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Everything posted by Enyby

  1. I do not know what is going on there. Create a folder with a unique name in GG. Remember where you created it so you can return to it in the GG interface. Find this folder in the file manager. Do not move it anywhere. Just copy the script into it. In GG, open this folder by the path that was originally there. It may not coincide with the path that you saw in the explorer. Do not try to use the path from the explorer. There should be a copied script file. Run it.
  2. Use specific name and folder search by name. Windows folders do not connected with emulators. You need work inside emulator, not in windows. If you use parallel space - folder will be different path in system file manager and in GG.
  3. Can’t find files (#6cx1a03k)
  4. Enyby


    Mistake in the script. Write to the author.
  5. [added 1 minute later] Too old. Compare 87.0 with 87.1.
  6. Try disable elements 13-19 in the interception list for unrandomizer. And record logcat.
  7. Common errors in help requests (#3mwioa3r) Gathering information about GG errors (#5ojwyhci)
  8. OutOfMemory is always RAM. You can think anything. Try tell this to your device.
  9. Out of memory. Temporary issue. You need reboot your device or free more memory if you see something about OutOfMemory error. It is not app failure. It is failure of your system.
  10. Can be easy bypassed if you able read text before download something.
  11. Spaces between bytes not necessary. Both is same as above. -- edit HEX gg.searchNumber('h 5CE30B') gg.getResults(30) gg.editAll('h 4B909B', gg.TYPE_BYTE) -- edit HEX gg.searchNumber('h5CE30B') gg.getResults(30) gg.editAll('h4B909B', gg.TYPE_BYTE)
  12. It is not a number. It is text in hex view. So you need search text, not a number. See examples for searchNumber in API help. [added 1 minute later] -- search for HEX '5C E3 0B 4B 90 9B 11 7B' gg.searchNumber('h 5C E3 0B 4B 90 9B 11 7B') For edit use editAll -- edit HEX gg.searchNumber('h 5C E3 0B') gg.getResults(30) gg.editAll('h 4B 90 9B', gg.TYPE_BYTE)
  13. Is is not a valid lua script file. [added 1 minute later] Huawei / Honor issue. Change device.
  14. Enyby

    Reverse of memory dump.

    Of course. GG can read all memory of process.
  15. Enyby

    Reverse of memory dump.

    Usually dumped data divided to 4096 because dumped by memory pages which 4096 bytes size. data:byte() is shortcut for string.byte. Obviously string.long not exists. Read lua reference about string.byte. you need build qword or dword yourself from bytes. Maybe it be slower rather than byte - IDK. you need test it if speed of byte solution not suit you.
  16. Enyby

    Reverse of memory dump.

    local t = {data:byte(1, data:len())} Try this.
  17. Enyby

    Reverse of memory dump.

    function reverseDump(file, start_address) local inp=io.open(file, 'rb') local ad=start_address-1 while true do local _rw={} local data=inp:read(8192) if data == nil then break end local t = data:byte(1, data:len()) for i=1,#t do _rw[i]={address = ad + i, flags = gg.TYPE_BYTE, value=t[i]} end ad = ad + #t gg.setValues(_rw) gg.toast(ad-start_address) end inp:close() end Something like that. Not tested.
  18. Enyby

    Reverse of memory dump.

    Use QWORD, not BYTE, for write data. Write it on every 8 bytes. You use very inefficient ways to convert string to bytes. One byte per once. Convert all string chunk to table with bytes. And iterate it on loop. And you do not close files after use, so create resource leak. Also you do not need gmatch. [added 0 minutes later] And you need format code more proper make indent in all possible place or it is hard to read and hard to help you. [added 1 minute later] (string.format("%02X",t[i]) .. "h")} useless part only slow down you. You can set decimal code to value. [added 4 minutes later] And you not clear table t on each iteration. [added 4 minutes later] And other vars too.
  19. Enyby

    Reverse of memory dump.

    1 byte is waste of time and resources. Usually amount must be even 8 or 4 kb. So try 4096 or 8192, maybe more, like 2*8192.
  20. Enyby

    Reverse of memory dump.

    Yes. You can not expect read big file to memory completely. Read and write by small chunks.
  21. Enyby

    Reverse of memory dump.

    The script will work. The idea is not. The desired address may not be allocated, or allocated for other needs. You cannot cut off your hand, then attach it back and hope that it will work as before.
  22. Enyby

    Info device in lua

    IDK. Maybe security settings prevent read this file by apps.
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