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Everything posted by Enyby

  1. If you need read something like that: string.char(68, 111, 110, 39, 116, 32, 117, 115, 101, 32, 99, 111, 109, 112, 105, 108, 101, 114) Open https://www.lua.org/cgi-bin/demo put this code in form, add print around call, like this and run: print(string.char(68, 111, 110, 39, 116, 32, 117, 115, 101, 32, 99, 111, 109, 112, 105, 108, 101, 114)) You get readable text:
  2. It is not a file. Just a memory allocated in C.
  3. Watch on YouTube: 77.0: Improved memory editor - GameGuardian
  4. Enyby

    LUA scripting

    Try google about lua loops and lua table length. It is not a hard.
  5. Enyby

    LUA scripting

  6. Enyby


    @NoFear Must be fixed in 76.1.
  7. Here example: Using reverse hex with HEX editor - X-Plore, GameGuardian (#6m86plcw) As you see, I can not find value from HEX editor if use hex, only reverse hex work.
  8. Watch on YouTube: Using reverse hex with HEX editor - X-Plore, GameGuardian
  9. Watch on YouTube: 76.0: Example of use the ARM64 opcodes view in the memory editor - GameGuardian
  10. Reverse endian is same as hex in hex editor. Usual order as hex number. If You want same order bytes as in hex editor (like in IDA) you need reverse hex. I use IDA for find this instruction so I use reverse HEX.
  11. You talk about nothing. Any common words. I won't tell you anything. This question is not interesting to me, I'm not going to deal with them. Moreover, I am sure that nothing will come of it. The whole idea was doomed to failure.
  12. Devtools from PC can connect to Chrome in Android. In any case it is different levels - devtools and GG. Devtools operate VM, GG operates bytes in physical memory. You must know how all implemented for try change anything in physical memory.
  13. All depends from you. I do not think this is can be easy. Javascript is virtual machine. So you try modify app inside this VM.
  14. Must work without root where possible. But as always many things depends from firmware. Root not used for build this info.
  15. Enyby


    No. I need hex or reverse hex for bad command, how it must be and how it in gg. For example E58B4508r must be "ldaxrb w5, [sp]" but appear as "MOV X0, X0". Better in text, not as image, if possible. And do not forget specify arch: Thumb, Arm32 or ARM64.
  16. Enyby


    Disassembler can have errors. If you see difference in gdb and gg - report on forum. [added 0 minutes later] Also you can check on ODA: https://onlinedisassembler.com/odaweb/
  17. Enyby


    It is hard task. Need implement assembler.
  18. I check on emulator version 4.0.8771 - all work fine for me. Number hack and speedhack.
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