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Showing content with the highest reputation since 03/13/2024 in Image Comments

  1. Hello how did you get your page to show the script it doesn't show for me.............i only get numbers...........how did you get to specify what you want inside game guardian can you show me please or someone show me
    1 point
  2. It's group search and other is incremental statement
    1 point
  3. I just downloaded 101.0 but it still doesn't work on my Android 10.0 device, please do you have any recommendations? @Enyby
    1 point
  4. one question if value of game add 10000 i need search add x1,x1, #0x10000?
    1 point
  5. Read API help. Pay attention to "limit" parameter in different search calls.
    1 point
  6. I've downloaded this stuff and I've tried using it through Parallel Space but it ain't working
    1 point
  7. the video is very good, a pity that for famous games it is easy to detect (free fire, pubg, cod), at least in my tests here ... but it works very well in simple games
    1 point
  8. All complains write to https://forum.cheatengine.org/
    1 point
  9. You always can try use Cheat Engine (or another tool) for understand: GG is not as bad as it could be.
    1 point
  10. aah i remember using it years ago before GG was like now. very old school, there were several similair modification tools, at that time Game Hacker was the best for me, they dont update it anymore but it was very similair then GG at that time, talking about 2013 or 2014, old times for reall, when it was only you looking for a value and editing it haha ya had to make like videos explaining people how to find the hack, look enyby how advanced GG becaume we can make like or own scripts so everyone can use it, genius team
    1 point
  11. PC not need. https://cheatengine.org/download/CheatEngine.apk
    1 point
  12. requires pc? and where you get the second icon cheat engine that you press second?
    1 point
  13. @Enyby hello sir. I'd like to ask you a question. My Device is Mi5s Android 7.0 MIUI 9.6.1 Ragnarok Classic MMORPG (64bit required) I try to run GG with Parallel Space and it works normally. But... When i try to run my game (Ragnarok Classic MMORPG) on Parallel Space. But always crashed. I've installed both Parallel Space + Parallel Space 64bit on gameguardian.net Get me out of this, please Thanks
    1 point
  14. Help! When I start GG it says Daemon isn't starting and it says I need root but I ran it without root
    0 points
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