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  1. Watch on YouTube: 8.68.0: Accelerated search. In some cases, in 22 times - GameGuardian
    3 points
  2. Version 1.3.1


    Hack all possible events. Automatically win all races, include championship. Career, Tags, F1: Get 5 star on every race. All events need only Dodge Dart. All season unlocked. 9 season no need maxed car. Mastery: Erased rank limits for all cars. Mastery, EDD, R&D, championship, world tour load into memory only if you open it. So you need run script on the screen of mastery, EDD, R&D, championship, world tour if you want hack it. R&D: Every race get you 100 QC, which allow close each test from one key. EDD: All events fixed and win automatically. Championship: All events fixed and win automatically. World Tour: All events fixed and win automatically. Video: Asphalt 8: Airborne - hack events (Career, Tags, F1, Mastery, R&D, EDD, Championship) - lua script - GameGuardian
    1 point
  3. @1stNigerian lol read what Rastakiwi posted, you got a huge hint there or you can try to do the way NoFear did but isn't "I didn't edit directly. I was editing prices in shop to pay me." already a big hint in itself ? btw i found out there was a guide for this game with other hacks on a russian site they're also using GG so if you're interested look it up i guess but the guide is kinda useless if you just want to hack the game and not play the game imo
    1 point
  4. Thanks @alliver45, thanks @Nofear, I really appreciate the hints and pointers from you guys. I have had this dungeon survival game for two good years now grinding my way through it. Thanks to your help i can now mod gold, stats and items, but diamonds and holy water? Wow my brain is just so buzzed out trying to figure out how you guys did it. FYI I'm still an amateur to this gg app. A few more hint to the right direction will do. Thanks once again
    1 point
  5. Here we go, thanks to the guy that claimed I stole his video in my youtube comments for showing me were the Duplicates menu was:P here is a simple method.
    1 point
  6. Version 1.0


    Script for search, refine and change numbers that do not have the desired alignment. This is typical for console emulators. You can also search for types with big-endian byte order.
    1 point
  7. First of all kiddo. I ruined guns of boom. The game is as good as dead. Second. I cheat the game i want to cheat and i started to notice that by cheating guns of boom i dont learn anything new because i'm not that much intrest anymore in cheating "shooter games" to much similarity and they arent that much played as empire games[Hack and slash], RpG or .io or farm games. Those games are much harder to cheat bexause so much is server sided..so more intrest to me so stop complaining. I dont work for you. Ok? _______________________________________________ added 1 minute later And who is the "community", LoL
    1 point
  8. Watch on YouTube: 8.65.1: Accelerated work scripts. In some cases, three times. - GameGuardian
    1 point
  9. i could only find out how to hack the money and gems 1) you search the money you have in dword 2) you do a quest to earn some money to change the value of it and you keep doing it 'till there's only 3 values left 3) there should be 2 values with the address nearly the same, you go to the other one. In my exemple it's "6B42FA28" 4) the 3 values above the address "6B42FA28" you went to are the important one. i didn't figure out how they work but if you don't edit all of them with a plausible value the game crash. now that you have those 3 values what you should do is either freeze (it crashed for me when i keep using money fastly) or you can save the values and edit them back to the initial values before you bought anything. since i didn't figure out how those 3 values work i can't help you have the amout of money you want but you shouldn't have any trouble with money since you won't lose anymore now. for gems it works the same way as money and you can use the same 3 values you have for money for gems too so you won't have to earn gems like money. and you can find it just below the address "6B42FA28" if it's not you can just search it the same way as for money. i'm sorry for my bad english so if you don't understand anything you can just ask me in detail and i hope it'll help you.
    1 point
    very good,This is a new pattern
    1 point
  10. Watch on YouTube: How to search / filter in the memory editor - GameGuardian You can subscribe to our new videos.
    1 point
  11. Rarity is fairly easy. Current plane level is located like 8 or 12bytes below one of the pointers in your search... If you really want to see how to edit level, I can show how. When you remap a plane, Do not try upgrading it, you'll get an error and have to resync.
    1 point
  12. Honestly, unknown dword change and unchanged as much as possible. I can't think of any other way due to it being xor with random key. I'm trying to convince Enyby to add a new method of searching to GG.
    1 point
  13. Here is gold hack: Unlimited Powerups: The 4 values are 2 sets of dword xor. When you calculate the xor out, it is number of powerups consumed. You can freeze all 4 to 0 and be fine. I like the visual of 500 This edit stays for every level until you close game.
    1 point
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Check my video for more
    -1 points
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