Learn Lua and you can do stuff like this loader:
math.random = function (m, n) return m end
return loadfile(gg.getFile():gsub('[^/]*$', 'xHOMESCAPES_LORDKING.lua'), nil)()
Place it in any file near xHOMESCAPES_LORDKING.lua and run. Now password always be same: 50 q chars. So you can input one time and use all other time Input history.
Or you can go ahead and skip password at all:
math.random = function (m, n) return m end
local orig = gg.prompt
gg.prompt = function (...)
local args = {...}
if args[1] then
for i, v in pairs(args[1]) do
local pass = string.rep('q', 50)
if v:find(pass) then
return {[i] = pass}
return orig(...)
return loadfile(gg.getFile():gsub('[^/]*$', 'xHOMESCAPES_LORDKING.lua'), nil)()
Learn Lua and you can do useful things.