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  1. I have not messed with lua scripts yet, but what you want to look for is a "static" value not address that is always near the values for life, for example there is always a DWORD with the value 5 right after the first 2 values holding the number of lives, try to find one before them that is always the same and it will make finding them with a group search easier
  2. In that case, just edit the moves with a low value like 250, just enough for finish your level without getting a lot of coins. Because more you have moves, more wou you will earn money. If you want to edit moves without running my script, look at the source code and do your manual research using it.
  3. I went to ask, and sure enough they can only recharge the old version. The hateful thing is that their product titles and descriptions say that they support the latest version. When you actually buy, they will tell you that the old version is only available. It seems that this is the trick of the businessman. After you publish the script, they should really be able to recharge the latest version of MS.
  4. Here there was a mistake from my side but @CmP has warned me for that. When comparing 2 values they must be of same type. I tried editing it in my previous posts: but it seems you still uses the script i sended, my fault. Comparison of 2 different types in Lua will cause issues. Correct it to: if sensitivity[i].value == 1.0 then
  5. This issue Caused by the emulater app you are using, try changing the app to "vmos" or "vphonegaga" There used to be people who had problems like you and they ended up using the script smoothly. After changing the emulator app >>>If there is a problem with its use, please contact me on Telegram because the notifications on the website are very slow.
  6. Hello, I am very new to GG and lua script. Here is the lua script I made to change Cash or Golden Eggs from delivery box (With Ad or direct gift). For Cash: Type the value proposed by the delivery box, with comma and magnitude (see script), for example: 23,069qd For eggs: Type the value proposed by the delivery box, choose box that offers eggs >100 (less results) Changed values are hard coded, it can be changed in script or new value could be asked in prompt. -- Script generated by GameGuardian 101.1 (16142) at 2022-03-08 12:02:16 for Egg, Inc. [com.auxbrain.egginc 1.22.5 (111186)] -- Lua help: http://gameguardian.net/help/ -- options local scriptName = [=====[Script for Egg, Inc. 1.22.5]=====] local scriptVersion = '1.0.0' local scriptAuthor = 'FluidZ' local startToast = '' -- 0 - no check; 1 - check package only, 2 - check package and build local checkTarget = 0 local targetName = [=====[Egg, Inc.]=====] local targetPkg = 'com.auxbrain.egginc' local targetVersion = [=====[1.22.5]=====] local targetBuild = 111186 -- functions local function isempty(s) return s == nil or s == '' end -- init gg.require('101.1', 16142) if startToast ~= '' then startToast = '\n'..startToast end gg.toast(scriptName..' v'..scriptVersion..' by '..scriptAuthor..startToast) if checkTarget ~= 0 then local info = gg.getTargetInfo() local check = false local current = false if checkTarget >= 1 then check = targetPkg current = info.packageName end if checkTarget >= 2 then check = check..' '..targetVersion..' ('..targetBuild..')' current = current..' '..info.versionName..' ('..info.versionCode..')' end if check ~= current then gg.alert('This script for "'..targetName..'" ['..check..'].\nYou select "'..info.label..'" ['..current..'].\nNow script exit.') os.exit() end end local revert = nil local magnitudes = { ['M'] = 6, ['B'] = 9, ['T'] = 12; ['q'] = 15, ['Q'] = 18, ['s'] = 21, ['S'] = 24, ['o'] = 27, ['N'] = 30, ['d'] = 33, ['U'] = 36, ['D'] = 39, ['Td'] = 42, ['qd'] = 45, ['Qd'] = 48, ['sd'] = 51, ['Sd'] = 54, ['Od'] = 57, ['Nd'] = 60, ['V'] = 63, ['uV'] = 66, ['dV'] = 69, ['tV'] = 72, ['qV'] = 75, ['QV'] = 78, ['sV'] = 81, ['SV'] = 84, ['OV'] = 87, ['NV'] = 90, ['tT'] = 93 } -- main code local pData = gg.prompt({[1] = 'Type value to search for'}, nil, {"text"}) local new_v = 0 local sch = '' if pData == nil then gg.alert('Canceled') else local v, m = string.match(pData[1], "([0-9%.,]+)(%a*)") if isempty(m) then sch = ''..v new_v = ''..v..'e6' else local va = v:gsub(",", "") local ma = magnitudes[m]-3 local v_before = va-1 local v_after = va+1 local start = tostring(v_before)..'e'..tostring(ma) local zend = tostring(v_after)..'e'..tostring(ma) sch = ''..start..'~'..zend new_v = '1.0e78' end gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC) gg.searchNumber(sch, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0) revert = gg.getResults(100, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil) gg.editAll(''..new_v, gg.TYPE_DOUBLE) gg.processResume() print('Searched for ', sch) print('Found: ', gg.getResultsCount()) print('Edited to ', new_v) print('Hack done!') end Feel free to improve code and post it here ! Thx
