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Everything posted by NoFear

  1. NoFear

    Change Price

    Can also use increment edit. So 500 results, increment edit, check value, of the 500 you'll know which.
  2. How much did you change it? I found excessive values wouldn't work
  3. I don't know exactly what's possible. But whenever you find a game gives sync errors, trial and error to see how exact the server is checking. Example: Change price from 500 to 499 or 501... If neither work, then might be something little more complicated and can't just make it 0. Basically, just make very subtle changes and see what gets accepted. Then keep increasing until you find the threshold of what the server will give error. Like with coins earned in level. Level 1, server might know, can't exceed 250 or something. Maybe at level 50, 1000 becomes the new threshold.
  4. Coins earned in level can be modified. Not sure if the amount you can do is related to the level. Early levels, seemed like 250-300 coins were fine. Armv8 offset 1B1A278 Mov W8, #275 Something to that effect. Higher levels could try higher value until server gives error.
  5. NoFear

    A question

    Unknown... I joined many many years ago... These badges and status were added recently.
  6. NoFear

    A question

    Be active? Guess I'm the other grand Master then too didn't realize.
  7. Installed.... Haven't tried anything yet
  8. Fairly confident nothing really patched.... Edit: would have to check.... Been a while since I've looked at this game.
  9. It's possible. Just very difficult and time consuming just to add 1 of anything....
  10. It's been a long time since I've done anything with this game. I also don't know where I was skill wise with GG at that time. I don't really want to put too much more time into this game. I think using everything you know now could be enough to achieve much more.
  11. I did edit it. Then tapping it showed the modified #. Either way though, just find quest to use and steps are the same. When you find one, that group of values id, qty and some numbers below that. Use that for group search to find it faster.
  12. The values that are being modified ID ID QTY No, can't change qty for those amulets. The first ID might go up to 5. 2nd ID, depends on ID 1 for it's range limit from 0 to unknown. The first ID is like the id type. So id one set to 2, seems to be all the amulets.
  13. You can swap out rewards. So any goal gives that reward. I need to unlock it in my list. Unless I just give you where the pointer is that you'll swap. Edit: It's not a pointer. Dword values... But still. Hard to edit without having that achievement
  14. Depends on language settings on gg. Some languages use '.' instead of ','. Edit: But yes, in his situation, that's the problem. He might be watching videos in different language where they do use '.'.
  15. If you're on Armv8 -1FD4 from tickets is the expedition bonus meter. For rewards. Find to requirement to unlock. Pointer search. Above pointer you'll be editing. In my video, it wasn't proper edit, but it's to show where you'll focus. mobizen_20210903_172918.mp4
  16. Bonus exploration? Here is battery and currency.... Values are Word. Battery max 99. Currency, stay with 65000 or less. mobizen_20210903_164408.mp4
  17. Game won't open editing directly? Edit: I modified them directly... Game still launches...
  18. Confused by the account getting deleted. Certain method will delete account?
  19. An easy fix for this is to edit 1 level below max, then buy/upgrade to max. Then it should save.
  20. Might be related to not earning level up rewards. Maybe try editing xp close to level up. Then collect to level up. I ended up putting xp back. And so far still ok.
  21. Use the unknown N=O+D search. Xp is just continuously counting. So if you earned 12, value increase by 12
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