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Everything posted by Enyby

  1. Enyby

    Reverse of memory dump.

    Yes. You can write script for that.
  2. Enyby

    Info device in lua

    What? Print in second line.
  3. Enyby

    Info device in lua

    Work for me.
  4. Enyby

    Info device in lua

    You can try read info about io.open and figure all other.
  5. Enyby

    Info device in lua

    Obviously, all those functions that are usually used after io.open - file:* file:close file:flush file:lines file:read file:seek file:setvbuf file:write https://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/contents.html#index
  6. Enyby

    Info device in lua

    Io.open and friends.
  7. Score hack too easy. After win first race search 250. After win second - 500. Edit all (two values) to 500.000. Now you get 29 lvl + all possible SP for open all stunts.
  8. Enyby

    Info device in lua

    Try read some device specific files, like build.prop.
  9. http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html#idm551
  10. Binary scripts with corrupted or invalid headers interfere with application development. For this reason: Starting with GG 87.0, a variety of warnings and notifications are displayed ("Invalid binary script header"). In future versions of GG, such scripts will not be executed. Uploading such files to the forum is blocked. All scripts that allow you to create binary scripts with damaged headers will be deleted. You can use a script that replaces the header: Lua header fixer (#8vs58ae4) If this does not help, write to the author of the script. To users of scripts: write to script authors so that they do not spoil the headers. To script writers: Don't mess with the headers. If you want to indicate authorship, there are messages, toasts, and other ways. The file header is not a means of self-expression. If your encryptor / compiler has been deleted, you can remove the creation of corrupted headers from it and upload it as a new file.
  11. Watch on YouTube: Track value changes in the background - GameGuardian Examples of Lua scripts (#4rb1nadf)
  12. Track value changes in the background Run Tap Counter. Find tap count. It must be first value in search results. Run script. Increase or decrease tap for see toast. For end script open GG UI. local v = gg.getResults(1) gg.setVisible(false) while not gg.isVisible() do local old = v[1].value v = gg.getValues(v) if old ~= v[1].value then gg.toast('changed: '..old..' -> '..v[1].value) end gg.sleep(100) end Video: Track value changes in the background - GameGuardian (#6x95p9tk)
  13. I had to move my cursor to show that the video did not hang, because nothing happened for about 30 seconds. And this is only for 10,000 elements. If I put 100,000 elements, then the waiting time would increase not 10, but 100 times. And in the new version - only 10 times. So the new version allows you to save 100,000 elements in about 2 seconds, while the old one does the same in about 40 minutes.
  14. Watch on YouTube: 87.0: Faster scripting. In some cases, 116 times - GameGuardian
  15. View File Lua header fixer Fix corrupted header in binary lua script. Video: Fix invalid binary script header - GameGuardian (#c8ztbg0p) Submitter Enyby Submitted 10/02/2019 Category Tools  
  16. Enyby

    Lua header fixer

    Version 1.2


    Fix corrupted header in binary lua script. Video: Fix invalid binary script header - GameGuardian (#c8ztbg0p)
  17. Watch on YouTube: 87.0: Added Java Random interception in Unrandomizer - GameGuardian
  18. Instead of doing stupid things and inventing something unclear, you should consult the API description. https://gameguardian.net/help/classgg.html
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