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  1. video of it : Kumu_Coins&Emerald.mp4
    2 points
  2. Wtf. Wtf. Thanks for the video. That's exactly what I'm doing. Wtf.
    1 point
  3. I dont get what your saying just that you want to not use editAll Example 1 is using edit all but let's say I want to edit just 3 gg.searchNumber("1;2;3;4::23", gg.TYPE_URTYPE) gg.refineNumber("3", gg.TYPE_FLOAT) gg.getResults(1) gg.editAll("val", gg.TYPE_URTYPE) That will only edit value 3 But now let me show you a different method without editAll local s gg.searchNumber("1;2;3;4::23", gg.TYPE_URTYPE) s = gg.getResults(AMOUNT) for i,v in ipairs(s) do if v.value == "3" and v.flags == "TYPE" then v.value = "amount" end end
    1 point
  4. its done..Thank guys.
    1 point
  5. Managed to get the Emerald currency with your method by buying gas in adventure for emeralds, the addresses for the currencies seems to change when you enter adventure mode and then change to an encrypted value once you leave so if you want to edit any values for currency it looks like it has to be done in adventure. Just make sure you put -50 as your spending emeralds not earning them when you search for it
    1 point
  6. Have you made a script for this already or shall I put one together ? Make the whole process quicker for everyone else ....
    1 point
  7. Hello Mario. Do you have an update for AutoVip 9.1.1?
    1 point
  8. Hi Sir. Can you please update this vip hack to the latest version (9.1.1)? It will be very much appreciated. Thanks.
    1 point
  9. I dont really understand what you are saying but have you tried Crafting the axe(obviously) you say the axes durability is 50 yes? Then search 50 (could be dword,float,double,byte ect thats for you to find out) So after you searched 50 Hit a tree or do anything that could lower the durability, if you know the durability value after lowering it then search that number if not press the microscope with the "?" On the image Then press Decreased Keep lowering the durability and searching the value and then eventually you should find it. Ps 50;50 is a group search which you dont need to do Hope I helped if not reply back I'm happy to help
    1 point
  10. Script works perfectly. And you claimed I couldn't add everything (including unreleased content). You have no idea what I'm capable of... You come here pretending to know wtf you are doing. You only half know and half dumb luck. Scroll up to read what you said about the xor value and not having a clue... It is a DWORD VALUE. Using XOR encryption. Xor key is 96,289,254. If you don't know how to use the xor calculator in GG, Then try the site xor.pw. If you use that site, make sure to change all to decimal (base 10). And what, did you get 1 person that has issues with the script? Script works. I don't release anything without days if not weeks of testing.
    1 point
  11. Yes I sent an email to nintendo and explain how their game is coded like sh*t, and they fixed this glitch in the 1.1.1 I found an exploit to trick the timer without any speedhack or ram editing
    -1 points
  12. Great job, you get any unreleased gameplay? I'm very scared of what you're capable of, oh no sir please don't do anything to me. I care too much and spend my whole life on this, it's all I have. Also how do you ignore/block someone on these forums can you help me since you're mod? Thanks Edit: just tried that xor.pw and didn't work, maybe I'm dumb and you boast about how much smarter you are again
    -1 points
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