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Everything posted by Enyby

  1. I will not teach anyone the basics of programming. For this, there are a lot of great sites and articles. Lua you can test online https://www.lua.org/cgi-bin/demo _______________________________________________ added 1 minute later for i = 1, 50 do print(i) end Simple loop for 50 iterations. _______________________________________________ added 1 minute later
  2. Parameter. func() -- zero params. func(a) -- single param func func(a, b) -- two params func(a, b, c) -- 3 params and so on _______________________________________________ added 0 minutes later Bug reproduced. Will be fixed in next release.
  3. This call no params need. This call need only one param.
  4. Watch on YouTube: Speedhack and time jump on Android 9.0 (Android P) - GameGuardian
  5. If you ask such questions, it does not. Just put another firmware. Those who know how to correct the firmware and the kernel, do not ask such questions. In either case, you need to look towards calling ptrace so that it can work for child processes with the same uid, without root rights. If it's something you say about something, which I strongly doubt.
  6. I selected method which run check. On first image. On second image I select what I replaced in this method in smali. Set 0 instead of 1. _______________________________________________ added 2 minutes later This is like the table of contents in the book. In the table of contents, on the headings you find the page number, and by going to the page number, find the necessary paragraph or letter in this section. I used the Java view to find the right place, and changed it already in smali.
  7. It is only for view. You can not use this code. It is only for understand where need patch smali code. For patch you need decompile dex to smali with apktool or baksmali, patch and assemble back to apk/dex. Of course you need resign new apk.
  8. Patch smali code. return always false in check method. Use dex2jar + jd-gui for read code and baksmali for change it.
  9. Enyby

    Known problems

    Gathering information about GG errors (#9ggo57t)
  10. Enyby

    LUA scripting

    Yes. Pause process after hide GG UI, not before.
  11. All games is javascript based and loaded inside WebView. So it is depends from webview and not always can be speedhacked.
  12. It is java app. Libs only for check for root. Try use timer 43 and/or 44 in speedhack functions.
  13. Read vocabulary for words mean. Can not edit = broken. I don't know. You need test all of it. But wait. As you say So this is good firmware. All ok. I happy. You solved all your problems. It is best firmware in world. My congratulation to you.
  14. Use Xda for this. https://www.xda-developers.com/root/
  15. No idea. Try fill. My business is to make a tool. And how to use, this is not my problem.
  16. Watch on YouTube: User name for the su binary - GameGuardian
  17. 250,000,000 Yes. Usually it Just 35 from 50, so need search 35 or 15 (50 - 35). I don't know exactly. All can be any. And you can select wrong data type. For example 1,800K can be float or double. Or encrypted at all.
  18. Remove GG. Install from scratch without change any settings. And record logcat and video from issue. Gathering information about GG errors (#9ggo57t)
  19. iGG for iOS, not for Android. GG support Oreo. Even Android P: Work on Android P - GameGuardian (#a3jlowce) But it never support broken firmwares like your on Huawei Honor View 10. It is technically impossible.
  20. Watch on Youtube: Work on Android P - GameGuardian
  21. You disable flaoting window in "fix it" menu. Enable it. Or completely remove GG and install it again. _______________________________________________ added 1 minute later How to use GameGuardian without float window - GameGuardian (#6ppq7frv)
  22. Enyby

    LUA scripting

    if tonumber(o[1].value) > 200000
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