GameGuardian (#9plygs3g)
  16. Yep. Last number max group size. Depends of what you need from distance between first and last value.
  17. Usually this is sign of use float point arith, so it is Float or Dword data types.
  18. Why you not read help? Use 0~~0 as described in the help.
  19. Read: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html 1. The title of the topic is "help me" and others like that. Indicate a clear reason. With such titles, you can not wait for help. 2. The wording “how to fix it?”, And then the screen or code. Or “help fix the error” and then two pages of code. No one will guess what mistake, where, how or what. Do not specify specifically - do not receive help. If after a quick reading of the question it is impossible to understand the essence of the question, then no one will ask you many suggestive questions. This is for you, not the one who answers. 3. Ask what is written in help. Before asking a question, carefully read the help, and also carefully study all the messages that you receive. It is quite possible that the answer is in these messages, or in the help. 4. The code is not formatted. When the code is not formatted (there are no line breaks and indentation) it is difficult to work with it and it is difficult to notice an error. Edit the post and format the code by adding line feeds and indentation. Perhaps after that you yourself will see where the error is.
  20. Follow guide in the first post.
  21. Then game update without x86 libs. If you think about GG version: Gathering information about GG errors (#5ojwyhci)
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