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Everything posted by Enyby

  1. Try read my answers. 0.4x speed you can add manually. Name of song. _______________________________________________ added 0 minutes later
  2. Enyby


    Info about GameGuardian (#2q56wb3y)
  3. How to learn how to use GameGuardian 1. Read all the help within the application, including the FAQ. 2. Install a simple application, such as Tap Counter ( https://github.com/rchampa/Prototypes/blob/master/Android/TapCounter/bin/TapCounter.apk?raw=true ), and hack it according to the manuals in the Help. Do not try to hack into complex or protected games right away. 3. Watch the video on the official website ( https://gameguardian.net/forum/gallery/category/2-video-tutorials/ ) and try to repeat the hacks from them. Try hacking the game before watching the video, and then compare with how it's done in the video. 4. Read the manuals on the official forum ( https://gameguardian.net/forum/forum/90-guides/ ), there can be useful information. 5. Read other forums, watch videos on hacking (like on YouTube), try to hack yourself or repeat what you saw.
  4. How to set your speed list for Speedhack - GameGuardian (#ilm8jlp)
  5. The author of the script is not here. Write to him in PM on 4pda.ru
  6. It's just a tool. How to use it, you decide. A time jump is used for an instantaneous transition. To change the speed, use speedhack. The correct size of the jump is calculated by yourself, based on your needs.
  7. Enyby

    LUA scripting

    Yes. But +144 in decimal. Not in hex. If you need hex you need write 0x144 Uncheck hex in offset calculator. it is not function. It is field of table. And you use it in next call setValues, so this set this value to address. here you try load new value but not use return result, so your next print, print old value from table variable. You need as before.
  8. Enyby


    ffmpeg.exe -guess_layout_max 0 -acodec libvo_aacenc -an -y -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -vf "scale=trunc(iw/4)*2:trunc(ih/4)*2" -movflags +faststart -f mp4 -r 30 No audio, half size (720p -> 360p) and good codec.
  9. Enyby


    Updated. Guitar flash - Hack Fails, Duplicator, Multiplier - GameGuardian (#df0pv87x)
  10. Enyby

    LUA scripting

    Wrong. Can you read the documentation instead of fantasizing? There are examples. https://gameguardian.net/help/
  11. Enyby

    LUA scripting

    No. Use setValues call.
  12. Same as add, but use negative amount, or edit value directly.
  13. Only if server accept full text from you. Usually it is too expensive and client send and recieve only ID of catch phrases. So if you change it only you see changes. All another users stay use original text.
  14. Enyby


    GG is designed to work with android applications. There are certain conditions for the distribution of data in memory. This is called alignment. It does not always work in any emulator. Therefore, there may be problems of finding a value if it does not follow the alignment. In principle, you can search, but it will be difficult, because you must know the representation of the number and look for this representation as an array of bytes, not a multibyte number, like dword.
  15. Watch on YouTube: Edit all values in the address range - GameGuardian
  16. :: is ordered search. 5 is minimal group size for two dword.
  17. Enyby


    If something is written in the output. Or if you opened a script file in a text editor, and there it is written. Then you did not download the script, but the html page. You need a script. Download via chrome. Or another normal browser.
  18. Maybe you should press the corresponding buttons on the keyboard? Usually they do this when they want to type something in the input field.
  19. Enyby


    The file with the extension .lua should contain the text of the script, not the contents of the HTML page. _______________________________________________ added 2 minutes later If you have some papers in your wallet, it does not mean that these pieces of paper are money, just because you keep them in your wallet. So here: the file extension does not change its contents. The content must match the extension.
  20. Watch on Youtube: Filters - GameGuardian
  21. Enyby


    What's New in Version 8.52.0 Added filter by type of results. Added filter by fractional part of numbers. Added filter by pointer type. Bug fixes. Improved help. Improved interface. Updated translations.
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