Hey all, back with another site structure update.
We are adding a second user group, tentatively called Ascended. Rankbar will be made soon, perhaps after some logo updates.
This group is where all active and contributing members will be moved to after the following criteria are met:
Member for more than 1 month.
Last post less than 3 months ago.
More than 25 posts.
More than 5 positive reputation.
This change comes from an influx of spam and abuse of features from many users in the member class. The following class features have changed for members:
Maxmimum profile photo size: 75Kb.
Messenger sending: disabled from sending to certain staff.
Maxmimum reactions allowed per day: 10.
Uploading attachments: enabled; Max total attachment: 30Mb.
Can create polls: no.
Can only edit posts 30 minutes after posting.
Max posts per day: 10.
Can report content: no.
Restricted to posting replies only in some forums.
The improved feature set for the Ascended user class is as follows:
Maxmimum profile photo size: 150Kb.
Messenger sending: enabled; can send 10 messages per day; can store 20 messages.
Maxmimum reactions allowed per day: 20.
Uploading attachments: enabled; Max total attachment: 50Mb.
Can create polls: yes.
Can only edit posts 45 minutes after posting.
Max posts per day: 25.
Can report content: yes.
Can create topics in more forums.
We are of course open to feedback, but this is a step in the right direction towards rewarding active users, and also reducing spam messages to staff.