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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/2020 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. Version 1.0.0


    this script is for evil lands. functions: hacking the price of the chest, reducing the cooldown
    1 point
  3. Version


    REAL RACING 3 AUTOWiN HACK Current version: RR3 working version: 11.6.1 Description: Automatically win any race without play. Instructions: 1. Before run this script is highly recommended to logout and restart the game. 2. Win your wished serie then go to profile and check total completed events. 3. Restart the game again. 4. Check total completed events again to see if something went wrong. If you run script in background (default) you have to stop it manually After several wins a game restart is racommended too. Run the script then select any race to win it automatically, or, if you don t run it in background, select race before run the script. Known issues: After several races the game can become unstable, so occasionally restart it to avoid game crashes and loss of game progresses. Video:
    1 point
  4. Version 1.0.0


    It's been a long time since I had been active on the forum. The main reason being that I don't get time for game hacking. So I decided to share my tools which I used back in the days for making things easy for me and also this will be like a summary post for beginners. The first file name FindHaxSever I made was just a beginning for finding new values in the game , then I took it up a knotch and added group value making also for it. Big thanks to @Enyby for his help in the where I was making the mistake in converting Decimal to Hex. Fixing which I was able to complete the group value thing. Just an example video for it's use I had shared on yt , and sorry for the opening slide... The video above just shows the function of finding values and making group values automatically. Also you will find a menu option called "Crash Support" , crashes happen mostly because of larger number of values edited at once. So if I know my value I can make group value easily by reducing the number of edited values. If you are a beginner and don't understand how to use values , group values in script and also have no idea how to make scripts. You can learn from the following link :- All in one Script for menu templates. (#6zf6rwms) Next option in the script if for finding offsets of you hack value. Offsets in them are very confusing for many people , so if you want to learn you can follow this link:- Templates for Using Offsets (#68um1uri) Then next up in the list is EditHax, which is not a big thing. It's just a script for finding different possible edits for a given hack value. And lastly there is the MultipleSavedEdit file. This file is for making scripts with hacks which have various edits possible for only 1 hack value. Like for value 1 edit to 999 gives 1 hack and editing same 1 to 0 makes another hack. So if we go conventionally , we will need to first make the group using 999 and then revert the 999 back to 1 then again search the group and edit to 0. Saying is easy but if u put it in script , the whole ballgame changes... When we make Script we make menu and function for every menu. For only one hack value we need 1 menu and 1 function. ~~~~~~~~~~ For 1 hack value we need 2 Menus and 2 Functions , one for hack and one for revert , this can also be made using ON-OFF MENU, then we only need 1 menu and 2 functions. ~~~~~~~~~~ For 2 hacks value we need 3 ON-OFF menus and 6 functions in the script to be able to use both hack values and revert also. ~~~~~~~~~~ For 3 hack values we need need 12 ON-OFF menus and 12 functions. ~~~~~~~ For 4 hacks values we will need 20 menus and Functions like this. So the work increases a lot . This thing i reduced to only 2 functions no matter how many times the user wants to edit , if he knows the edit value , he just need to input it. The input can be anything like prompt or seek bar or choice. If you find any difficulties understanding any of them , you can read the video description also . And yes the first video doesn't have full description for all the options, because all the videos are more than an year old from the time I made the scripts and I didn't had the time to make video for all the features now. Also just for beginners I attached the links to respective posts so things become easy for them to understand. Many will criticize and say these are useless , well maybe for you but not for others. In fast few days I have been getting a lot of Dms on my telegram for these scripts , people keep coming to me asking for them even though the videos have become like more than an year old now. So this is likely my last and final post on the forum , hopefully people find this post useful. And in the end I would like to thank @Enyby ,d2dyno and Aqua and all the related team members for such an amazing app. Special thanks to @Enyby for maintaining such an amazing community , I definitely learnt a lot in past years. And also my friend @ItsSC for providing guidance time to time.
    1 point
  5. Show your codes or link your script. There are many people who will help you in this forum.
    1 point
  6. since few people have managed to hack diamonds i decided to share a diamond apk soon .. if u look enough in google you'll find it .. expect it in few days
    1 point
  7. this script is easy to solve, just remove the searches with offsets and turn them into AoB, it will be a little slow, but it will work ... after you find the addresses, you find the offset and update the script
    1 point
  8. New script released, working with RR3 8.7
    1 point
  9. Version 1.0.0


    NOTE:-USE YOUR GUEST ACCOUNT and USE DUAL SPACE to esape from banning your device DUAL SPACE LINK:- play store link :-https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ludashi.dualspace&hl=en_IN mirror link:- https://apkpure.com/dual-space-multiple-accounts-app-cloner/com.ludashi.dualspace THIS IS A LUA SCRIPT CREATED BY BALATHEMASS (A TAMIL GAMER AND A HACKER) dont worry if you use dual space you wont get banned USE THIS SCRIPT TO WIN EASILY AND YOU CAN USE THE SPEED HACK FOR TEAM DEATHMATCH AND CLASH SQAUD USE THE SPEED HACK BY LONG PRESSING GG ICON USE ONLY SPEED UPTO 9 KINDLY GIVE CREDITS WHEN USING THIS SCRIPT FEEL FREE TO COMMENT AND GIVE YOUR OPINION IF YOU FEEL MY WORK IS GOOD FOLLOW ME TWITTER: @balathemass2 INSTAGRAM: @balamazed MY MAIL ID: [email protected]
    1 point
  10. can you teach me how to get the last value?<<<400
    1 point
  11. Little tweak to the solution above, so that returned string will look like address in GG: function toHexString(n) return string.format('%08X', n):sub(-8) end print(toHexString(12398754))
    1 point
  12. thank you again it was an incredibly simple one line solution if anyone else needs to do it. p = string.gsub(("%x"):format(-1469129008), "ffffffff", "")
    1 point
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