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  1. Version 101.1


    Overview: Play games your way! “GameGuardian” is a game cheat / hack / alteration tool. With it, you can modify money, HP, SP, and much more. You can enjoy the fun part of a game without suffering from its unseasonable design. Requires Android: 2.3.3+ GameGuardian Features Summary Runs on ARM, x64 and x86 devices, including x86 emulators (LDPlayer, Droid4X, MOMO, KOPlayer, Andy, Memu, Leapdroid, AMIDuOS, Windroye, RemixOS, PhoenixOS, AVD, Genymotion, Nox, BlueStacks etc.) Supports Android 2.3.3+ (Gingerbread) through Lollipop (5+), Marshmallow (6+), Nougat (7+), Oreo (8+), Pie (9+), 10+. Support work without root via different virtual spaces. Support different emulators like PPSSPP, ePSXe, GameBoy etc. Game deceleration and acceleration (speedhack) for ARM and x86 devices, including x86 emulators. Also supports both 32-bit and 64-bit applications on 64-bit devices using speedhack. Search feature: encrypted values. Search of unknown values when specifying the difference between values. Search addresses by mask. Explicit and "fuzzy" numeric searches. Text (String, Hex, AoB) search. Supports: Double, Float, Qword, Dword, XOR, Word, Byte, or Auto data-type searches. Lua scripting support. Modify all search results at once. Filtering of search results (address greater than and less than, value greater than and less than). Search in the background feature. 'The fill' feature. Time jump feature. Dump memory. Copy memory. Customizable UI. App locale for over 50 languages. And, much, much more. Notes: ** ROOT or VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT ONLY ** This tool only works on rooted devices or in virtual environment (without root in limited mode)! GG can work in limited mode without root, through a virtual environment. For example, through Parallel Space, VirtualXposed, Parallel Space Lite, GO multiple, 2Face and many others. Read the help for more details. You can find more information about rooting your device at XDA Developers. Want to help us improve, or add a translation? Then please visit thread "If you want to add a new translation or improve an existing". If you are having issues with the app, please visit thread "Gathering information about GG errors". Want to donate and help keep the project going? That's awesome! You can donate any amount (anything helps) here: Donate Need help with how to use this application? Please visit "Video tutorials" and forum "Guides". Credit: @d2dyno - Owner, lead designer, project management. @Enyby - Lead coder, project management. @Trasd - Technical consultant, project management. @Aqua - Creator (retired).
    2 points
  2. XOR SEARCH: This method of search is very unique and not intended for you to try as a first method. Once you've tried all memory types, all ranges, unknown increased and unknown decreased and all fail, this method might be what you want to do last. XOR is a simple encryption method, but without the key, you can't know the value. And games lately (not all) will have a key that changes on value change, making finding these types of values EXTREMELY difficult if not impossible... Until now. HUGE thanks to @Enyby The search All the games I've come across that use this method have all been dword, so I'll stick to dword. Also most games (except For Emblem Heroes and some parts in GunPie) the XOR key and XOR value are 4bytes apart. Let's say you have 25 gold. To search 25 with xor key 4 bytes away 25X4 If you know your value is within a range but not 100% on value, so you know you collected about 40 to 45 gold, your search can be 38~50X4 Then when you collect 10 more 48~60X4 During these searches, if you want to eliminate many results that are most likely not it, you can do a does not equal 0 and does not equal the value. You search 500X4 Followed by ≠0 ≠500 Then you can resume the XOR method. This search cannot be done with a group search. If done properly, can do unknown changed/unchanged. Editing You have a couple ways you can edit values. Edit results and if you want to edit to 12345 Put 12345X4 If you want to edit multiple values keeping xor and doing a different value for each. If you have 3 results from searching 500X4 Edit results 100;5000;15000X4 First value week be edited to 100 2nd 5000 and 3rd to 15000. The other option ,goto address, copy value above (xor key) using the xor calculator built into GG, calculate value and got can type values and re-encrypt with proper xor key. Increment edit If you have 5 results and want each to be different, separate each edit with a ;. So for 5 results 5;10;15;20;25X4 Value 1 will be 5, 2 will be 10..... Then you can figure out the correct value, revert and remove the wrong values and continue with editing that one value. List of known games using XOR protected values. Tiny Miners Bullet Force Gunpie Super Mario Run Fire Emblem Heroes (SP: 8 is xor offset. Level: 24 is xor offset) Touch Tank Target Acquired Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow Pokémon: Magikarp Jump Skychamp HAWK: Freedom Squadron Candy Crush Heroes Infinite Stickman Legend (XOR offset 8) Zombie Pandemic Survivor
    2 points
  3. hi! I searched for this string and found a few places, each of which contains the group of lines from "get_crystal_1" to "get_crystal_5". The game has a "Assault" mode, which has 5 missions with prizes for completing each one. Prizes are 16, 20, 25, 30, and 40 crystals, respectively. Are there enough data to see whether it is possible to hack these values so to get more? Unfortunately, I don't understand the organization of memory for Android. PS Sorry for my bad English =)
    2 points
  4. This doesn't work since 1.5. Different method is required. Find your xp value. Remember it. Close game. Open game search gold and xp grouped double search with range of like 100. Then search gold, edit (yes edit the double value only). Try to spend some. Exit to map if in level, or exit map to level. Quit game. Reopen. Profit
    2 points
  5. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  6. When I get home tonight, I'll make everyone a video...
