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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/14/2019 in all areas

  1. I can not explain why, because it is not help you, but help other devs to figure how prevent work no root mode.
    2 points
  2. No. They figured how no root work and stop it.
    2 points
  3. Fairly certain it's encrypted. I know what game that's from.
    2 points
  4. Use gg.getRangesList() Get table from it. Iterate in loop. Calculate difference between end and start. Group by state and summarize. Convert amount of bytes to mb, kb or gb.
    2 points
  5. Version 2.29


    NOTE: Script cannot be executed on Vmos. Use Parallel Space or VirtualXposed instead. The reason launcher is used is because the file size of original file exceeded Game Guardian's Forum limit size. Menu 1. Switch Packages (Do not use to switch fish dishes) 2. Empty Can Hack 3. Customize Weapon's Damage 4. Dog Damage Hack 5. Customize Character Stats 6. Customize Character 7. Character level Hack 8. Season Premium Hack 9. Dog Instant growth Empty Can Hack Menu 1. Pets 2. Buildings 3. Materials 4 .Equipments 5. Pattern 6. Foods 7. Weapons 8. Blueprints 9. Fish 10. Seasons 11. ATV 12. Chopper Customize Stats Menu 1. Movement 2. Attack speed 3. Gathering speed 4. Armor 5. Health 6. Never Thirsty 7. Never Hungry 8. Never Defecate 9. Always Clean Customize Character Menu 1. Gender 2. Hair Color 3. Hairstyle 4. Skin Color 5. Beard Season Premium Menu 1. Season premium unlock (ONLY FOR SEASON 7) 2. Maximize season level (ONLY FOR SEASON 7)
    1 point
  6. ya waiting for enyby
    1 point
  7. yes i think is some protection but only the enyby can explain more
    1 point
  8. Count used memory by target process with group by region type local t = gg.getRangesList() local out = {} for i, v in ipairs(t) do local prev = out[v.state] if prev == nil then prev = 0 end out[v.state] = prev + (v['end'] - v.start) end print(out)
    1 point
  9. Examples of Lua scripts (#3towkwr)
    1 point
  10. I can dig through old videos.... I might have method I didn't share that might still work.
    1 point
  11. Checking the password against the list of allowed passwords local pass = gg.prompt({"Input password:"}, nil, {"text"}) if pass == nil then os.exit() end pass = pass[1]..' ' local allowed = false local function allow_password(password) if password..' ' == pass then allowed = true end end allow_password('myPassword') allow_password('anotherPassword') allow_password('This_is_too_Password') allow_password('12345') allow_password('sex') allow_password('god') if not allowed then os.exit(gg.alert('Wrong password')) else gg.toast("Password correct") end
    1 point
  12. 0% working. I tried at least 1 hour and get tired login start huge kinds of huge pop up messages, Your first script was ok. Now i am using turbos jocker script that's work fine. Sorry bro but now you're script performance is 0 % you're favourite at here. But now your script has a lot of pop up messages but working is 0%. Take care
    1 point
    The function of the movie is normal But others don’t know how to work. Can you take another video to teach how to use other features? By the way, your lua Very useful, thank you
    1 point
  13. Mmmm can u please update it?? To game latest version because it doesn't work and the game crash
    1 point
  14. Trial and error method. In addition, many games can be hacked through the store, so this is also some previous experience. Typical hacking. On the currency exchange in the store. Gold on silver. We need large numbers to avoid unnecessary results. Therefore, the largest conversion is usually chosen. Well, or where the numbers are, which are rarely in memory. Then a group search. If lucky, there will be results. Through the filling, you can check the desired results. If the results are necessary, then we put gold in large numbers in the minus, and silver in plus, in large numbers. Sometimes a minus doesn't work. Then we try gold at 0 or 1, and silver with a large number. Still better than nothing.
    1 point
    Please make tutorial video for police stations, i dont know to use it, alwasy fail when copy adders.
    1 point
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