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Everything posted by NoFear

  1. So what I'm finding, I think should be noted and possibly call out the developer on the matter. I'll probably share what I know and how it can benefit within a couple days or so... I'm not really impressed though with the developer. It feels like a scam of a game, you'll all see after I do more tests.
  2. Slow start. Bummed SRDebugger was stripped.. Will check the game dump for something of use.
  3. il2cpp I'm guessing? If I get some time. Might check it out.
  4. Give me some time. I'll have to rewatch what I did and see about working on new version.
  5. Anytime. Enjoy.
  6. 31;4,259,911;4,522,061;5,046,367;5,111,887;5,832,773;5,439,583;5,374,036;5,111,881;6,225,991;4,259,923;4,522,070;4,915,295;5,832,773;4,522,066;4,784,204;67::65 https://emalm.com/?v=0WcQD everything has utf name, you could search the utf name and work backwards.
  7. No problem. I'll get you another search that will work.
  8. Try this: https://emalm.com/?v=opuaV 7;1,197,936,946;1,568,784,472;818,347,345::57 If when you follow first pointer you have 2 pointers below, go-to the other result. If this search doesn't work, let me know and I'll get something different for you to follow instead.
  9. Encrypted Game detects virtual space/emulators.
  10. If you want instructions to just navigate to qty owned and edit, let me know...
  11. You can add any item in game (not leaf currency)..... It's really complicated. Good luck with it.
  12. NoFear

    Change Price

    I didn't say edit all. I'm saying using your filtering, you can do increment edit. Also it's called trial and error. Never do these on main account until you've found a reliable search and edit.
  13. NoFear

    Change Price

    Can also use increment edit. So 500 results, increment edit, check value, of the 500 you'll know which.
  14. How much did you change it? I found excessive values wouldn't work
  15. I don't know exactly what's possible. But whenever you find a game gives sync errors, trial and error to see how exact the server is checking. Example: Change price from 500 to 499 or 501... If neither work, then might be something little more complicated and can't just make it 0. Basically, just make very subtle changes and see what gets accepted. Then keep increasing until you find the threshold of what the server will give error. Like with coins earned in level. Level 1, server might know, can't exceed 250 or something. Maybe at level 50, 1000 becomes the new threshold.
  16. Coins earned in level can be modified. Not sure if the amount you can do is related to the level. Early levels, seemed like 250-300 coins were fine. Armv8 offset 1B1A278 Mov W8, #275 Something to that effect. Higher levels could try higher value until server gives error.
  17. NoFear

    A question

  18. NoFear

    A question

    Unknown... I joined many many years ago... These badges and status were added recently.
  19. NoFear

    A question

    Be active? Guess I'm the other grand Master then too didn't realize.
  20. Haven't had time. Sorry
  21. Installed.... Haven't tried anything yet
  22. Fairly confident nothing really patched.... Edit: would have to check.... Been a while since I've looked at this game.
  23. It's possible. Just very difficult and time consuming just to add 1 of anything....
  24. It's been a long time since I've done anything with this game. I also don't know where I was skill wise with GG at that time. I don't really want to put too much more time into this game. I think using everything you know now could be enough to achieve much more.
  25. I did edit it. Then tapping it showed the modified #. Either way though, just find quest to use and steps are the same. When you find one, that group of values id, qty and some numbers below that. Use that for group search to find it faster.
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