    1 point
  7. Hello @Enyby There is a bug i think when I launch gg (sw) in the options it says interface Aceleration:hardware. Because i set it in gg hw at,options first. I launch in sw and the option still in hardware. Suggestion: In some options like allow suggestions that are yes or no. Make it like toggles instead with a dialog. Yes light green ;no light red
    1 point
  8. This written in app help for this search method:
    1 point
  9. @Logic11211 see this example: for searching 2500X4 in script it must be: 2500 .. 'X4' between value and xor key range must be two dots (..) and the range must be in this symbol ('')
    1 point
  10. I use this script: a = gg.prompt ( etc...) z = a .. 'X7' gg.searchNumber(z, gg.type_DWORD, etc...) That is for searching "valueX7"
    1 point
  11. You can view my script: Soul Knight v1.3.3 Script It uses "gg.getResults()" before modification.
    1 point
  12. No. GG never can hack any server-sided data. In any mode. It is like flying pig. Pig can be any but it is do not make she flying.
    1 point
  13. <Snip > EDIT: Finally got it. Seems I was missing a step. I thought when you first tapped "Changed Value" you didn't actually do anything. After slowing down the video to half its speed, I saw a fast tap on the overdrive activator.
    1 point
  14. NOTICE: >>>1_This MAY be dangerous, make sure to BACKUP everything, and make sure you know how to RE-INSTALL your ROM: >>>2_ Check if you have "libdvm.so" at this path "/system/lib/" before proceeding >>>3_ NOT Taking any responsibility if and if something bad happened for your device, it's all on your own. Goto this path: "/data/property/" try to find this file: persist.sys.dalvik.vm.lib And open it as a "text" file. The file contains a simple text, for you it must be "libart.so" delete "libart.so" and write "libdvm.so" instead, then save and reboot device.
    1 point
  15. In next release we make required call gg.getResults before gg.editAll. If it is not true script can end with message Good: gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber ('8', gg.TYPE_DWORD) gg.getResults(count) gg.editAll('1', gg.TYPE_DWORD) Bad: gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber ('8', gg.TYPE_DWORD) -- gg.getResults(count) gg.editAll('1', gg.TYPE_DWORD)
    1 point
  16. Some custom roms at higher Android version than 4 also use dalvik. Like mine, it's 6.0.1 (MM) and I'm able to use speedhack. I also remembered one of my tablets had an option in "developer options" to select wich runtime it wanted! Will post Screenshot of it, that was acme now that I'm thinking.
    1 point
  17. Forgot to say, if you still find nothing, they might pad the text. C.r.y.s.t.a.l C.R.Y.S.T.A.L Instead of looking for the "padding" just double your hex byte search range.
    1 point
  18. Honestly haven't had time. My thoughts with crystals/exp that you buy/get in packs... They aren't a "value" is my guess. They are one an "id". Hypothetical example.. You have chance to earn 1 3 20 or 50 crystals. They are crystal pack 1, 2,3,4. Since this game uses pointers I would look into finding the "end" of the pointer and work backwards. So, one method I like to use is find a word related to what you are doing. So "crystal". Convert that to hex. I would do RYSTAL and rystal saves you a 3rd search if they do a C with the lowercase. So for the lowercase Byte search this 72h;79h;73h;74h;61h;6ch::6 Then search only one of those like the 72h. Now these results are all plain text. Goto location, and see if it spells out like "crystal_reward_40" or something. Then scroll nearby and look for similar strings. You'll find patterns and most likely a value that is always above these. Copy the address, search hex dword of that address. If you get 1 result, that's the pointer. Then you find nearby something like crystal_reward_200. Copy address location of pointer, and the hex dword search value, edit the value dword and paste location as hex dword. Now what should be 40 reward points to a 200 reward.
