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Everything posted by AKidWithMidgetFriend

  1. If the transaction is handled through Google play you more than likely won't be able to exploit it like that you might want to consider a different method for the game It's a large game for my bad internet, when I get a day off and I get it downloaded sometime this week I'll send you what I find out about it
  2. A really easy practice suggestion that I can suggest is a game called Hybrid Animals by abstract software Ive found it extremely easy it's not obfuscated in the .Net assembly view and it's written in a pretty understandable way
  3. Perhaps he's doing edits within the xs/xa regions and it's because the app is damaged?
  4. Awesome, I'm glad you were able you find a solution and I do hope my rambling was of some use:) good luck!
  5. So the searchwrite function here is a function to handle the searching and editing at once that much I'm sure you were able to figure out but specifically yes it Searches table one, writes values from table two over the values of table one, data type is dword for the search itself, and the name is to help identify the purpose of the function open revisiting the code. the values of table one are set in lines 45 through 65 and what's happening there is that It's taking the table known as data(please note that Everytime # was used in the script it wasn't to differentiate between variables it's a unary operator that determines the length of a string given that each character of that string is the size of a byte) looping through that table and setting the values of a table called t based off some arithmetic preformed between the two tables Actually... Theres alot to unpack in this script and my break is coming to an end soon... but my advice is to search nearby values found for Yuria and just do basic trial and error with editing nearby values that are seemingly tied to similar characters because this script is very brilliant with it's use of loops and tables as well as what's being searched and that you likely won't be able to make a similar method for a new character easily... Unless if it's as simple as changing the Name variable from Yuria Evolution to whatever Evolution but that may not work for several reasons
  6. Hey, @Sysadmin! I was wondering if you could add an X button to delete quotes when replying I cant manage to do it with the mobile interface sadly and it would be a greatly appreciated quality of life improvement in my opinion Thank you:)
  7. Nvm pretty decently protected against dumping and after trying a few different methods Ive concluded that the best way would be to use the time jump panel to catch it back up but it'll need re-done every game
  8. Unknown search N=O+D means new value to search for equals the old value plus the difference of a given amount Just do an initial fuzzy search of whatever value type is being searched for like for example dword, and after the first search is done when you go to do the second search hit 'more' at the bottom of the fuzzy search menu and it'll show exactly what you need for NoFear's suggestion
  9. At the beginning of every search function write> gg.hideUiButton() and under that write> if gg.isClickedUiButton() then os.exit() gg.toast("No Peaking!!!") end After all the searching and editing is done in the function write gg.showUiButton() That way the game guardian ui doesn't remain hidden
  10. hideUiButton and isUiButtonClicked is 1000% a better alternative thank you
  11. If you had your script indefinitely running gg.setVisible(false) then you could just have a conditional check if its ever true in the search function then to exit else to do the searching and editing
  12. Glad you were able to resolve it your version is (4.7.2) I'm really unsure on why it didn't work though the error log is rather... Strange... Atleast for me perhaps @Enyby (sorry for the mention) can help with the meaning of unexpected symbol near Â... I'd personally like to know too for future reference
  13. gg is a class specific to game guardian the script can't be run with Qlua that's only for making and editing Lua scripts... Run the script with game guardian with the game selected
  14. Type And when you save the file make sure to put .lua at the end of the file name to declare the file type so game guardian can execute it as a Lua script Be sure to put it somewhere you can access
  15. Where is the error occuring? From downloading it from the site or installing it to the phone/pc? Any errors thrown when download fails?
  16. AKidWithMidgetFriend


    If on PC try the Google translate browser extension from the playstore it's supposed to auto translate most pages
  17. AKidWithMidgetFriend


    Int meaning integers if you're looking to edit decimals it wouldn't be a dword/word/qword type. In c++ (and maybe other variations of c not sure) you declare variable types opposed to just variables... Don't worry too much about that though focus on getting Lua down first
  18. AKidWithMidgetFriend


    Good rule of thumb is to check over https://gameguardian.net/help/classgg.html Two-Three times if you can't find something still try to do a few searches with keywords like "slider" I'm this case and read even the posts that seem unrelated Lua syntax and structuring/capabilities should be looked into on the Lua 5.1 documentation you certainly cannot look over this enough I've read all 4 parts and I'm still learning new stuff as time goes on because there's just simply stuff you won't fully understand the first few times or you won't fully understand until you learn about something else https://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/ Lastly you can always feel free to shoot me a dm on discord since you're in the server if I can't help it maybe appropriate to start a help thread
  19. AKidWithMidgetFriend


    Think there's an embedded translator in the webpage because on some quotes(in p.ms more often than not) I see original language sometimes until the webpage translates it Would need to be type double if I'm mistaking right? You're alright if a message can be interpreted in more than one way I usually inquire further to get a better contextual idea
  20. print(gg.getTargetInfo(versionName, versionCode)) If you don't know how to put that^ in a Lua script then install Qlua from the playstore nothing else is needed
  21. AKidWithMidgetFriend


    Oh sorry my bad, i thought he was unsure of what exactly is returned from the prompt class I figured I was over explaining something simple This made me think that he was unsure of what was being done with the prompt, and that it made me think that he thought it was the prompt itself that resulted in action rather than a table with value of the input from the slider... Misunderstanding maybe there's an English/french translation problem that threw me off No worries I can see how me quoting you made it seem like I was just providing a further unnecessary explanation
  22. AKidWithMidgetFriend


    Just change this into gg.editAll(input[1] **AND THE ARGUMENTS FOR YOUR EDIT SUCH AS FLAGS**) Must be done after getResults ofcourse. The slider is all the same. Saves input as table what's done with this table is up to the rest of the script.
  23. The searches were kind of long so I did the liberty and added some functions and reformatted it a little bit so that it only preforms the searches once and reuses the results I also made the 0-1 conditions a table instead of individual variables However I removed the fast parachute and fast board because I personally didn't plan on using them Feel free to use it as reference if you want to update yours, thank you for the awesome script though:) Updatedu1337xScript.lua
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