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Everything posted by Enyby

  1. Which languages? Show screenshots and examples. Then use English locale. Remember few words and go on. Al controls stay on same place in any locale so you need only remember where which item located. Also it is not hard English, so you can just memorize it.
  2. You do not have to create a new file if you want to upload the update. You must update the existing file.
  3. What is an example? In your code, make a replacement and see what will be in the output, at the end of the script. Read what debugging is.
  4. Try see what you send to searchNumber For example replace gg.searchNumber with print and check all params.
  5. Learn Lua and write meaningful code, and not just combine text without meaning.
  6. Examples about gg.prompt in API help. concatenate is a..b two params is a, b
  7. You try pass two params instead of concatenate it to one. Also you prompt is wrong. Second param is default values for first param. So you doing something wrong if pass second table with more elements from first table. Read API help.
  8. On mobile you can open menu button and press Activity - All Activity. I am always do it, if want see what new happens on forum. Menu accessible on every page.
  9. Something wrong with Arabic Locale on your Android. Use English locale. I do not understand Arabic, so I can not help you. All output in UI localized with selected Locale, so if you choose Arabic - then it formatted by rules inside your firmware, not by GG itself. So use English locale and problem must be solved. [added 2 minutes later] I think this problem is related to writing the other way. Part of the data is displayed in one direction, part in the other.
  10. We do not talk about other apps. We talk of GG UI only. See screenshots.
  11. On screen part of logcat. Nothing interested. Error 9 not connected with this defense.
  12. Usually you can read and write to memory without attach if this memory can be read and write. For write to read-only memory need attach. It is just simple works, you not need do anything. If possible write, when attach blocked - then GG write it.
  13. Yes. You can automate actions. For example, even if they reallocate memory then they must store pointer to it somewhere. So you need find pointer and always follow it. It is hard things, but not impossible. If game can restore path of pointers to data, then you can duplicate this way.
  14. Comment on the official YouTube channel:
  15. As I already wrote, scripts can be created in such a way that logging will not allow them to be stolen very simply. Logging load does not solve the problem of obfuscation. You can change the code so that it can only be understood by a specialist, of whom there are few and who do not need your code at all. Next, you can use the debug library to get upvalues. This will allow you to create modules that can only be executed from a specific environment. This will avoid simply execute the saved output from the load. And all this is available in the latest versions. It’s like passwords. If your password is 1234567, then it is easy to steal, and if you know what brute force is and use the password MyD@DisBIG942, then this is a completely different matter.
  16. Too many overhead. Just embed script into php file, or serve it from php file, while real file placed near with random part in name. It is allow download file only via php script with checks, exclude direct download by name. _______________________________________________ added 0 minutes later Store files in db is very bad practice.
  17. I cannot fix this. Wait for @d2dyno _______________________________________________ added 3 minutes later @bukandewa Try now. Must work.
  18. IDK. Usually default android launcher work good with different activities. In Any case this never happens on Nova Launcher. Also exists many other good launcher if you not like Nova. Try it.
  19. Use normal launcher, like Nova and you can see different icons. Also you can run GG with any icons, and hide in GG UI icon what you not need. In GG UI its normal labeled.
  20. For me compiler.lua downloaded. _______________________________________________ added 0 minutes later Better ask this on compiler page, not here.
  21. I think they re-allocate memory. Copied to a new place and freed the old one. This slowly, but allows you to break the work of memory editors.
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