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Everything posted by Enyby

  1. t = {{address = _address, flags = gg.TYPE_DWORD, value = 0x1}} gg.setValues(t) Use this code instead.
  2. On the phone, the pointers are wet, and on the emulator - salty. There are no other differences.
  3. Pointer it everywhere pointer. This is just a number in memory. Memory address.
  4. Maybe you will read the help? It says how to freeze. And there are examples on the forum. In particular, it is not enough to set freeze to true. It is necessary then to add elements to the saved list.
  5. I do not know if this is the same code, or you have already changed something. If you change something in the code, then you need to post it again. Because what was previously irrelevant.
  6. Idk. Write code so that that variable cannot be nil when executed here. Without seeing all the code, nothing specifically can be said.
  7. Again, just read message: _address is nil. But must be long (number).
  8. Yep. Consult with API help if you not sure how write something.
  9. gg.Type_DWORD case is matter. All constant must be totally in upper case.
  10. This is how the ARM architecture works. Most addresses are not absolute, but relative, relative to the PC. This is done to save space in instructions. The instruction size is 4 bytes. The size of the 32-bit pointer is also 4 bytes. An absolute address almost always requires 4 bytes, since the code can be located in different places. A relative address can be encoded with 2 or 3 bytes. This will give the opportunity to refer to the memory near the code, where this code would not be located. And since .bss is not far from .code (.text), this is enough.
  11. For some reason, binaries are not running on your firmware. Permission denied. Try another virtual space. If this does not help, you need root.
  12. Offset from PC in LDR location. Useless in any other place.
  13. Watch on YouTube: 83.0: Fast freeze - GameGuardian
  14. What? http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
  15. What error? [added 0 minutes later] local copy = false local t = gg.getListItems() if not copy then gg.removeListItems(t) end for i, v in ipairs(t) do v.address = v.address + 0xe40 if copy then v.name = v.name..' #2' end end gg.addListItems(t) gg.setValues() gg.setValues() require parameter.
  16. This is not a silver bullet. This does not work for all values or for all games.
  17. What does not work? I'm not a mind reader. Write clearly and with examples. For example, with video. Everything works for me. [added 4 minutes later] w_half_mute.mp4
  18. If you find such a value, simply increase the maximum offset by that value, and search from the original value. [added 0 minutes later] What?
  19. Of course. ARM code is just data for x86 CPU. It can not be executed. Binary arm translation read ARM code and translate it to x86 code,
  20. Will be fixed in next GG release.
  21. Executable bit not set: 04000000-04005000 r--p 00000000 08:11 131304 /data/app/com.makingfun.mageandminions-1/lib/arm/libs3eMATSDK.so 04005000-04006000 r--p 00004000 08:11 131304 /data/app/com.makingfun.mageandminions-1/lib/arm/libs3eMATSDK.so 04006000-04007000 rw-p 00005000 08:11 131304 /data/app/com.makingfun.mageandminions-1/lib/arm/libs3eMATSDK.so 04305000-05000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 05000000-059f7000 r--p 00000000 08:11 131305 /data/app/com.makingfun.mageandminions-1/lib/arm/libAPPmageandminions.so 059f7000-05a00000 r--p 00000000 00:00 0 05a00000-05a22000 r--p 00a00000 08:11 131305 /data/app/com.makingfun.mageandminions-1/lib/arm/libAPPmageandminions.so 05a22000-05a2e000 rw-p 00a22000 08:11 131305 /data/app/com.makingfun.mageandminions-1/lib/arm/libAPPmageandminions.so So it is not gg.REGION_CODE_APP
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