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Everything posted by NoFear

  1. Enyby has added a feature to bypass ptrace on many games. Depending on device and firmware will determine your success. For me, ptrace bypass works on this game.
  2. Revert the edit.... This is why you don't edit too many at once... So you can undo it.
  3. I haven't looked into it. My guess is you can prevent it from being "purchased"... Always have item for sale instead...
  4. You can unlock anything anytime time you want....
  5. I know a member on my team has put lots of time into avoiding detection on another account... Definitely has managed that... Essentially, don't need currency...
  6. Maybe... I recommend fishing strike by netmarble... Very nice game.
  7. That concept is actually how you do hack most online only games. Then you try to apply it to that same "temporary data" that is linked to currency or rewards. Branch off and try to find more values that don't have server checks on the edit.
  8. Time consuming and learning the memory layout of everything. When you start learning how values are structured, be surprised what you can do.
  9. You can unlock every booster. Just waiting to be in arena that allows the use of them, then can work on using them all without limits
  10. No... Our team, insanely high scores... Edited: See attached image...
  11. I didn't watch the video... Wondering how similar it is to what I do... Might watch later and help you make this a faster and easier process...
  12. Having someone with most buildings unlocked can help narrow it down to like a few values.
  13. Don't Hack currencies... Look to something different.
  14. Since update, this apparently works now. Strange. Our team noticed immediately.
  15. The method of editing directly still works. Price editing I think no longer works _______________________________________________ added 4 minutes later Can use encrypted to find one of the currencies. Then the value below it, search that. Save results, offset -4. That list one is the xp of trait. I would edit only couple at a time, until you trigger the level up of trait. Revert the edit, for you might be stuck at the level up screen. Then change the value by small amounts.
  16. Yes, that "trick" should work. But the value you don't won't to change but alot.
  17. Can only earn what you own... But I think this method is fully patched now.
  18. They are xp locked. Reach level 20. You can hack them.
  19. I'm pretty sure you can hack everything. Screen shot of tickets you are talking about. Keep in mind, certain things are xp locked.
  20. Added new video/method... With encrypted search, have value always change by same qty. Whether 100 each time or 25... Keep it the same qty.
  21. I'm always using latest version. And this isn't igg.
  22. I'm working on a "simpler" way... Just involves spending or earning coins
  23. At 2:53 I found the values during testing. The 90 wasn't an exact offset, was a rough idea. That's how I knew roughly the distance and order. At 3:32 in first video, I'm showing you "headers", as I call them. They are all same value (won't match mine) and typically are what a pointer value is pointing too. I select them to show that this is how you know you are in right location. At 3:52 that header should be above each reward. And looking at the values and the order, is exactly 5 lines (so 21) from that header to the qty. And between those is two 0s. Hope this clears things up. I noticed some other things in the game not in video, other currency type of things. If you need help hacking those, can help.
  24. I apologize for the difficulty on following the video. I chose this method for it doesn't matter if you have new account or old, this works.
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