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Everything posted by NoFear

  1. Not sure. I think something is missing still.... One: this person doesn't realize he can just group copy and group paste.... Which discredits the knowledge level for me. Two: they explain how the "calculation" works, but never utilizes that knowledge to create any custom value, but instead just uses data in memory. I would have to go looking around for myself to find proper method. I think they have SOME of the information.... Or are misinterpreting the data at hand.
  2. I might have to see it in memory browser... In case more info is needed.
  3. Yea.... No need. Still working how to make it public with less risk of patch [added 0 minutes later] Mod apk possibly.
  4. Memory browser. Goto address. Xa range, select the lib you will be editing. Goto it's start address. Long press address. Offset calculator. Enter your offset (hex). Click goto
  5. It's xor. Xor key = 320,017,171 Xor value = 1,363,350,291 Xor result = 1,112,539,136 Dword 1,112,539,136 = 52.0 float Edit: If you want 500,000,000 gold dword edit 1,593,669,691
  6. So debating on free public method.... Due to what's possible with it... Developer would patch it very quickly.
  7. I recently learned that was the reason.... I have a better method than what was circulating.
  8. Discovered you could easily edit stars on current version... And it doesn't reset after close game... Not sure the appeal of swapping items if you just edit currency and moves and everything....
  9. I think I can skip to any level... If not, might want to borrow account.
  10. How much time of playing to unlock that area?
  11. That's one possible method to debug to try. I do everything locally on device, no pc.
  12. Possibly, just another way of going about it. GG isn't debugger, use other tools for that.
  13. Not familiar with this developer. But, based on type of game, odds could be slim to none. When I get time, can quickly check it out.
  14. I think providing game/link and what you are attempting might be needed to gain better assistance. Right now you'll only get generic methods to try.
  15. NoFear


    Offset 64435C Mov x22, #0 Slots will cost 0 (price won't show 0) Offset 645938 Mov w2, #0 Buying characters will cost 0
  16. NoFear


    How long to play to unlock ability to buy character?
  17. I'm keeping it simple.... Since he is Is having troubles as it is
  18. His issue might be an already Google synced account. Might be an order of operation type of thing. [added 1 minute later] You do realize each letter is a "word" value, decimal format. Just utf16 edit the results. Also, don't change character length unless you know what you're doing... If 6 digits, don't change. It's possible, but outside the scope of what's provided
  19. Check memory regions. Might not have correct one selected.
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