  7. Hi! It maybe a little difficult to do on/of firewall, so i suggest to use shell (.sh) script instead as it will give you more control. Inside the script use IPtable packages, here's some example of port blocking inside iptables: #Enable Port Block iptables=/system/bin/iptables ip6tables=/system/bin/ip6tables iptables -A INPUT -p 6 --dport 443 -j DROP iptables -A OUTPUT -p 6 --dport 443 -j DROP iptables -A INPUT -p 6 --dport 80 -j DROP iptables -A OUTPUT -p 6 --dport 80 -j DROP #Disable Port Block iptables=/system/bin/iptables ip6tables=/system/bin/ip6tables iptables -A INPUT -p 6 --dport 443 -j ACCEPT iptables -A OUTPUT -p 6 --dport 443 -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -p 6 --dport 80 -j ACCEPT iptables -A OUTPUT -p 6 --dport 80 -j ACCEPT I have provide you some basic shell script for port blocking using IPTables. Usually its already preinstalled inside your Android, but if its not; you can search iptable installer apk online. It does require root however. In the end, its just personal preferences wether its simple or not. You disable the wrong services, leave the important services enabled. As always, you need to suffer trial and error, if its crashing your game, just revert the changes. Also, you can to try to disable the game databases in there. I'll probably leave some of my CriticalOps data in here next. I see that you're using termux, probably try doing it using 'sh' or use Android Terminal Emulator even tho its doesnt have any c/p feature, so you need to write them manually. I think just put it as sh script would be more easy, since you just execute it on termux like this : sh ./your-sh-script -Good Luck!
  8. An update from me again I simplified the whole process. You can now use this attached lua script with GG to Semi-Automate the process. Of course this was done with a rooted device, not in a virtual space. Steps: - copy this lua onto your device, load up game - select any building with money reward (works with 5 bucks too) - press on GG lua Button (), select lua script or enter device path (e.g. /storage/emulated/0/Notes/familyguy-find.lua) (next time GG remembers this) - enter the money your building rewards (e.g. 5), press OK - wait for search to end until popup appears - if your results are above your view (200/*****) press on this number in GG and let it show you ALL results (e.g. 2.000). Now Press the select all button in GG (a square with another square with dots) - now hide GG and reopen the selected building, you should see a new number as money reward - open GG and scroll until you find your new number, deselect it (remove selection sign on the left) - start the lua script a 2nd time with , now Select Reset. Press OK. This is important to prevent unwanted changes in your save - now you should have only 1 result !! - start the lua script a 3rd time (last time) - select the bottom checkbox Edit Selected and press OK. - now every time this building rewards you (you can skip with clams if you have any) you will get the amount edited. (Clam and Medal) familyguy-find.lua
  9. Hi, this is what I get after executing the script. After putting current and desired values and clicking OK nothing happens. There in no progress bar on GG icon. I tried different Privacy settings, without any result. I'm using BlueStacks v4.250 with GG v101 for BS. Previous script worked fine with RR 8.8.2 and GG v100. Script ended: Script error: luaj.o: /storage/emulated/0/Download/r3_currency_hack.v9. attempt to index ? (a nil value) with key 'start' (field '1') level = 1, const = 4, proto = 0, upval = 1, vars = 3, code = 9 GETTABLE v1 v1 "start" ; PC 6 CODE 00C0C047 OP 7 A 1 B 1 C 259 Bx 771 sBx -130300 stack traceback: /storage/emulated/0/Download/r3_currency_hack.v9. in function </storage/emulated/0/Download/r3_currency_hack.v9.> /storage/emulated/0/Download/r3_currency_hack.v9. in function 'getBaseAddress' /storage/emulated/0/Download/r3_currency_hack.v9. in function </storage/emulated/0/Download/r3_currency_hack.v9.> /storage/emulated/0/Download/r3_currency_hack.v9. in main chunk [Java]: in ? at luaj.LuaValue.f(src:989) at luaj.LuaValue.c(src:2864) at luaj.LuaValue.i(src:2767) at luaj.LuaValue.w(src:1094) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:363) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:537) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:537) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at luaj.LuaClosure.a(src:533) at luaj.LuaClosure.l(src:160) at android.ext.Script.d(src:6056) at android.ext.Script$ScriptThread.run(src:5785)
  10. compl3x