    1 point
  19. Whenever the game doesn't save your progress, it's not because you're not doing a particular activity like traveling or crafting. It's because some value changes tripwired some security measure or maybe it's just a miscommunication crash. What you need to look for is what changes you've made that caused so. I would suggest paying close attention to the values you're inputting and where. There are a lot of verification addresses that are there simply to make sure every value corresponds to the original. With such system, it's useless to make major edits just by changing values on the search page. I would suggest, if it's gold, to try different amounts. I successfully changed mine with 400k values. I was screwing up with bigger and even smaller values. Guess I was lucky with that back on 1.4.6. Also, when trying edits, do everything step by step. If you're editing gold, edit your gold and quit, restart the game to check. Same goes for duping. If you start advancing too much without making sure the values stay, you will risk losing everything you've done beyond the point where there was a wrong value change. It's like the game crashes immediately after you screwed up but won't let you know. So for safety, don't do much at once, experiment and relog. If everything goes well you won't lose one second of progress. What were you editing? Cheers and happy haxxin EDIT: I must have accidentally deleted this post. UPDATE ON DUPING Good news! Freezing works like a charm and will definitely speed up the item duplication process. Just be careful to unlock the freeze after you're done. Time to rush filling your chests. Video below. http://youtu.be/GOfP35uEVdw
    1 point
  20. I was about to edit my post. I managed to make it work by changing to DOUBLE. Thank you! @NoFear
    1 point
  21. Thanks dude.. Your really good at this !!
    1 point
  22. Don't edit balance.... Edit rewards, prices etc etc.
    1 point
  23. Thanks for that Krakken. I was able to dupe items but I didn't really understand what I was doing. So one of those cases where you make something work without knowing why lol. Now the why makes a little more sense.
    1 point
  24. It is hackable. It does save /restore. I'm working all day. I haven't come up with a perfect search method. Some users have 0 gold, making this harder. I made a brand new account after update, and hacked all of the above mentioned (xp, gold and points). Editing xp to 700,000 will be level 96. I don't see the need to be 99... Too risky, edit too high, you'll be level 0 with xp hacked. (900,00xp level 0)
    1 point
  25. Crab wars, I remember hacking and it wasn't too bad. Edit: I don't think I'll have time tonight, but I'll definitely try to hack them all. Just been really busy creating the guide for XOR search and helping individuals with last day on earth. You don't have to pay me, but I won't turn down donations. Edit 2: That the order you would like them?
    1 point
  26. You have to Wait for few days so i can try on this games and forget about money i just like challenges
    1 point
  27. Ahhh, money. Be happy to hack them all
    1 point
  28. Hello Guys! Well In-game Money, Energy and Skill Points can be easily hacked by using the below steps. :-) For energy there are two methods 1- (The Easy One) Search for 300 double. You'll get below 20 results. Just select them all and edit their values to 0.001. You'll get unlimited energy till you exit the game. 2- (The Hard One)Set the memory search ranges to only "Anonymous". Now simply Double search the energy you have right now. Wait for few minutes or reduce the energy by going to places then search the new value then you'll get only 1 or maxx 2 values select the value and go to its memory block. Now remember to set the "view ranges" to show the "double" values. Now there you can find the various values like the energy, gold, skill point. All of these will be in double type so scroll down and search for the respected values. Now you can not change these values directly as they will reset so first of all suppose you have 93 gold, scroll down the page to find a 'Double' 93 value then change it like 90093 and also add this 900 from the front of the "second value" above this value as in the Screenshot. Am attaching a Screenshot of the selected values in which i have increased my gold with 900 but also increased the above Dword value with 900. Do this step to change energy, gold and skill points. You can test the gold by buying an XP upgrade pack. Energy will reset on restarting the game. SpeedHack also works flawlessly with this game, you can easily use it to decrease the walk time b/w areas thus saving energy or you can you it to decrese the crops production time and can fill bottles in no time BUT YOU'LL ALSO LOWER YOUR FOOD AND WATER LEVELS SO FEED YOURSELF and Check your health while frequently using speedhack. Though Zombies will also kill you faster lol. ? THANKYOU ????
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. Always getting better and better! Thank you GG team!
    0 points
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