    Name of Game: Tacticool Play Store Link (If it's a paid app, the apk): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.panzerdog.tacticool Version if you know it: 0.920 What cheat? Accuracy, Shooting Range, Fire Rate, No grenade cooldown, No fog, Unlimited Ammo, GodMode Have you tried cheating this game? What happened?: Yes, I have tried. I attempted to use Game Guardian to modify the amount of coins I had but the values are server sided. I also created a working script to change the zoom level to see further away but this is all I could find to do. The fog gets in the way after values higher than '-30'. I've been trying to learn but it's hard to find advanced tutorials, hopefully someone can add to my script and I can learn from it to do more advanced things. Is the game server-sided?: Yes, I believe some elements are such as: coins, health and maybe ammo, however other elements like zoom and cool down and fog might not be, but I don't know how to find values for this. I have hacked health in offline bot game but online doesn't work. Script Menu: tacticool
  11. 6,185 downloads

    YES. IM RELEASING MY NEW SCRIPT. ITS AUTO UPDATED. SO DON'T WORRY . YOU JUST NEED TO DOWNLOAD ONE FILE. YOU DONT NEED TO DOWNLOAD MUCH FILE Enjoy Ps : Use Pubg Mobile Galaxy Apps ( People called it pubg mod apk ) if you dont use that. you will get instantly banned
  12. Way out of range. Tagged pointer is one problem, Bigger problem is that it is the value that has the needed pointers near it which is out of range. Haven't find any other pointers that are properly ordered to get the desired values. Except for manually group searching. If manual group search is the only way then i suggest to install 32 bit apk of the game. Then script will work.
  13. View File HillClimbRacing[AniHack]1.1 HillClimbRacing How to hack? The answer is in this hack. The fact is that the cheat is new and this is my 1 cheat created on Lua, I hope you enjoy it, since there are many functions in the reader: ° Gold Hacking ° Breaking Gems ° Speed modification ° Modified texture boxes Submitter AniHack Submitted 04/04/2019 Category LUA scripts  
  14. View File GTA SAN ANDREAS Save File Editor Save file editor for GTA SAN ANDREAS. This is a test version, it does not have many features so far, but in the near future there will be more. Found a bug or want to help improve the script? Contact me: Discord: Deuxe#7158 Submitter Deuxe Submitted 04/14/2023 Category Tools  
  15. Why do you write "don't try to decrypt this file"? Because it's is very hard to do or because you don't want the source code to be stolen by someone? If you choose second option, then why do you think that you can decrypt other's scripts (at least you did it very often with bad-protected ones) and others can't do it with your's?
  16. Hey i registered, i payed, i got access i used it for 20 min and than when i log out, i try log back in and i lost access to the script. It says i need to pay 15 dollers again and to send u text i payed ?? Is that supposed to happen? For everytine i wanna use it need to pay ??
  17. View File xp spoofer 22.7.1 USAGE Use it to grind. It gives you 5k xp per match. 2 levels per match. I'll update it one more time and afterwards I'll start selling it for 0,5$ MORE INFO: DISCORD -> jaulç48#7780 Submitter jaulc48 Submitted 10/09/2022 Category LUA scripts  
  18. Haitiaan

    devide and variables

    it has to be group search, if i have to type every value down and edit them 1 by 1 it wont be productive for future parts of the scripts. X was supposed to be the function to edit the results. if i put "x" instead of the value it was supposed to mean that after gg.getResults(100) X would then take those results and divide it through 3.. from there x = x/3
  19. kosmak

    gg on tencent

    hello i want some help please is this game gardian support tencent emalutor? because i cant load any script took too long searching or GG icon disappear or when i open it from virtual space like parrlel pubg crashes and say restart the game what i can do please help me thanks.
  20. Right, there is no sense to keep the screen on in a memory editor. There are some lua scripts for xmodgames making any autojobs(farming etc). If you only prevent your phone going into standby mode, go to your phone settings》developer menu 》keep screen on while charging. So our screen never go off until you unplugg the power cable
  21. Hello Mario, Thank you so much for the hard work with those scripts. I tried Car Upgrader and Car Unlocker, but sadly, I got the same issue Claudiu got. I tried Bluestacks, and Memu, and the same issue appear. Do you have any emulator that you tried to do this and worked ? If so, please share the name of it with the rest of us.
  22. Thanks @NoFear for working on this. I have always enjoyed your work, even the releases on Sbenny. Hope it will be released soon! Even though I managed to hack the gold value... I only managed to hack the driver tickets. the other tickets I ran out of tickets before I could find the value. therefor I would really appreciate the script!
  23. Version 1.58.1


    Maxed out coin/gem SPEND SPEND SPEND I use 32 bit g.g Reacts different to devices I'm using S20fe5g & works in many virtual machines rooted Load before loading bar appears Sometimes takes a few tries Always delete storage data in Hcr2 app if doesn't load properly NO BAN - I used script awhile ago & continue to use different scripts for fun hacks no ban once u know how game works ATTENTION- USE VIRTUAL MASTER ROOTED VIRTUAL Master rooted is the only vm that allowed this hack hrc2 unlimited coins/gems to work on my tablet S6 lite ,my go to is usually F1-VM -pic of my game android is fast at loading
  24. View File Final Squad1.032[x64] WARNING!!! While using the script, turn off the Internet. Otherwise, you will be banned. ::FREE-FUNCTION:: -No Fire On Rate -Hight Dodge -Enemy Slow -Enemy Not Atk -------------------------- ::VIP-FUNCTION:: -Unlimited Gold [VIP] -Unlimited Gem [VIP] -Unlimited Dna [VIP] -Unlimited Iron [VIP] -Unlimited Stone [VIP] -Level hack 100 [VIP] -No Fire On Rate -Hight Dodge -Enemy Slow -Enemy Not Atk and other hack functions in the next update. ▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱ If you like my work, I can donate to support it here. PAYPAL: https://paypal.me/nopp38 ▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱▰▱ ::KEEP UP WITH NEW WORKS IN THE TELEGRAM GROUP:: SC-VöLKER https://t.me/+KZy3fTmpNf9mZDg1 Submitter Moonslasher Submitted 03/19/2024 Category LUA scripts  
  25. Version 0.1


    I edited the stats to where they cant be detected and where it's not too OP Features: Free gems/hero (might crash) Edited stats (Hp,Fire rate,Distance,Damage) Skill No CD No respawn wait USE THE ANONYMOUS MEMORY RANGE ONLY! Execute the script in the hero menu not in game or you could glitch and not be able to move
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